Gun control was a losing issue, as well with incumbent governors in Colorado and Connecticut barely beating back challenges (and Connecticut is a solidly Democratic state) and an incumbent senator in Colorado losing largely on that issue.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
Unfortunately Husker, some dems think those elections were just people put up to make other thing R's are good with minorities and women. Laughable to most of us, but sad that some think those people are pawns. You cannot change their minds no matter the evidence you have.
Monday night, late, when the documents finally had to be released by law about Jeanne Shaheen (D NH) about demanding the IRS target the conservative non profits and the Fast and Furious documents, Dems actually said those memos were faked and "timed" to throw the election. Umm no, those were real documents that were held until the very last minute so people didn't pay attention. Jeanne Shaheen would not have been re elected had those documents come out last week.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
South Carolina's female governor will now be on her 3rd term. Hardly newsworthy.
Um, no. It is her second term. Her first began in 2011.
Seems like much longer. I know many many people who only voted for her this year because of Vincent Shaheen's comment "escort who-- (rhymes with door) out the door" yeah. he claims it was a mistake but he thought it was funny at the time. He meant it.
First black president, democrat. The first woman president will likely be democratic too.
What is your point? Why is race even a party thing? There are racists and bigots on both sides of the party line.
You are kidding, right? When anyone who hates Obama is racist? When Michelle Obama comes out and tells blacks to vote Democrat? Not people - blacks.
The Democrats conveniently forget that if they had their way during the Civil Rights Movement, we'd still have Jim Crow laws.
LL, say it ain't so! there you go again, doing that history thing. Orval Faubus, Democrat. Bull Connor, Democrat. George Wallace, Democrat. Ross Barnett at Ole Miss, Democrat. every single damn Southern Senator, with one exception, voting against the Civil Rights Bill, Democrats. the one exception? Ralph Yarborough from Texas, who was defeated for reelection after that vote.
yeah, Republicans are the ones politicizing race. really.
Well, if our country is so racist, why is it that the Left has to reach so far to find examples of racism? People didn’t have to do any reaching to find examples of racism in the fifties and sixties, did they? So, if racism is such an all powerful force in America today, how is it that liberals have gotten so desperate to see race in every issue that they've had to latch on to pitiful issues like these to support their claims?
1) Criticizing the IRS: "Republicans are using [the IRS scandal] as their latest weapon in the war against the black man. ‘IRS’ is the new 'N****r.'" -- Martin Bashir
2) Having a Republican National Convention during a hurricane: "They are happy to have a party with black people drowning." -- Yahoo News Washington bureau chief David Chalian on the Republican National Convention, which was going on at the same time as Hurricane Isaac.
3) Wanting to own a gun to prevent break-ins: "I am loathe to bring up what is in our head because we don’t like to talk about it so much. But on this particular day, on Martin Luther King Day, I think this needs to be said. That imaginary person that’s going to break into your home and kill you, who does that person look like? You know, it’s not freckle-faced Jimmy down the street, is it really? I mean, that’s not what really, that’s not what really people, we never really want to talk about the racial or the class part of this, in terms of how it’s the poor or it’s people of color that we imagine that we’re afraid of. Why are we afraid? What is that, and it’s been a fear that has existed for a very, very long time." -- Michael Moore
4) Mentioning the "Constitution" or "respect for the Founding Fathers:" "The language of GOP racial politics is heavy on euphemisms that allow the speaker to deny any responsibility for the racial content of his message,” Williams wrote. “References to a lack of respect for the ‘Founding Fathers’ and the ‘Constitution’ also make certain ears perk up by demonizing anyone supposedly threatening core ‘old-fashioned American values.’" -- Juan Williams
5) Calling Obama "angry:" "That really bothered me. You notice (Romney) said anger twice. He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man. This is part of the playbook against Obama, the ‘otherization,’ he’s not like us. I know it’s a heavy thing, I don’t say it lightly, but this is ‘n*ggerization.’" -- Touré
6) Saying that Barack Obama lies: "Surrounded by middle-aged white guys — a sepia snapshot of the days when such pols ran Washington like their own men’s club — Joe Wilson yelled “You lie!” at a president who didn’t. But, fair or not, what I heard was an unspoken word in the air: You lie, boy!" -- Maureen Dowd
7) Noting that Obama is privileged: "Spotlighting his elite education is tantamount to racial bigotry because it insinuates that 'he took the place of someone else through affirmative action, that someone else being someone white.'" -- Jonathan Capehart
