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Post Info TOPIC: Are You About to Get Dumped by a Liberal Friend?


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Are You About to Get Dumped by a Liberal Friend?


Are You About to Get Dumped by a Liberal Friend?

Posted: 10/30/2014 4:07 pm EDT Updated: 10/30/2014 4:59 pm EDT






This week's poll from the Lester & Charlie Institute of Forward Thinking!


The Pew Research Center has an interesting question for you: Are you becoming less popular? Are your friends dropping you? Maybe you've Facebooked one too many videos of your three-legged cat meowing "I love you" in Siamese. Maybe the cost of Christmas cards went up, and your friends are eager to trim their lists. Or maybe... it's because you're too conservative!

A Pew Center's stunning new report reveals that liberals are more prone to dropping friends who spout conservative dogma than the other way around. "Consistent liberals are more likely to stop talking to someone because of politics," the report reveals. "Roughly a quarter (24 percent) have done so, compared with 16 percent of consistent conservatives and around 10 percent of those with more mixed political views."

Wow. This is shocking. What does this mean? Is it really easier to get a liberal stirred up than a conservative? Is this proof, as some have suggested, that "liberals are jerks"?

We always thought liberals were more likely to be "live and let live" types -- you know, the ones defending free speech and promoting tolerance. Did the new Pew report just destroy that idea?

What's not clear is whether the report considered the possibility that it's not really a case of liberals being intolerant as much as it is conservatives being intolerable. We admit to having blocked people on Facebook for posting rants about that godless Kenyan squatting in the White House, or insisting that Jesus didn't want poor people to get healthcare. Could this all simply be proof that "consistent conservatives" are more likely to flame online in a way that pisses people off?

Regardless, the numbers don't lie. If your liberal friends are dumping you, it could be because you're a closet conservative -- and you don't even know it!

But an answer is only a few clicks away! Take the following personality quiz and find out: Is the reason you're so unpopular because you're too conservative?

"Are You About to Get Dumped by a Liberal Friend



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More intolerance by the so called tolerant, lol.


On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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I was dumped by a liberal "friend" when I voted for Bush over Kerry. I'm still friends with his wife, though. If he sees me, he ignores me.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 


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What a tool.



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I have been "unfriended" by online friends who don't like my opinions. Oh well. I don't have to agree with someone to like them so whatever.



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I find that online, you are immediately labeled. If you are right wing in any way, then you are extreme right wing no matter what. So, that means you must own 1000 guns, belong to the NRA and on and on. I haven't shot a gun in 15 yrs, but if they want to think I am a pistol packing mama with a hair trigger, then so be it, lol.



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You scored 0%!

Q.1 Your friend suggests exchanging recipes over the fence. You offer…
A lengthy lecture on trans fats
A handy guide to foraging
A DVD of "The Help"
A recipe for extra-crispy Bald Eagle McNuggets


Q.2 Your friend asks to borrow $20. You…
Go on a rant about food stamps
Start a campaign
Offer Bitcoins
Foreclose on his house


Q.3 Your friend is feeling down. You…
Pull out your autographed collection of Rumi quotes
Suggest spin classes
Blame Obama
Go gluten-free


Q.4 Your friend needs to jump-start her Prius. You…
Offer her shares of Exxon/Mobil
Pull out your bag of electronic sex toys
Look for a helpful app on your iPhone
Burst into tears about the Rosenbergs


Q.5 Your friend asks you to be Best Man at his gay wedding. You…
Refuse to conform to gender stereotypes
Alert the Westboro Baptist Church
Say yes and offer to reunite your emo cover band for the entertainment
Worry your dress will clash with the mother of the bride's


Q.6 You friend complains about the smell coming from your apartment. You…
Explain that the solstice only happens once a year
Ask if he never heard of composting
Say your girlfriend has started protesting the CFCs in feminine deodorant spray
Apologize and promise that Rush Limbaugh was just leaving


The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.

Always misinterpret when you can.


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You might be a liberal if:

•you've ever left your sociology class thinking, "That professor really knows what he/she/it is talking about."

•you associate the words "model American" with "Bill Clinton"

•you think Dan Rather represents media impartiality

•your response to anything Rush Limbaugh says is, "Well, he's fat."

