Last Wednesday, the 17th, Wayne fell coming down our stairs, and broke his right ankle and foot. They did surgery that afternoon, and I brought him home from the hospital Thursday. He can't put any weight on it for 6 weeks. I'm running hard, looking after him.
Last Wednesday was also the first day of school. Cate loves it! Thank goodness I don't have her all day long. She gets to our house around 4:30, and Conor picks her up around 5:30, so that is working out.
I hope all is well with everyone. I will check in when I can!
Ouch! Sorry to hear about Wayne, but a foot and ankle-it could have been worse you know. I hope he heals quickly and can do more for himself.
Yay for school! Glad she likes it. #2 started high school and loves it. He also made the crew team so he has practice every night after school. #1 went on a camping trip last weekend and loved it. He seems to making progress. He has a long way to go but at least he's going in the right direction. Finally. We all will be flying out to see him next weekend.
Glad #1 is headed in the right direction and that #2 loves HS!
DS is chugging along in 3rd grade. Progress reports come out this week. Very much looking forward to the 4 day weekend next weekend.
One grandma turned 100 recently. I have to send her card off tomorrow. She lives in Texas. Sadly, it's been too long since I've seen her. My other grandma turns 87 tomorrow. We're taking her out on Sunday. There's a place in our area that's kind of like Build-a-Bear except it's for plants and cacti. Grandma loves plants so we're taking her there so she can build-a-cacti (or plant).
Awe fwm, I’m sorry that Wayne broke his ankles but prayers for speedy recovery. Where has the time flew to that Kate is in school, seems like she was just a baby not to long ago. So happy to hear that son #1 is making progress and finding things he loves to do. Happy also that #2 is enjoying high school.
My brother had a heart attack and had to have two stents put in, it was a rough couple of weeks for him, but so grateful that he is home now, it was also so hard for my sweet sister in law that had a lot on her plate to deal with besides my brother. My granddaughter is in 4th grade, 2nd granddaughter is in 2nd, grandson in 1st, 2nd grand son in preschool, the last two littles enjoying their freedom. Time is going by so fast.
Sorry to hear about Wayne's
foot/ankle. Will he be able to
use a "knee scooter" around
the house? What about at
work? Sending prayers for
both of you. Glad that Cate
is enjoying school. Isn't it
amazing how fast they grow?
Glad that #1 is heading in
the right direction, and that
#2 made it to the crew team.
Lindly ~
Glad your brother is home
now. Is he close enough
that you could stop in and
give your SIL a break?
We've had 1 1/2" of rain in
the past two weeks - we
sure did need it! :)
No, he lives in another state plus my husband and I had been sick, which it took me a long time to get over and he has his son and family living close by and will be checking on him and staying with him when she’s at work.