Great choice! I love watermelon but haven't given it to my son yet. He doesn't have any teeth yet and he hasn't made the connection between non-puréed food and eating it yet. He loves his purées though.
Great choice! I love watermelon but haven't given it to my son yet. He doesn't have any teeth yet and he hasn't made the connection between non-puréed food and eating it yet. He loves his purées though.
He has one of those. He alternates between shoving the handle in his mouth and beating the mesh part on the floor. I help him get the mesh part in his mouth but he makes a face and goes right back to beating the mesh part on the floor. I figure he'll get the hang of actual food when he gets some teeth.
8.5 months. We initially tried giving it to him in his high chair. He beat the mesh part on the tray. He does the same thing with any solid food. He does occasionally stick one of his Gerber puffs or biscuits in his mouth and gum it. It's been awhile. We'll have to re-introduce it to him and see if he'll take to it. I hope he does!
He did the same thing with his sippy cups. He'd drink from it if you'd hold it for him but if you just gave it to him, he'd beat it on the floor (or the tray if he's in his high chair). So we waited another month and a half and re-introduced the sippy cup and he took to it. Now, we put on the floor for him so he can access it during play time and when he's thirsty, he'll crawl over, drink from it, and put it back down.
I do wish he'd grow some teeth. I think it'd make introducing real food much easier.