"Inferred? Such as kid and adult in a room and the door closes? Sounds like a Lifetime movie." - cadiver
No. It was quite a bit more directly inferred than that.
Stop reading here if you don't want to know about the scene.
In the mini-story there are two men shackled to chairs, in their underpants, facing a "stage" and surrounded by spectators. One of the men is apparently new to being in his chair, the other one is resigned to his fate of being there, so he's been there before. Off to one side there's a woman that must be a "judge" or "referee"
A woman in a head to floor robe walks in, and onto the stage, drops her robe and does the equivalent of slow stripper danging on the stage.
The man that's been there before starts masturbating (there's no view of his hand action, but it's painfully obvious what he's doing, by sounds and motions of the parts of his body that you can see). The new man looks over at him and sees that he's doing it like his life depends on it, so he does it too.
The new man finishes first (there's an audible "sploosh" sound and his hand comes up, into screen view, covered in, well, you know), and the man that's been there before starts begging for his life. The referee/judge goes behind his chair, presses a button, and the man is impaled, from his anus to his mouth, by a pike mechanically forced up from under his chair.
Cut to the next scene of the mini-story.
The man that won last time is paired up with a new man, and there's woman in a wheelchair with an amputated leg. she masturbates herself with her prosthetic leg, while the two men do what they have to do, the loser (the new guy, this time) gets killed the same way as before.
Suffice it to say that it continues like this for every scene.
In the homosexual with 10 year old boy scene, the boy is led in, wearing what looks like underwear, and is led to the stage where he lies on a bed, then an older man (30's, 40's, 50's, not sure) climbs on the bed and makes the appropriate noises and motions, all of which are visible and audible, as if he's having sex "missionary position", but you just can't see his partner.
Shivver. Just typing that made me feel like I need a shower.
I just read this thread. I, myself, wouldn't watch that. It's horrible. DH and I watched the clip. We wouldn't allow our minor children to watch it either. If they snuck off to watch they'd get in serious trouble. SOME parents have standards. We are one set of them. My kids know about sex but they don't routinely watch movies where women are impaled in the anus with a broomstick. (The article said that was a scene in there. Not sure if it is. Don't want to know.) That's violent rape. I don't want ANYONE showing my kids a movie like this. Not for the sex but because of the sex AND the violence. That whole thing is pretty horrible. And there is a huge difference between general movie violence and this over the top violence. Even the producer of the movie was interviewed and said this is not a movie for anyone under the age of 18. This lady didn't get enough time IMO. Once she turned it on and saw what it was it should have immediately gone off and she should not have showed it again. To play it five times is beyond stupid. Sometimes it's important to legislate that much stupidity in one person.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Omg. That is worse than what I was imagining. I think that if someone showed that to my kids in school I would take it as far as I could too, her getting fired doesn't seem like enough. That is disgusting. I wouldn't be able to watch that. I'm with NJN. If my kids sneaked off to watch that and I found out there would be consequences, having it shown to them in school is way worse.
Omg. That is worse than what I was imagining. I think that if someone showed that to my kids in school I would take it as far as I could too, her getting fired doesn't seem like enough. That is disgusting. I wouldn't be able to watch that. I'm with NJN. If my kids sneaked off to watch that and I found out there would be consequences, having it shown to them in school is way worse.
Amen. That clip was totally disgusting. Over the top disgusting. What my kids do as adults is their business. However, and I tell my kids this all the time, even as adults if you are living in my house you will live by rules. DN had to as a college student. That movie wouldn't be allowed in my house. Period.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
I do agree that this person that showed this to kids should face dire penalties, including prison.
Even though I don't like the movie though, I wouldn't fight against it being allowed to exist. But it should only be available for adult viewing. Children should NOT see this. Heck, adults shouldn't see it either, but, one of the burdens of freedom is that sometimes people will make or do things that others don't like.