Okayyyy, so I just went to the dentist with my DD. She's 27 and has no dental insurance and has some major dental issues which in turn is causing health problems. Teeth are getting fixed regardless to the tune of about $7,000 +. I better be the favorite parent no because this will be at my expense. Her dad is no help. His mom offered but I'm not taking money from a retired person in their 70's. The gofundme idea just popped in my head. I wouldn't just put it on my facebook or anything but I wonder if a few people knew if anyone would contribute. And no I'm not asking anyone here for anything, lol. Just kind of curious now.
First, look for discount dental plans for her, like EDP (Everyone's Dental Plan) which for a sign up fee, gets significant discounts from participating dentists.
There are different ones in different parts of the country.
Second, see if there's a dental college within driving distance. Our State Universities with medical schools include dentistry,
and will do the work for MUCH less than a private practice dentist. Students do the work while being supervised.
Third, does she qualify for Medicaid? Find out.
Is she employed? She should ask her employer if there is any way they can help with this.
The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.