It's worth it for me just for the savings on gas. The Costco near me averages 10 cents per gallon cheaper than other gas stations in the area.
I don't find the prices inside the store to be all that great though. The frozen foods, in particular, are often overpriced imo. I don't like the prices on the meats either. I do like the prices on some of the produce (ours sells a huge tub of arugula/spinach mix for $4ish), bread, tortillas, and muffins. They also usually have good deals on a pack of 5 dozen eggs. Our Costco has the best deal on sour cream in our area - $4ish for a 3 lb tub.
I really enjoy sample shopping as it gives me ideas for future meals.
We've found that we get tired of some stuff before the product is gone. We picked up a bag of wontons once and went through half the bag over at least 3 months. We were sick of them but the blasted things just kept lasting and lasting so we gave them to my parents.
Costco most recently, at DH's insistence. Paper products (TP, kleenex, paper towels), his vitamins & Mucinex. It's not bad for Christmas presents, either.
I am a Sams Club member and am jealous. I love Costco, but it is too far. At SAMs I buy gas, butter, meat, lunch meat, bread bacon, eggs, and snacks. All usually cheaper than I can get at any store. I am all about convenience so I also buy paper products, detergent, cleaning wipes, trash bags, fabric softener and litter. All of which I could probably buy cheaper when on sale. I like the big quantity so that I don't run out of have to buy as often. Those things last for almost two months or more.
Costco has better stuff though. Purses, clothes etc.
Oh, one thing we really like is the spaghetti and minced garlic prices. 8 pack of good quality spaghetti for a little over $8 and the huge jar of minced garlic was $3something the last time we bought it. We also buy mayo and Miracle Whip at Costco.
I will say that I tend to avoid Costco during holidays, big party days (like Super Bowl Sunday), and busy times on weekends. The parking lot at our Costco is annoying on a good day and absolute hell during any of the aforementioned times.
We've been members of Costco for 7 years. Joined while prego to buy diapers bulk. Heard they are Obama supporters, so once our membership expires that will be the end of that.
Wayne is pooping his pants to join, so we probably will.
Do they carry cat litter? Pet toys?
Thanks for the help, Good Geeks!
Not sure on the cat litter but I've seen pet toys in the past. I don't have any pets that merit buying in Costco-sized bulk so I rarely go to the pet section.
We've been members of Costco for 7 years. Joined while prego to buy diapers bulk. Heard they are Obama supporters, so once our membership expires that will be the end of that.
We've been members of Costco for 7 years. Joined while prego to buy diapers bulk. Heard they are Obama supporters, so once our membership expires that will be the end of that.
Have you ever used Pampers Baby Dry? If so, how do the Costco diapers compare to Pampers Baby Dry?
We bought our wedding flowers at Costco. AWESOME prices. I think we spent $250 tops on the flowers and had all the flowers for the whole wedding. For the men, women, and tables. Everything. We did our wedding on a budget and couldn't have gotten all those flowers at a florist for that.
We also got the food for our wedding shower there. Really good prices. We don't live near a Costco now. We use Sam's. We save a lot of money there on bulk items.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Honestly, I think it's worth it just for their rotisserie chicken! When we lived in So. Cal, it was just a mile away, and we got gas, pizza and all kinds of stuff. Now, it's 47 miles one way, and we only make monthly trips. I have the executive membership, and use it also for some business services.
Otherwise (since just DH and myself) we usually buy
Whole bean coffee. All the Kirkland brand is roasted by Starbucks, and runs about $5-6 a pound. This makes my 12 cup pot of freshly burr ground coffee run about $1.
Eggs, we buy the shrink wrapped 2 pack of 18 ct. xlarge eggs. We eat eggs for breakfast daily, so I usually buy 2 packs. Used to be about $4, but recently went up with the new laws.'s dependent on sales. Occasionally we get the whole pork loin for $2.39 a lb with a $3 rebate. That nets me a 4 lb roast and several nice pork chop portions.
Vegetables...not always a bargain, so be choosy. If you don't freeze or eat a lot, not worth it, they'll spoil before you can finish.
Office stuff. Printer ink, cartridge refill service, canned air, note pads, three packs of scissors (we go through lots in our business)
Olive oil. Kirkland brand can be counted on to be "real" EVOO, not adulterated (by independent consumer testing)
Optometry and Optical services. Best buy on those items.
