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Post Info TOPIC: THIS scared the hell out of me!


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THIS scared the hell out of me!

I was sitting on my couch and something caught my attention in my peripheral vision.  A woman was on my porch, looking in my window!!!!  Omg!  I got up, but by the time I unlocked the 3 locks plus the security door, she was gone.  Who does that?!?!  Of course I'm already a wreck because Mr.VoR isn't home.  I'll be sleeping on the couch with a butcher knife and my tazer.  Damn.

So, what has scared the hell out of you lately?


I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.

Lesson learned in February:  I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!


Give Me Grand's!

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I looked in the mirror and...


I drink coffee so I don't kill you.

I quilt so I don't kill you.

Do you see a theme?

Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.

Give Me Grand's!

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That is scary though, VoR. I don't blame you for sleeping on the couch with a big honking knife and a tazer.


I drink coffee so I don't kill you.

I quilt so I don't kill you.

Do you see a theme?

Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.


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"So, what has scared the hell out of you lately?" - voiceofreason

The last thing that scared the hell out of me was the possibility of Barack Obama getting re-elected. After I lived through that fear (and didn't die of a heart attack or shame for our country majority choice, when he was re-elected), I believe I am now fearless.



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All kidding aside (not that I was kidding), stay safe voiceofreason.

Is it possible that she touched the window or window sill? I might ask the police to come out and "dust for prints", if I was in your situation.



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I'm not far away if you ever need help. I don't want you getting hurt.


~At Gnome in the Kitchen~

Vette's SS

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That is freaky. Stay safe VoR.


Vette's SS

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I was scared earlier tonight. I was buying some stuff from one of those classified sites on FB and went to the persons house. It was in a really scary looking neighborhood. The road leading in was only big enough for one car and was along a steep drop off. It made me think it would be a good spot to ambush someone or trap them.



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I think the only time I've truly been scared was after junior prom.

We were coming down the road to our house and I saw a body laying in the dirt by the golf course. The body was in a weird position - kneeling with forehead in the dirt and arms stretched back by the calves. I said something the effect of 'Oh sh!t! A dead body!'. My Grandma pulled over to call the police. Grandpa got out and stood on the street corner watching the body. I stayed in the car but was alternately looking at my Grandpa and looking at the body. All of sudden, the body's head slooooowly turned and stared right at us then the body got to its feet (looking at us the whole time) without using its hands and walked towards the river. The cops never found it.

I freaked out when the body walked off. I about had a coronary when I was relating the story to my cousin a couple nights later at night and there was 3 LOUD knocks at my second story window just as I got to the part about the body walking off.

The knocks were courtesy of my Grandpa. Found that out when he came up the stairs laughing his arse off and telling me he never saw me run so fast.

The body, to my knowledge, was never found. I promise y'all I am not making up what I saw. I wish I was as I'm creeped out by the memory.


~At Gnome in the Kitchen~

Itty bitty's Grammy

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Why did I open this thread?

VoR, I'm thinking about you.



You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.

Frozen Sucks!

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VOR that is very scary. I would have called the police to check it out.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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This is why we have a big dog outside and a dog inside. No one gets that close to our house without raising a ruckus.

I think I may have called and at least made a verbal report.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.



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I was babysitting. That movie "When a Stranger Calls" was out. It was late at night, and I was watching television. There was an exit door next to the TV which I constantly checked to make sure it was locked. I went in to check the children, they were safe and asleep. I returned and the hook and eye latch was undone.



Itty bitty's Grammy

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FNW wrote:

I was babysitting. That movie "When a Stranger Calls" was out. It was late at night, and I was watching television. There was an exit door next to the TV which I constantly checked to make sure it was locked. I went in to check the children, they were safe and asleep. I returned and the hook and eye latch was undone.

 Stop. Stop right now!!



You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.


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I lived thru the night! Yay!


I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.

Lesson learned in February:  I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!




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VOR, maybe it was a ghost?




Senior Member

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VOR, scary, stay safe! Would you like to borrow one of my rat terriers? They can hear a flea fart at 100 yds, and will bark up a strorm!


My dog name is Sasha, too!

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Last winter I came home from work & there were men's boot prints in the snow on my deck that came right up to the slider & then to the window on the side. My heart leapt & I was scared crazy until I realized that the pest control company had left their paperwork on the front door knob. It was a very brief but terrifying few minutes until it clicked together in my brain.


Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Gosh VoR, that does sound scary. I'm glad you made it through the night!


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Maybe ask a neighbor or two if they saw her. She may have been trying to find one of them and realized she had the wrong house.

Did you see any evidence of her?

Pull your curtains. I do that. Put some sheers up. You an see out but they cant see in.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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I found this for you too!



Just in case. biggrin


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.


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chef wrote:

I think the only time I've truly been scared was after junior prom.

