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Teens convinced they were born the wrong species, sex and even race

Not White In The Head: the Tumblr teens convinced they were born the wrong species, sex and even race



Being transsexual is a bit like being gluten intolerant: for every real one, there are fifteen or twenty just trying it on for attention. Sorry if that sounds rude. We don’t mean to disparage those suffering from transgenderism; rather, to finger the epidemic of imitation identity disorders and theatrical attention-seeking currently infesting social networks such as Tumblr, making a mockery of genuine sufferers.

Greed, selfishness, too much spare time and access to the internet can have a curious effect on some people. And when you throw in the modern tendency toward whining entitlement and the perpetual broadcast of every thought, feeling and inclination, something truly weird emerges: people who demand to be regarded and treated as things they are self-evidently not, such as white girls advertising to the world that they are “mentally black” and tortured musicians who advertise their “true” Romany identity despite having no gypsy blood in their veins whatsoever.

It gets even more crazy, as we’ll see. To understand this bizarre world of people who believe they are trans-species or trans-ethnic or trans-cultural, it is best to start with the marginally less weird world of “furries.” Furries are people who have created a “fursona”, a sort of animal character to which they relate and which in many cases they leverage as part of their sexual identity, normally to overcome self-doubt or self-confidence issues.

Fursonas manifest themselves as parodies of furry animals–often cats and dogs–which are then heavily sexualised, albeit in cartoonish fashion. For lonely people stuck in front of their laptops, fursonas become a sort of crutch for social interaction.

Unsurprisingly, the line between fiction and reality can easily become blurred: the longer furries spend with their character, the more likely they are to mistake themselves for a wolf with oversized genitals. This can become particularly apparent when another person insults their fursona; furries become very protective of their alter egos.

The following video, which is not appropriate for consumption at work, shows what happens when the desire to perform on the internet collides with deep psychosexual dysfunction and, in this case, comic book fetishes. (The comorbidity of confused sexual identities, shaped by internet culture, and pathological narcissism go hand in hand.)

Don’t underestimate what a huge trend these disturbing alternative lifestyles represent: although, of course, there is little data on the number of people who identify as animals or whose sexuality is dependent on animal personas, the levels of activity across the many furry forums online suggest that there are tens of thousands of furries worldwide.

Yet furries are merely a stepping stone between normal people and online cultures where people reject their real identity entirely, because they say there is a mismatch between their mental identity and their physical bodies. The largest of these subcultures, after trangenderism itself, is known as “otherkin.”

UsSAKl4Like furries, otherkin often create online avatars which they hide behind, but instead of keeping their real selves separate from psychosocial or sexual imaginings, they seem to believe that the character they have created is a truer reflection of who they “really are.”

Some otherkins believe they are literally not human, while others believe that only their soul is non-human and that they are trapped in the wrong body. It can sometimes look like an unintentionally funny free-for-all. But whether you think you are a reincarnation of a Cherokee man-beast, you think you come from a long line of otherkin field mice or you think your soul flew in from a parallel universe (we do not jest), anything is permissible in the ego-centric world of otherkin.

It is enough, in this community, merely to assert your “true” identity; then, the social effects of the internet take over, and you are provided with psychological enablers at terrifying scale in the form of supporters, fellow travellers and generally sympathetic parties who will encourage you to “become who you really are.”

And otherkin can sometimes believe they are very strange things indeed. Dragons, werewolves, angels, demons, elves, cartoon characters… it’s amazing what alienation from mainstream society can do to the imagination. While this may all sound entertaining, there is a darker side, with otherkin reporting extreme difficulty relating to other human beings in conventional sexual situations.

Iron sharpens iron: kin meet in closed online worlds where they can indulge in their fantasies together. And when people who believe they are the reincarnation of a medieval tree nymph or merely a wolf find themselves with an indulgent audience, they struggle to escape from the rabbit-hole. They start citing various feelings, allergies, hallucinations and psychic abilities as “proof” of their wild claims.

While otherkin are sometimes reluctant to describe their lifestyle choices away from their laptops, it’s not hard to see a pattern in the type of people drawn to the subculture. They are invariably depressed, confused about their sexuality, socially marginalised and easily offended–which suggests that the number of Millennials who indulge in these habits is probably gigantic.

The aetiology of otherkin is the subject of debate. But it is a sufficiently established subculture for there to be multiple theories about why people end up believing they are cats or ****atiels. Not all of them are as straightforward as, “it’s a cry for attention.”