Toilet paper and paper towels. Not a HUGE savings, but enough with a very good quality. can get a 1.5 liter of Kirkland brand pinot grigio for about $8. And it's very good quality.
Prescriptions...if you are paying cash, they have about the best prices for both generic and name brands., OTC meds are also a bargain.
They have instant rebates and coupons that are automatically deducted.
Who they support politically, meh...I still order Papa John's pizza even though I think John Schlatter is a prick...
I love Costco. Especially since they pay their employees a living wage and that's far more important to me than who they support politically. But, interesting way to take a benign topic and turn it political. Smh.
My two neighbors have memberships and they pick me up airwick plug ins when I ask them to. I get a pack of 9 for $11. The other thing they get me is this awesome raspberry chipotle sauce. Oh my lord, that stuff is delicious!!!!
I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.
Lesson learned in February: I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!
The large bulk items are great if you have a place to store them but then you also have to use it pretty quick or it goes bad and then you have wasted what ever you saved.
A lot of what I found wasn't any cheaper than buying the individual items in a regular store.
If you have 12 packs of something and the cost breaks down to what you would normally pay at the regular store for each individual pack then you are not saving money.
You need to go, walk the entire store. Make note of what they have that you use on a regular basis and check prices. Then see if it really is cheaper for you.
For some I am sure it can be. For me, it just wasn't.
But I was extremely temped to buy to 10 gallon jar of M&Ms. It was huge.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
I have both Costco and Sam's memberships. The Sam's is located right across the street from where I work and the Costco is about 4-5 miles from my apartment, so they are convenient. My Costco membership costs about $10.00 more than my Sam's membership.
I don't currently have a car, but many say it is worth joining for the price of gas. They also have a great optical department, and it is a lot cheaper to get my glasses done there than at regular optician shops. I recently had a new scrip filled at Costco and was surprised at just how much I saved on my new glasses. The lens price is all inclusive, including progressive, coatings and Transitions (no separate charges for these). They also have a nice selection of frames.
Where I shop depends on the inventory and prices. For ie., I really like the Kirkland brand TP, and the price is right, so I buy my TP at Costco. Costco also has a better price on a case (24 count) of cup noodles for $7.29. It costs $8.32 at Sam's.
I believe it is worth the membership, because both have different brands and items. You can find items at one that may not be available at the other.
I know at Sam's we get the extra large Sam's pizza for seven dollars. We can get two and feed the whole family. Some stuff is really worth it.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
I know it varies from state to state by law, but their alcohol prices are unbeatable. But in TN, you don't have to be a member in order to buy their booze. Has something to do with some state law....
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
Honestly, I think it's worth it just for their rotisserie chicken! When we lived in So. Cal, it was just a mile away, and we got gas, pizza and all kinds of stuff. Now, it's 47 miles one way, and we only make monthly trips. I have the executive membership, and use it also for some business services. Otherwise (since just DH and myself) we usually buy Whole bean coffee. All the Kirkland brand is roasted by Starbucks, and runs about $5-6 a pound. This makes my 12 cup pot of freshly burr ground coffee run about $1.
Eggs, we buy the shrink wrapped 2 pack of 18 ct. xlarge eggs. We eat eggs for breakfast daily, so I usually buy 2 packs. Used to be about $4, but recently went up with the new laws.'s dependent on sales. Occasionally we get the whole pork loin for $2.39 a lb with a $3 rebate. That nets me a 4 lb roast and several nice pork chop portions.
Vegetables...not always a bargain, so be choosy. If you don't freeze or eat a lot, not worth it, they'll spoil before you can finish.
Office stuff. Printer ink, cartridge refill service, canned air, note pads, three packs of scissors (we go through lots in our business)
Olive oil. Kirkland brand can be counted on to be "real" EVOO, not adulterated (by independent consumer testing)
Optometry and Optical services. Best buy on those items.
Toilet paper and paper towels. Not a HUGE savings, but enough with a very good quality. can get a 1.5 liter of Kirkland brand pinot grigio for about $8. And it's very good quality.
Prescriptions...if you are paying cash, they have about the best prices for both generic and name brands., OTC meds are also a bargain.
They have instant rebates and coupons that are automatically deducted.