We were coming down the road to our house and I saw a body laying in the dirt by the golf course. The body was in a weird position - kneeling with forehead in the dirt and arms stretched back by the calves. I said something the effect of 'Oh sh!t! A dead body!'. My Grandma pulled over to call the police. Grandpa got out and stood on the street corner watching the body. I stayed in the car but was alternately looking at my Grandpa and looking at the body. All of sudden, the body's head slooooowly turned and stared right at us then the body got to its feet (looking at us the whole time) without using its hands and walked towards the river. The cops never found it.

I freaked out when the body walked off. I about had a coronary when I was relating the story to my cousin a couple nights later at night and there was 3 LOUD knocks at my second story window just as I got to the part about the body walking off.

The knocks were courtesy of my Grandpa. Found that out when he came up the stairs laughing his arse off and telling me he never saw me run so fast.

The body, to my knowledge, was never found. I promise y'all I am not making up what I saw. I wish I was as I'm creeped out by the memory.



Frozen Sucks!

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Lexxy wrote:

Last winter I came home from work & there were men's boot prints in the snow on my deck that came right up to the slider & then to the window on the side. My heart leapt & I was scared crazy until I realized that the pest control company had left their paperwork on the front door knob. It was a very brief but terrifying few minutes until it clicked together in my brain.

 Something similar happened two nights ago to me.  Found out it was the dog walker.  My dog wanted to go down the side of the house as opposed to down the driveway and street.  Apparently I have a critter hibernating under my deck that awoke a few days ago and his scent is in the side yard.  I was worried when I saw the boot prints but after talking to the dog walker, I was soo relived. 


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

My dog name is, Sasha!

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JPT wrote:

VOR, scary, stay safe! Would you like to borrow one of my rat terriers? They can hear a flea fart at 100 yds, and will bark up a strorm!

 I'm curious as to how you know this . . .?  confuse





Not today, Satan.  Not today.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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I believe the strangest thing that has ever happened to me happened one night after work.

It was late, we had something going on that day and I didn't get any of my inventory done before close and that threw everything behind for me.

So I helped everyone get through with their stuff so they could leave cause I could work faster alone. It was just inventory, auditing the day and filling out the daily report. Should have taken 30 minutes tops.

Well. I locked the doors behind the last person. Watched them all leave the parking lot and then went to the back, in to the office to count down the drawers.

As I finished the drawers and was putting it in the safe I had the strongest feeling like I was being watched. Now. There were no cameras back there and no windows. No one could see me.

I did a once around the store, checked all the doors and windows again and went to do the inventory. Well the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I felt like I needed to get out of the building.

I had worked there for 5 years at this point. I had been in that building many, many times alone. I knew all the sounds all the machines made as they cooled or heated. There was no reason or explanation for how I felt. But it was so strong and I was actually shaking. I grabbed my keys and coat and went to my car.

I called my store manager and told her what was going on. She kind of laughed but told me to go on home and she would take care of things in the morning.

Once I left the parking lot I was fine.

The next night as we were closing up I refused to be there alone. So two of the others stayed and walked out with me.

As we were leaving I got that same feeling again. And they commented about it too. The guy who was with us even went and got our cars and brought them to the door so we didn't have to walk across the parking lot.

I was talking to my manager the next morning on the phone and she said she felt like she was being watched when she was setting up the store that morning.

We laughed it off, said we needed a vacation and hung up the phone.

That afternoon when I went in she said the police came by and was warning all the businesses about a robbery that had happened at two other stores around us.

One store was across the road from us and the other was next door.

I know a lot of people don't believe in God or Angels but I really do believe my guardian angel was talking to me those nights.

They never did catch them as far as I know either.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

Vette's SS

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FNW wrote:

I was babysitting. That movie "When a Stranger Calls" was out. It was late at night, and I was watching television. There was an exit door next to the TV which I constantly checked to make sure it was locked. I went in to check the children, they were safe and asleep. I returned and the hook and eye latch was undone.

 That would be creepy. Not sure I would have wanted to stay.


My dog name is Sasha, too!

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Back in my 20s a group of us went to DC for the night. We were driving home & one of the girls had to pee. So we stopped in a not so nice part of town & she & another girl went into a bar to pee. When they came out they pusshed the doors open really hard & hit these two girls standing outside with the door. The girls did not take this well & an argument started. Our two girls came running & hopped in the car. The other two girls pulled guns & started shooting at us. I was sitting next to the back right window & a bullet shattered it. Nobody was hit but I was picking shattered glass out of my upper arm for a week.



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Bet you wish you had a gun, now.


I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.


Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.

My dog name is Sasha, too!

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huskerbb wrote:

Bet you wish you had a gun, now.

 I probably wouldn't have known what to do with it in a panic.  Plus guns are illegal in DC.  Not that that stops anyone.  It made me think twice about stopping in bad areas of the city for sure.



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huskerbb wrote:

Bet you wish you had a gun, now.

 I do have a gun.  Smh.  What?  You think I should shoot someone thru my window for simply looking at me?  Scared does not mean threatened.  Wafda.


I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.

Lesson learned in February:  I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!


My dog name is Sasha, too!

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voiceofreason wrote:
huskerbb wrote:

Bet you wish you had a gun, now.