8) Saying that unions boss Obama around: "The Republican Party is saying that the President of the United States has bosses, that the union bosses this President around, the unions boss him around. Does that sound to you like they are trying to consciously or subconsciously deliver the racist message that, of course, of course a black man can’t be the real boss?" -- Lawrence O’Donnell
9) Supporting voter ID: “If you go back to the year 2000, when we had an obvious disaster and – and saw that our voting process needed refinement, and we did that in the America Votes Act and made sure that we could iron out those kinks, now you have the Republicans, who want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws and literally – and very transparently – block access to the polls to voters who are more likely to vote Democratic candidates than Republican candidates. And it’s nothing short of that blatant.” -- Debbie Wasserman Schultz
10) Saying "I want my country back:" "Do you remember tea baggers? It was just so much easier when we could just call them racists. I just don’t know why we can’t call them racists, or functionally retarded adults. The functionally retarded adults, the racists – with their cries of, ‘I want my country back. You know what they’re really saying is, ‘I want my white guy back.’ They apparently had no problem at all for the last eight years of habeas corpus being suspended, the Constitution being [expletive] on, illegal surveillance, lied to on a war or two, two stolen elections – yes, the John Kerry one was stolen too. That’s not tin-foil hat time. ” -- Janeane Garofalo
11) Being fans of Herman Cain: "One of the things about Herman Cain is, I think that he makes that white Republican base of the party feel okay, feel like they are not racist because they can like this guy. I think he(he’s) giving that base a free pass. And I think they like him because they think he’s a black man who knows his place. I know that’s harsh, but that’s how it sure seems to me." -- Karen Finney
12) Fighting for the 2nd Amendment: "I believe the NRA is the new KKK. And that the arming of so many black youths, uh, and loading up our community with drugs, and then just having an open shooting gallery, is the work of people who obviously don’t have our best interests [at heart]." -- Jason Whitlock
13) Republicans trying to keep Obama from being reelected: "Look at, look, the Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party….Their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What’s, what does that, what underlines that? ‘Screw the country. We’re going to (do) whatever we (can) do to get this black man, we can, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here.’… It is a racist thing." -- Morgan Freeman
14) Disliking the fact that Obama is President: "They can’t stand the idea that he’s president, and a piece of it is racism. Not that somebody in one racial group doesn’t like somebody in another racial group, so what? It’s the sense that the white race must rule, that’s what racism is, and they can’t stand the idea that a man who’s not white is president. That is real, that sense of racial superiority and rule is in the hearts of some people in this country." -- Chris Matthews
15) Disliking Barack Obama: "I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he’s African-American." -- Jimmy Carter
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
I've heard more conservadicks wave the race card then democraps. It's like saying "I can't be racist. I have a black friend".
Most people understand that racists dicks come from all sides not just one or the other.
Oh please. Give me a break. What utter bullschit. Dems bellyache, beeitch and piss and moan that if you disagree with Obama it is because you "HATE" him and of course you "HATE" him because he is Black.
Dems are like a bunch of third graders. Disagreeing with Obama and his idiotic policies means you "hate" him, wah , wah. I see endless articles on how Repos HATE Dems or Obama or whatever. And, if you disagree with Obama then the default position is that you are hating racist. Don't try to pretend otherwise now when this has been going on for 8 years.
Dems are like a bunch of third graders. Disagreeing with Obama and his idiotic policies means you "hate" him, wah , wah. I see endless articles on how Repos HATE Dems or Obama or whatever. And, if you disagree with Obama then the default position is that you are hating racist. Don't try to pretend otherwise now when this has been going on for 8 years.
Dems are like a bunch of third graders. Disagreeing with Obama and his idiotic policies means you "hate" him, wah , wah. I see endless articles on how Repos HATE Dems or Obama or whatever. And, if you disagree with Obama then the default position is that you are hating racist. Don't try to pretend otherwise now when this has been going on for 8 years.
I cannot control other Democrats, only myself.
Are SOME Americans racist? Of course they are.
Yep. And a lot of them are Democrats.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
That seems to be the ONLY thing Dems are interested in. And, they whine about "stereotypes' but go out of their way to create them aka the "tea party" is racist BULLSCHIT. Stereotypes and demonization are what the Dem party does best. Divide and polarize. Rich people VERSUS poor people. Labor VERSUS management. Men VERSUS women and on and on and on and on. Wake up.