•the first word in the description of your hair color is "neon"

•you've ever tried to protect the ozone layer

•you've stood for animal rights, but wear leather belts and sandals

•you've ever given a dollar to a bum so he can buy more liquor ... ummm ... food

•you ever use the words "Clarence Thomas" and "Uncle Tom" in the same sentence

•you are a vegan

•you have a bumper sticker that says "You Can't Hug With Nuclear Arms" on your car

•you believe diversity represents the extinction of the white race

•you've ever walked around carrying one of those Javahhh mugs

•you pay a 185 percent markup for organically grown food

•you cheered for "Obstructing Justice Simpson" last Tuesday at 1 p.m.

•you don't think it's right to kill rapists and murderers, but do think it's right to kill babies

•you have anything to do with the Compassionate Living Fair

•you consider yourself open-minded but refuse to listen to anything Jesse Helms has to say

•you abhor censorship unless it's censoring race, religion, Conservatism, Western culture or Rush Limbaugh

•you think the phrase, "... separation of church and state" is in the Constitution

•you cry, "You can't legislate morality," but defend the Roe v. Wade decision in order to legalize your moral position on abortion

•you stay informed by watching MTV News

•you have an "I'm Straight But Not Narrow" button pinned to your book bag

•there is a ring in any part of your head other than your ears

•you think religion is bad for school kids to learn, but think condom giveaways are just what schools need

•you lie in bed at night worried that Pat Robertson might be out to get you

•you attribute the rising illegitimacy rate, crime rate or problems in the inner city to Ronald Reagan

•you've ever held up a grocery store line trying to pick between plastic, which isn't biodegradable, or paper, which cuts down innocent trees

•you think the National Organization for Women is made up of average heterosexual women with no lesbian agenda

•banning assault weapons is your solution to end crime (what do you mean punish the criminals?)

•you tell me how to live by telling me I can't tell people how to live
And finally ... •you think Ted Kennedy is sober and monogamous.

Read more:


Frozen Sucks!

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I was unfriended by two acquaintances this past election season. Both were due to their posting things on FB that just weren't true and when I explained the real way something worked these two would get livid, others would say, yeah IKWTDS is correct. And they one last insult would be thrown at all the conservatives, Bush would get blamed and we would be unfriended. And these on line conversations were actually good discussions, not "fights". I find it funny.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Itty bitty's Grammy

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I am a Liberal.

Bite me...



You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.


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If I do, will you Unfriend me? lol


Frozen Sucks!

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Posts: 24384

Lady Gaga Snerd wrote:

You might be a liberal if:

•you've ever left your sociology class thinking, "That professor really knows what he/she/it is talking about."

•you associate the words "model American" with "Bill Clinton"

•you think Dan Rather represents media impartiality

•your response to anything Rush Limbaugh says is, "Well, he's fat."

•the first word in the description of your hair color is "neon"

•you've ever tried to protect the ozone layer

•you've stood for animal rights, but wear leather belts and sandals

•you've ever given a dollar to a bum so he can buy more liquor ... ummm ... food

•you ever use the words "Clarence Thomas" and "Uncle Tom" in the same sentence

•you are a vegan

•you have a bumper sticker that says "You Can't Hug With Nuclear Arms" on your car

•you believe diversity represents the extinction of the white race

•you've ever walked around carrying one of those Javahhh mugs

•you pay a 185 percent markup for organically grown food

•you cheered for "Obstructing Justice Simpson" last Tuesday at 1 p.m.

•you don't think it's right to kill rapists and murderers, but do think it's right to kill babies

•you have anything to do with the Compassionate Living Fair

•you consider yourself open-minded but refuse to listen to anything Jesse Helms has to say

•you abhor censorship unless it's censoring race, religion, Conservatism, Western culture or Rush Limbaugh

•you think the phrase, "... separation of church and state" is in the Constitution

•you cry, "You can't legislate morality," but defend the Roe v. Wade decision in order to legalize your moral position on abortion

•you stay informed by watching MTV News

•you have an "I'm Straight But Not Narrow" button pinned to your book bag

•there is a ring in any part of your head other than your ears

•you think religion is bad for school kids to learn, but think condom giveaways are just what schools need

•you lie in bed at night worried that Pat Robertson might be out to get you

•you attribute the rising illegitimacy rate, crime rate or problems in the inner city to Ronald Reagan

•you've ever held up a grocery store line trying to pick between plastic, which isn't biodegradable, or paper, which cuts down innocent trees

•you think the National Organization for Women is made up of average heterosexual women with no lesbian agenda

•banning assault weapons is your solution to end crime (what do you mean punish the criminals?)

