Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said that the United States should have sent a higher ranking official than the ambassador to France to attend Sunday’s peace march in Paris.
Video by Reuters on Publish Date January 12, 2015. Photo by Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press.
WASHINGTON — The White House, facing a barrage of criticism for President Obama’s decision not to attend Sunday’s peace march in Paris, said on Monday that an American official with a higher profile should have been on hand for the show of solidarity.
“It’s fair to say that we should have sent someone with a higher profile to be there,” Josh Earnest, the White House spokesman, said at his daily briefing with reporters at the White House.
Asked his response to critics who say a person with more prominence than the United States ambassador to France should have attended, he said: “We agree.”
But Claudine Ripert-Landler, the head of communications for President François Hollande of France, said that Mr. Obama had not snubbed the march.
“President Obama supported France in their common struggle against terrorism,” she said on Monday, adding that Mr. Obama’s visit to the French embassy was “a rather exceptional gesture.”
“Mr. Obama’s attentions have been very important to Mr. Hollande,” she said.
Mr. Earnest declined to say whether the president had considered attending the march himself or considered sending Vice President Joseph R. Biden, or to detail the conversations that led to the decision not to do so. But he cited scheduling and security concerns as playing a part.
“The security requirements around a presidential visit, or even a vice-presidential visit are onerous,” Mr. Earnest said, noting that security would have had to secure a large outdoor area, potentially making it harder for other people to attend. “It would have been very difficult to do so without significantly impacting the ability of common citizens to participate.”
He also said, "We’re talking about a march that came together with essentially 36 hours notice.”
The absence of Mr. Obama or any other senior United States official in the wake of the shootings of 17 people there in attacks last week at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and at a kosher supermarket — the American ambassador to France, Jane D. Hartley, participated in the rally — prompted questions from Republican lawmakers and some foreign policy analysts who said there should have been a prominent American leader on hand for the most striking show of solidarity in the West against Islamic extremism since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.
Excuse was given that there was only a 36 hour notice and so security for him was a concern. What a Princess. Security is a concern, but the armies of the world were readied. Gosh sakes, Israel and Palestine PM's were there, together!!!!!!!!!!! He just didn't want to go.
ETA: this was probably the most important global date in history since the WWII V day was executed.
-- Edited by I know what to do_sometimes on Monday 12th of January 2015 08:20:06 PM
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
I think this rally was a huge historical event and it will be forever noted that the USA was not represented. I don't care that the ambassador was there. She is not a world leader.
I think this rally was a huge historical event and it will be forever noted that the USA was not represented. I don't care that the ambassador was there. She is not a world leader.
I think whether or not it turns out to be some pivotal event for the 21st century depends on what happens going forward.
However, what happens going forward is largely going to depend on the U.S. and its leadership (or lack, thereof) and I think that at least symbolically, we really failed those nations and leaders who did show up. They are looking to the U.S. for leadership, and we gave them.......nothing here.
Sure, we are bearing the brunt, militarily, of the fight on terror--but that's the point. We WANT these other nations to join in, and we missed an important event that may have greatly aided us in getting that support.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
Excuse was given that there was only a 36 hour notice and so security for him was a concern. What a Princess. Security is a concern, but the armies of the world were readied. Gosh sakes, Israel and Palestine PM's were there, together!!!!!!!!!!! He just didn't want to go.
ETA: this was probably the most important global date in history since the WWII V day was executed.
-- Edited by I know what to do_sometimes on Monday 12th of January 2015 08:20:06 PM
Maybe he was making a belated statement about the Free French failing to participate in V-Day?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Excuse was given that there was only a 36 hour notice and so security for him was a concern. What a Princess. Security is a concern, but the armies of the world were readied. Gosh sakes, Israel and Palestine PM's were there, together!!!!!!!!!!! He just didn't want to go.
ETA: this was probably the most important global date in history since the WWII V day was executed.
-- Edited by I know what to do_sometimes on Monday 12th of January 2015 08:20:06 PM
Maybe he was making a belated statement about the Free French failing to participate in V-Day?
V-Day? Did I miss something in WWII history?
I thought the Free French did not participate in the D-Day landings. Am I wrong?
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.
there was an article earlier today about a dutch mayor ( a muslim himself, son of an imam ) and, in a televised newshow interview, he came directly to the point: " If you muslims out there don't enjoy the freedoms of the west, then pack your bags and leave immediately. If you can't deal with the humorists / cartoonists jabs at our religion then fvck off !!! " He said it just like that---bravo
" the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "--edmund burke
Excuse was given that there was only a 36 hour notice and so security for him was a concern. What a Princess. Security is a concern, but the armies of the world were readied. Gosh sakes, Israel and Palestine PM's were there, together!!!!!!!!!!! He just didn't want to go.
ETA: this was probably the most important global date in history since the WWII V day was executed.
-- Edited by I know what to do_sometimes on Monday 12th of January 2015 08:20:06 PM
Maybe he was making a belated statement about the Free French failing to participate in V-Day?
V-Day? Did I miss something in WWII history?
I thought the Free French did not participate in the D-Day landings. Am I wrong?
You are correct. I wrote that wrong. I read the V and just retyped it. I should have just put Normandy.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
there was an article earlier today about a dutch mayor ( a muslim himself, son of an imam ) and, in a televised newshow interview, he came directly to the point: " If you muslims out there don't enjoy the freedoms of the west, then pack your bags and leave immediately. If you can't deal with the humorists / cartoonists jabs at our religion then fvck off !!! " He said it just like that---bravo