Dems are like a bunch of third graders. Disagreeing with Obama and his idiotic policies means you "hate" him, wah , wah. I see endless articles on how Repos HATE Dems or Obama or whatever. And, if you disagree with Obama then the default position is that you are hating racist. Don't try to pretend otherwise now when this has been going on for 8 years.
I cannot control other Democrats, only myself.
Are SOME Americans racist? Of course they are.
Yep. And a lot of them are Democrats.
Yup. Reid and Biden come to mind immediately with the multiple racist comments they have made.
I've heard more conservadicks wave the race card then democraps. It's like saying "I can't be racist. I have a black friend".
Most people understand that racists dicks come from all sides not just one or the other.
Oh please. Give me a break. What utter bullschit. Dems bellyache, beeitch and piss and moan that if you disagree with Obama it is because you "HATE" him and of course you "HATE" him because he is Black.
Mmmm, I don't think that, and I don't think I know anyone who thinks that.
I've heard more conservadicks wave the race card then democraps. It's like saying "I can't be racist. I have a black friend".
Most people understand that racists dicks come from all sides not just one or the other.
Oh please. Give me a break. What utter bullschit. Dems bellyache, beeitch and piss and moan that if you disagree with Obama it is because you "HATE" him and of course you "HATE" him because he is Black.
Mmmm, I don't think that, and I don't think I know anyone who thinks that.
Well, Democratic voters are voting for people that do.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
I've heard more conservadicks wave the race card then democraps. It's like saying "I can't be racist. I have a black friend".
Most people understand that racists dicks come from all sides not just one or the other.
Oh please. Give me a break. What utter bullschit. Dems bellyache, beeitch and piss and moan that if you disagree with Obama it is because you "HATE" him and of course you "HATE" him because he is Black.
Mmmm, I don't think that, and I don't think I know anyone who thinks that.
Oh sure. Well you support the party that bleats that sort of thing NONSTOP.
Oh, ok. LOL. Get back to me if you actually have a decent comeback. All I have heard was Obama, Obama, Obama the BLACK President. And, Sotomayor the FIRST Hispanic woman blah, blah. Dems LOVE to make Hay out of nonsense. I will say, Obama is truly the first Affirmative Action President. The Unqualified Black man was pushed ahead of your qualified woman candidate by your own party and we can see what an abject failure resulted from his lack of experience.
Oh, ok. LOL. Get back to me if you actually have a decent comeback. All I have heard was Obama, Obama, Obama the BLACK President. And, Sotomayor the FIRST Hispanic woman blah, blah. Dems LOVE to make Hay out of nonsense. I will say, Obama is truly the first Affirmative Action President. The Unqualified Black man was pushed ahead of your qualified woman candidate by your own party and we can see what an abject failure resulted from his lack of experience.
Yes, you are TRULY not racist, by calling Obama an affirmative action president. What a completely unracist thing for you to say.
You're the one throwing around bull****. You claim you're not racist, yet claim Obama is in office due to affirmative action. You are truly delusional if you think that wasn't a racist thing to say.
I've heard more conservadicks wave the race card then democraps. It's like saying "I can't be racist. I have a black friend".
Most people understand that racists dicks come from all sides not just one or the other.
Oh please. Give me a break. What utter bullschit. Dems bellyache, beeitch and piss and moan that if you disagree with Obama it is because you "HATE" him and of course you "HATE" him because he is Black.
Mmmm, I don't think that, and I don't think I know anyone who thinks that.
Oh sure. Well you support the party that bleats that sort of thing NONSTOP.
You're the one throwing around bull****. You claim you're not racist, yet claim Obama is in office due to affirmative action. You are truly delusional if you think that wasn't a racist thing to say.
Are you actually denying that people pressed the vote for Obama because he was black? He would be the first black president? Hell - Oprah said it on TV without shame. At least be honest. The man did NOT have any actual qualifications to be president. He was a junior senator who hardly ever bothered to vote.
What, that racist card is good enough to get him elected, but not good enough to be called on?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
You're the one throwing around bull****. You claim you're not racist, yet claim Obama is in office due to affirmative action. You are truly delusional if you think that wasn't a racist thing to say.
Are you actually denying that people pressed the vote for Obama because he was black? He would be the first black president? Hell - Oprah said it on TV without shame. At least be honest. The man did NOT have any actual qualifications to be president. He was a junior senator who hardly ever bothered to vote.
What, that racist card is good enough to get him elected, but not good enough to be called on?
They only apply their nonsense to others, never to themselves LL.