Who they support politically, meh...I still order Papa John's pizza even though I think John Schlatter is a prick...
I forgot about the rotisserie chicken! Delish! Our Costco charges $5 (well, $4.99 but same thing, imo). We usually use it for fajitas.
FWM, you are probably one of those peeps with a big freezer plus you seem to have large family meals and gatherings. For you it is worth it. The prices are not always better than the local store but are not worse on standard items. The thing is at the big box stores there are variations of products you can buy that you cannot at the local store. apppetizers are awesome, cheese selections, many prepared meals you can freeze that don't have the sodium level of typical frozen foods. You will like it.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
We joined! I think we'll save enough on cat litter to make it worth a couple of trips a month.
Plus, walking around that huge store added to my step total for the day.
Thanks for the advice!
This is one of the reasons I like going! Well, we use Sam's. Also, at Sam's we get the Eggland's Best eggs for really cheap. We get them for what we'd pay for the Wal-Mart brand.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
We joined! I think we'll save enough on cat litter to make it worth a couple of trips a month.
Plus, walking around that huge store added to my step total for the day.
Thanks for the advice!
This is one of the reasons I like going! Well, we use Sam's. Also, at Sam's we get the Eggland's Best eggs for really cheap. We get them for what we'd pay for the Wal-Mart brand.
I love how these eggs have my initials on them. Think of that the next time you crack one opened.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
We joined! I think we'll save enough on cat litter to make it worth a couple of trips a month.
Plus, walking around that huge store added to my step total for the day.
Thanks for the advice!
This is one of the reasons I like going! Well, we use Sam's. Also, at Sam's we get the Eggland's Best eggs for really cheap. We get them for what we'd pay for the Wal-Mart brand.
I love how these eggs have my initials on them. Think of that the next time you crack one opened.
You are cracked like the egg!
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
We joined! I think we'll save enough on cat litter to make it worth a couple of trips a month.
Plus, walking around that huge store added to my step total for the day.
Thanks for the advice!
This is one of the reasons I like going! Well, we use Sam's. Also, at Sam's we get the Eggland's Best eggs for really cheap. We get them for what we'd pay for the Wal-Mart brand.
I love how these eggs have my initials on them. Think of that the next time you crack one opened.
You are cracked like the egg!
Are your initials on those eggs? i didn't think so. I have eggs branded for me!
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
I love the consistent quality of their meat - plus the price! You'd think that here, in the middle of cattle country, we'd be able to get really good beef - hah! All the good beef is sent north or west. A Costco pork loin in Texas is the same quality as in Washington or New York, and their hamburger is ground hourly in-store - and they do it all out in the open. Full size glass windows are the only things separating you from the butchers.
Fresh produce could be a slight problem, if you are only doing family-size meals. However, if you've got a club that is hosting a dinner for ten or more people, then Costco is your friend! Their in-store made huge pizzas are excellent.
Their Kirkland (store) brand is just as good as any "name" brand. The OTC pharmaceuticals are identical to the pricier name brands (think Tylenol, Bayer, Pepto, etc.).
they also carry some stellar items. I LOVE using their sweet onion dressing for my fresh cole slaw, and the bottle stays fresh in the fridge for months.
Batteries, computer paper, wines, bakery, floral - come to think of it, I've never bought anything at Costco that I wasnt pleased with.
And you can "munch" your way all around the store on weekends! They have display carts at the end of every aisle in the food area, showcasing some really interesting stuff. Their "Seafood Event" - every other month or so, has some FANTASTIC buys! When they have King crab legs, I go early and ask for the knuckle - the part of the leg closest to the body. Less waste from the shell. It is typically a disk about 6" around and 2" thick - sweet sweet meat! And my Costco will provide a separate baggie of ice during the hot months, to make sure I get it home safely.
We've been members of Costco for 7 years. Joined while prego to buy diapers bulk. Heard they are Obama supporters, so once our membership expires that will be the end of that.
Have you ever used Pampers Baby Dry? If so, how do the Costco diapers compare to Pampers Baby Dry?
My boys are 6 so so I don't remember. I do remember buying diapers and formula. I had to buy in bulk with twins. They also have fantastic meat at great prices.