 I do have a gun.  Smh.  What?  You think I should shoot someone thru my window for simply looking at me?  Scared does not mean threatened.  Wafda.

 LOL, I thought he was responding to my post directly above his.  Makes a bit more sense now smile



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Lol lex. Well I think tfda was referring to me. Maybe not. I'm not really interested in engaging with him, but what a stupid thing to say no?


I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.

Lesson learned in February:  I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!



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Husker you are always saying that if you're going to fire your gun you'd better be very sure yet you think Vor should have shot some lady looking in the window?...And you call others stupid and


“Until I discovered cooking, I was never really interested in anything.”
― Julia Child ―




Vette's SS

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He didn't say to actually fire it. If someone is creeping around your house, it would be nice to have a weapon handy if that person decides to enter and become a threat to you.



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I have several weapons but I was still startled and freaked out. I wonder what my thread tie would be if I actually fired my weopon. That scares me more than some random woman peeping in my window.

I have a real prison billy club, a tazer, a hand gun and a freakin big ass butcher knife. But, I'm not huddled up on my couch waving my weopons around.


I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.

Lesson learned in February:  I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!


My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Well you would need at least 2 more arms to wave all those around.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.


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lilyofcourse wrote:

Well you would need at least 2 more arms to wave all those around.

 This is a good point. Plus I need to be holding my kindle.  I might invent a weapon waver arounder thingy. 


I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.

Lesson learned in February:  I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!


My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Posts: 38325

Probably a good idea. Your arms would get really tired.

You might look like one of those noodle man thingy things.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.


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voiceofreason wrote:
huskerbb wrote:

Bet you wish you had a gun, now.

 I do have a gun.  Smh.  What?  You think I should shoot someone thru my window for simply looking at me?  Scared does not mean threatened.  Wafda.

????  Who said anything about shooting anyone?  Where do you get your nonsense?


It would be a lot more useful than a knife, though.  


I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.


Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Posts: 38325

Yeah. Don't shoot any body. Just wave it around and if you have to, throw a can of beans at them.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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huskerbb wrote:
voiceofreason wrote:
huskerbb wrote:

Bet you wish you had a gun, now.

 I do have a gun.  Smh.  What?  You think I should shoot someone thru my window for simply looking at me?  Scared does not mean threatened.  Wafda.

????  Who said anything about shooting anyone?  Where do you get your nonsense?


It would be a lot more useful than a knife, though.  

 Not if you don't intend to actually use it.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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lilyofcourse wrote:

Yeah. Don't shoot any body. Just wave it around and if you have to, throw a can of beans at them.

 Vegetables, woman!  Get it right!




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Posts: 38325

Beans are vegetables!

What about canned meat? I have some spam. Will that work or does it have to be vegetables?


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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lilyofcourse wrote:

Beans are vegetables!

What about canned meat? I have some spam. Will that work or does it have to be vegetables?

 Ah, yes, GREEN beans.  How could I forget? 

Meat is too expensive - what if the can burst?  That would be a waste.  Although I do take exception to you calling "spam" meat.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Posts: 38325

it is meat. It is ham. The same thing that is turned into sausage.

And it IS spam so if it burst just scoop it up and cook it.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Although I do have some canned roast beef hash in the pantry. That would work too.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.


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lilyofcourse wrote:
huskerbb wrote:
voiceofreason wrote:
huskerbb wrote:

Bet you wish you had a gun, now.

 I do have a gun.  Smh.  What?  You think I should shoot someone thru my window for simply looking at me?  Scared does not mean threatened.  Wafda.

????  Who said anything about shooting anyone?  Where do you get your nonsense?


It would be a lot more useful than a knife, though.  

 Not if you don't intend to actually use it.

When someone is 10 or 15 feet away, a gun can be very intimidating. A knife, no. 



The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.

Always misinterpret when you can.

Mod & Permanent Board Sweetheart

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First line of defense - big, very protective dog (and two little yappers for good measure).  After that if someone is foolish enough to come in, we do have several firepower options close at hand.


Coffee understands.

Itty bitty's Grammy

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Honeys_Mom wrote:

First line of defense - big, very protective dog (and two little yappers for good measure).  After that if someone is foolish enough to come in, we do have several firepower options close at hand.

 I've always believed that our dogs were our best alarm system!



You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Posts: 38325

ed11563 wrote:
lilyofcourse wrote:
huskerbb wrote:
voiceofreason wrote:
huskerbb wrote:

Bet you wish you had a gun, now.

 I do have a gun.  Smh.  What?  You think I should shoot someone thru my window for simply looking at me?  Scared does not mean threatened.  Wafda.

????  Who said anything about shooting anyone?  Where do you get your nonsense?


It would be a lot more useful than a knife, though.  

 Not if you don't intend to actually use it.

When someone is 10 or 15 feet away, a gun can be very intimidating. A knife, no. 


Ed, you ever been doing something you were not supposed to do and then hear the unmistakable sound of a pump shotgun being ****ed?

You don't even have to see it.



A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

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