Dark fantasies of surgery undergone to achieve parity with the perceived real self are regularly exchanged on these boards: in a grotesque parody of transgender surgery, this notorious fake image (not for the faint of heart), purports to show a man grafting elements of a severed dog’s head onto his own body in an attempt to become more canine.

Where otherkin have been successful in commandeering identity politics to their own fantastical ends, others have followed, with new and ever-more complex self-descriptors. Perhaps the most disquieting of these people are those who claim to be trans-ethnic or trans-cultural.

tumblr_msv7og0uml1shaqpfo1_400Trans-ethnics believe that they were born into the wrong race. Interestingly, it only seems to be caucasians who suffer from this particular affliction; black teens seem happier as they are. Indeed, caucasians represent an overwhelming proportion of all these trans groups.

But a growing number of young white teens, predominantly girls, are using words such as “trans******” to describe themselves, to the bafflement and occasional fury of black people. For some time, apocryphal stories and jokes such as the image to the left have been circulated online; but our research has shown that there is now a modest but burgeoning community of sincere trans******s centred on the Tumblr social network.

It never seems to be the literal physical attributes of another race or any perceived advantage of belonging to another ethnicity that drives people to declare that they’re “not white in the head.” Rather, trans-ethnic people seem more consumed with assimilating what they feel to be the oppressed aspects of that race–for example, demanding special privileges because their “authentic” black self.

The tragicomic result, which we have seen played out on Tumblr and Twitter in our research, is white middle-class American girls demanding time off from college examinations to deal with the trauma of black shootings. Sometimes, shockingly, they even invoke slavery, which would appear to be the point at which trans-racialism overtakes species dysphoria as a serious psychiatric problem, at the level of clinical lycanthropy.

Others don’t go to the length of claiming they are of another race to demand the privileges and associations of alternate cultures. They simply claim to be “trans-cultural”–i.e., they look white, they are white, but really feel they ought to have been born as, say, a Romany traveller because of the “deep spiritual connection” they feel with supposed gypsy culture.

Modern online identity for teens who grew up with Tumblr and Twitter is a shopping basket into which they throw identity labels to concoct their own “unique” personality: a bit of black, a bit of genderfluid, a bit of “autism” (Millennials have cottoned on to the fact that they can excuse all manner of personal failings with that one). Not only can lonely individuals mark themselves out as special snowflakes but also invoke their own particular mix of underprivilege to combat criticism and ridicule from others.

Two characteristics of otherkin, trans******s and transromany, though, are, firstly, how much their identities seem to change over time–perhaps to suit their current lines of reasoning or prevailing fashions. Witness the explosion of young people describing themselves as some form of transsexual, or invoking gender fluidity in their social media profiles, since Laverne Cox appeared on the front cover of TIME.

Young people have always imitated the latest thing as a way of drawing attention to themselves, but never before has society been so completely defined by identity politics, and never before has a consumerist wonderland of alternative racial, cultural, sexual–to say nothing of interspecies–identities been readily Googleable.

Young people know that in an era where sentences beginning “Speaking as…” confer valuable social cachet, they had better start acquiring some oppressed characteristics before expressing their opinions in public. (Most of these conditions coincide with extreme forms of narcissism, pathological lying and sociopathic tendencies. Draw from that what you will.)

Our second observations is how often these identities seem to emerge at opportune times, which perhaps suggests that much of this phenomenon is not really mental disorder at all but is merely staged for attention and leveraged as conversational weaponry, further clouding the question of inescapable psychological dysfunction and giving rise to suspicions akin to our opening gibe about gluten intolerance.

For instance, consider the blogger Charles Clymer, who got into trouble recently with feminists for some perceived infraction of the third-wave rule book, and then abruptly came out as “genderfluid”–right when he needed an out from the brewing storm. (You might have thought genderfluid was something that came out just before the baby, but apparently not.)

And then there are the numerous self-described transsexuals whose personal disclosures and “art projects” always seem to be accompanied by requests for money–and, of course, healthy dollops of online drama, played out on social media and in forums, YouTube comment sections and message-boards. Patterns are emerging that are impossible to deny.

It’s also hard to escape the conclusion that there may be a continuum between some sorts of “gender fluidity” and the rapidly expanding racial, cultural and species confusion, deeply entwined with sexuality and self-identification, of young people today. Which begs the absurd but inevitable question: how long before otherkin are demanding operations from the taxpayer to make them look more like wolves?

That might sound like an absurd–even an offensive–thing to ask. But imagine what you’d have said just ten years ago about transsexuals, and fifty years ago about gays, and you quickly realise that, at some point, society is going to have to draw a line.

