You can't be supportive of your partners case if you don't see past your own viewpoint. The "I'm right, you're wrong" mentality robs you of being able to truly connect with your partner. Winning arguments in the short term with this mentality usually means losing relationship satisfaction in the long term.
Life has a way of humbling all of us. I remember Rob, who entered into therapy with his second wife years ago. Angry and defiant he was frantically gesticulating to his wife about why she was "always wrong" and how he was "always right". My best supportive, yet firm efforts to help Rob see that it takes two to make a relationship work or fail were met with his frustration, and he quit therapy.
Rob bumped into me seven years later at a grocery store. He looked sheepishly at me, took me aside and informed me that he was now on his third divorce. Rob asked me if I would help him with his "personality hang-ups". Rob learned a hard lesson about "I'm right, you're wrong. "