FWM - like Momala said the quality of their meat is really good. Also when they have their seafood rodeo check out the crab legs. They are huge. Oh & try their lobster bisque it is one of the best I've ever had. Better than some that I've paid $10 a bowl for in restaurants. Their chicken salad is also very good. It is made from their rotisserie chicken.
I don't really shop there much anymore because being single there isn't much I need in bulk.
I love Costco. Especially since they pay their employees a living wage and that's far more important to me than who they support politically. But, interesting way to take a benign topic and turn it political. Smh.
My two neighbors have memberships and they pick me up airwick plug ins when I ask them to. I get a pack of 9 for $11. The other thing they get me is this awesome raspberry chipotle sauce. Oh my lord, that stuff is delicious!!!!
I love that stuff favorite salmon recipe is taking the salmon filet, brushing it with melted butter mixed with the green jalapeno tabasco sauce, broil it, then top with the sauce. They also sometimes have the mango habanero sauce too.
Honestly, I think it's worth it just for their rotisserie chicken! When we lived in So. Cal, it was just a mile away, and we got gas, pizza and all kinds of stuff. Now, it's 47 miles one way, and we only make monthly trips. I have the executive membership, and use it also for some business services. Otherwise (since just DH and myself) we usually buy Whole bean coffee. All the Kirkland brand is roasted by Starbucks, and runs about $5-6 a pound. This makes my 12 cup pot of freshly burr ground coffee run about $1.
Eggs, we buy the shrink wrapped 2 pack of 18 ct. xlarge eggs. We eat eggs for breakfast daily, so I usually buy 2 packs. Used to be about $4, but recently went up with the new laws.'s dependent on sales. Occasionally we get the whole pork loin for $2.39 a lb with a $3 rebate. That nets me a 4 lb roast and several nice pork chop portions.
Vegetables...not always a bargain, so be choosy. If you don't freeze or eat a lot, not worth it, they'll spoil before you can finish.
Office stuff. Printer ink, cartridge refill service, canned air, note pads, three packs of scissors (we go through lots in our business)
Olive oil. Kirkland brand can be counted on to be "real" EVOO, not adulterated (by independent consumer testing)
Optometry and Optical services. Best buy on those items.
Toilet paper and paper towels. Not a HUGE savings, but enough with a very good quality. can get a 1.5 liter of Kirkland brand pinot grigio for about $8. And it's very good quality.
Prescriptions...if you are paying cash, they have about the best prices for both generic and name brands., OTC meds are also a bargain.
They have instant rebates and coupons that are automatically deducted.
Who they support politically, meh...I still order Papa John's pizza even though I think John Schlatter is a prick...
I forgot about the rotisserie chicken! Delish! Our Costco charges $5 (well, $4.99 but same thing, imo). We usually use it for fajitas.
What new laws are governing egg prices?
The law changed as far as population density (how much space each chicken is supposed to get) and it is requiring a lot of egg farms to have to increase their facility size.
How does size of the chicken's cage affect the quality of the eggs? Anyone?
California passed a law saying that all eggs sold in California had to be from chickens with humane living conditions. This is where the extra space comes from. Since eggs sold in California are laid all over the U.S., farmers everywhere are struggling to upgrade their facilities to meet the expectations of the new law. The prices of eggs are going up because the farmers have serious remodeling to do and because in some places there is a shostage due to no farms being up to code.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
Oh, and I've ordered cremation urns through them, much better pricing than at the funeral homes, and they express ship direct...
I am ashamed to say that I giggled when I read this.
So sorry.
I now you can order caskets from Wal-Mart and pick them up in store.
They offer head stones too.
Of course my morbid sense of humor has played this all out in my mind several times.
I imagine going to pick up the casket, roll it around like a shopping cart and filling it with things like duct tape, rope, tarps, potting soil, air compressor, flash lights and batteries and other things like that and then going to the check out with it.
The look on people's faces would be hilarious.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
It's cheaper for the farmer to cram them all in. Although it's filthy and crowded. Flame me if you want but I think the chickens deserve better. I had a pet chicken once and she was very intelligent and loving if you can imagine that.
“Until I discovered cooking, I was never really interested in anything.” ― Julia Child ―
California is good to their chickens so I think they'd all pack up and move if they could. I got a chuckle out of the visual of the chicken's with little kerchiefs tied to sticks walking across the
“Until I discovered cooking, I was never really interested in anything.” ― Julia Child ―