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Breitbart London


My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Oh phony balony batman!

What a bunch of bull.

Want to guess how completely screwed up things re going to be in 2 generations?


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.


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But but but...if they FEEL they are, who are we to deny them that? They were just born in the wrong body! *eye roll*


America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...


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Isn't this just over dramatic role playing?

Just suck it up and get on with it.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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I was born in the wrong body too!

One of those sexy, athletic people have mine! You just wait till I figure out which one!



A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

Vette's SS!!

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I live with a furry. I generally leave it be on a day-to-day basis. I am respectful and courteous, and don't have a problem with it. I was very close with another one in college. She was a little more needy, but generally, I just treated her respectfully and with kindness, and we got along fine. (Until she asked me out, and then things were awkward for a while. . .)



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I thought we used our Avatars to live vicariously. Lol


Vette's SS!!

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Lady Gaga Snerd wrote:

I thought we used our Avatars to live vicariously. Lol

 It's like that, only more so.


Vette's SS!!

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Here-- A NSFW link.


Frozen Sucks!

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Oh please, our "society" today encourages this crap. Hey how about teaching our kids that you go with what you really are, what you really feel, not what the latest fad on sexual identity is or what the latest fad on what "race" you are.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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We should be treating mental illness, not enabling it.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 


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I am sooo relieved to know that I am really a 25 yr old 6'5" blond that can slamdunk a basketball. I just wasn't thinking about myself the right way!



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This doesn't matter to me. Not my monkey, not my circus. Mocking them is ****ty though.


I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.

Lesson learned in February:  I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!


Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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Bonny22Pye wrote:

Isn't this just over dramatic role playing?

 Right?! That's all it is. 


What about the people who dress up as babies, diaper and all? And want a "mommy" to take care of them !


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 

Itty bitty's Grammy

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voiceofreason wrote:

This doesn't matter to me. Not my monkey, not my circus. Mocking them is ****ty though.

 I agree.



You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Posts: 38325

It isn't mocking. It is more like being able to say something at home that you cant or wouldn't say in public.

They are not going to be reading this most likely and the joking isn't done maliciously.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

Itty bitty's Grammy

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lilyofcourse wrote:

It isn't mocking. It is more like being able to say something at home that you cant or wouldn't say in public.

They are not going to be reading this most likely and the joking isn't done maliciously.




You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.

Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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Permalink don't know they won't read what you said. You have no idea what any of us do in our own homes.


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 


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I think this is the key...

"much of this phenomenon is not really mental disorder at all but is merely staged for attention and leveraged as conversational weaponry,"




The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.

Always misinterpret when you can.

Mod & Permanent Board Sweetheart

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Lawyerlady wrote:

We should be treating mental illness, not enabling it.

This.  I was completely ignorant of the issue until I read this article, so thanks to LGS for posting it.


Coffee understands.


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I learned all I know about this from watching CSI.



The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.

Always misinterpret when you can.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Posts: 38325

I hope someone brought a shovel. All those high horses are going to leave a mess.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

My dog name is Sasha, too!

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ed11563 wrote:

I learned all I know about this from watching CSI.


 So did I Ed!





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Lexxy wrote:
ed11563 wrote:

I learned all I know about this from watching CSI.


 So did I Ed!



That was one disturbing episode... 


America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...

My dog name is Sasha, too!

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Ohfour wrote:
Lexxy wrote:
ed11563 wrote:

I learned all I know about this from watching CSI.


 So did I Ed!



That was one disturbing episode... 

 It looks like it burned into our memories.  I can't even tell you what happened on the episode I watched 2 weeks ago.



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Lexxy wrote:
Ohfour wrote:
Lexxy wrote:
ed11563 wrote:

I learned all I know about this from watching CSI.


 So did I Ed!



That was one disturbing episode... 

 It looks like it burned into our memories.  I can't even tell you what happened on the episode I watched 2 weeks ago.

I know, right?  I remember the cat and the panda.  And wasn't it a wolf that was hit by a car that started this whole mess?  LOL! 


America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...


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Ohfour wrote

I know, right?  I remember the cat and the panda.  And wasn't it a wolf that was hit by a car that started this whole mess?  LOL! 

The wolf was shot first, by a farmer who thought he was a real wolf. 


The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.

Always misinterpret when you can.


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I saw that CSI episode as well.

I understand the fetish (some people dress up in leather, some in lacy underwear, some in rubber, some in furry costumes. Whatever makes them happy, I'm all for it, as long as they go back to Jane or Joe average person the next morning). I don't understand the people that actually believe that they really are whatever animal they think they are.

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