•you tell me how to live by telling me I can't tell people how to live
And finally ... •you think Ted Kennedy is sober and monogamous.

Read more:

 He is, but of course he is dead too.aww


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Itty bitty's Grammy

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Posts: 28124

Lady Gaga Snerd wrote:

If I do, will you Unfriend me? lol

 Depends on where you bite me...



You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.

Frozen Sucks!

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flan327 wrote:
Lady Gaga Snerd wrote:

If I do, will you Unfriend me? lol

 Depends on where you bite me...




Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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I don't know that I ever had a liberal friend to be honest.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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I have a friend from California. She even went to Berkley. I'm working on her.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

Itty bitty's Grammy

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Posts: 28124

Lawyerlady wrote:

I have a friend from California. She even went to Berkley. I'm working on her.

 Why? Is there something wrong with her?




You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.



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I've been unfriended by several because of my political views. Oh well.



Itty bitty's Grammy

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FNW wrote:

I've been unfriended by several because of my political views. Oh well.

 That just makes ZERO sense to me...but then I don't understand FB at all.



You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.



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I don't get it either, Flan. If they personally attack me, fine, unfriend. But to share my view? It's okay for them but not for me, apparently.



Itty bitty's Grammy

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FNW wrote:

I don't get it either, Flan. If they personally attack me, fine, unfriend. But to share my view? It's okay for them but not for me, apparently.

 One of my closest friends (for over 30 years!) is incredibly Conservative, but has never questioned my actions. We both accept the other without trying to change them.



You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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You what I had one to get real upset with me about our opposing views. He and I talked almost daily for a really long time and then it just stopped. Something about not sharing the same political view.

Some of Ya'll probably know him. Ya'll remember Nole? Yeah. I mean we are still on each others FB and sy hey from time to time. But it was really weird.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.



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Yeah, I remember Nole. He got real nasty to me on FB re politics so I unfriended him and blocked him.



My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Me too. Got nasty that is. But on the phone.

It was crazy too. He would rant and rave about all that money spent on this war and on that project but then he made sure he didn't have to pay his taxes each year.

And he is state side now. Married with a baby. Cute little boy. But he lost that job he said he would never lose.

He was downsized.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.



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Oh wow. Didn't know he lost his job. I knew about the marriage and baby. Says he didn't want the others to know. Weird. Yeah, he would rant about the money but didn't he profit from that war money? Once the defense budget was cut by his herobama, so was he. I wonder if he's working yet.




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OMG!!!! I just got unfriended on Facebook by a Liberal "friend". Seriously!!!!


America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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I have to say that if a liberal (not pointing fingers) is unwilling to have intelligent discourse over the differences and is unwilling to listen to the conservative point of view - they likely do not have solid reasoning for why they have liberal views and therefore unfriend you so as not to have to confront reasoned beliefs and arguments.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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FNW wrote:

Oh wow. Didn't know he lost his job. I knew about the marriage and baby. Says he didn't want the others to know. Weird. Yeah, he would rant about the money but didn't he profit from that war money? Once the defense budget was cut by his herobama, so was he. I wonder if he's working yet.

 Yeah he is working.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

Mod & Permanent Board Sweetheart

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Lawyerlady wrote:

I have to say that if a liberal (not pointing fingers) is unwilling to have intelligent discourse over the differences and is unwilling to listen to the conservative point of view - they likely do not have solid reasoning for why they have liberal views and therefore unfriend you so as not to have to confront reasoned beliefs and arguments.

That was extremely well-said, LL.  This popular "If you don't agree with me then you're totally against me" attitude is getting tiring. 

I was FB friends with a former Geek who recently did the sudden flounce thing to me over something conservative I posted - she was so toxic to me, totally out of what I thought was her character, that I wonder to this day if she had been drinking.  It was a very sad experience for me.


Coffee understands.


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So, my liberal friend "unfriened" me, so I can't post. But I am being trashed by her friends ad nauseum without being able to defend myself. They are calling me names and asking questions I can't answer. I want to punch her in the face...


America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Posts: 38325

You could always make another FB and use that to set them straight.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.


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Ohfour wrote:

So, my liberal friend "unfriened" me, so I can't post. But I am being trashed by her friends ad nauseum without being able to defend myself. They are calling me names and asking questions I can't answer. I want to punch her in the face...

 I thought only those in Jr.High acted that way.  I'm sorry they did this to you

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