I got the day off to prepare for our move. I have done very little preparing. I have been sitting on the couch, watching Doctor Who from the 60s. I am a terrible person.
I got the day off to prepare for our move. I have done very little preparing. I have been sitting on the couch, watching Doctor Who from the 60s. I am a terrible person.
I packed my cookbooks. And a box of blankets. And threw away some garbage. Mostly because WE DON'T HAVE the next disks in the season of Doctor who I am watching, and I don't much waaaaant to skip ahead.
I probably will though. I like it.
In my defense, I can't really do dishes, vacuum, or pack anything upstairs because my BF is sleeping. He goes in to work at 11:30, and needs to be in bed by 2:00ish. I am limited, an must be quiet. Do you know how hard it is to pack quietly??
Hahaha, I wish! But no, my body rejects both alcohol and sugar rather forcefully. I have learned not push the issue unless it involves cookies. Or cake. OR CUPCAKES.
I stuck an instrument through my finger earlier. I didn't realize it went all the way through until I noticed I was bleeding on both sides of my finger.
What was it, and how did this happen? I hope it was sterile.
It was a fine hemostat. It only went through soft tissue. I bled all the way down the hall so once I stopped the bleeding I cleaned it up. It's fine now, just have a black finger.
I got the day off to prepare for our move. I have done very little preparing. I have been sitting on the couch, watching Doctor Who from the 60s. I am a terrible person.
This is weird. Our neighborhood landscaper/knows everyone guy had an incident on Monday. He was raking the neighbors lawn, started convulsing had blood coming out of his mouth. 911 was called. Took him away in the ambulance. Mr.VoR called his wife, let her know where he was being transported to and then we took his equipment to his house.
This morning, the wife knocked on my door. I've never met her before. Anyway, she can't find her husband. She had called all the hospitals and they all said he wasn't admitted. He hasn't been seen since Monday. So strange. She thinks he fell in a canal.
I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.
Lesson learned in February: I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!
We can literally see the responding fire department from our yard so I pointed it out to her and suggested she go ask them. I got her number from her and just sent a text to see if that panned out. No response yet.
I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.
Lesson learned in February: I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!
I stuck an instrument through my finger earlier. I didn't realize it went all the way through until I noticed I was bleeding on both sides of my finger.
What was it, and how did this happen? I hope it was sterile.
It was a fine hemostat. It only went through soft tissue. I bled all the way down the hall so once I stopped the bleeding I cleaned it up. It's fine now, just have a black finger.
Well, at least it wasn't a needle on a commercial embroidery machine (and I've done it twice, don't ask... )
This is weird. Our neighborhood landscaper/knows everyone guy had an incident on Monday. He was raking the neighbors lawn, started convulsing had blood coming out of his mouth. 911 was called. Took him away in the ambulance. Mr.VoR called his wife, let her know where he was being transported to and then we took his equipment to his house.
This morning, the wife knocked on my door. I've never met her before. Anyway, she can't find her husband. She had called all the hospitals and they all said he wasn't admitted. He hasn't been seen since Monday. So strange. She thinks he fell in a canal.
Maybe she doesn't have the exact name he has been admitted under....
She said she was going to file a missing person report but wanted to talk to us first. I feel bad for her. She didn't know about the blood or the convulsions. Mr.VoR didn't tell her on the phone because he thought she would get all that at the hospital. When I told her that, you could just see her panic. The hospital they told us they were taking him to is about a mile or two from our neighborhood.
I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.
Lesson learned in February: I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!
Wow, VoR, that is very strange. Hope the guy is all right and everything gets straightened out. Thanks for the well wishes. This flu bug really knocked me down. I slept 5 hours after posting this morning. Been sipping on Gatorade since waking up. The fever is gone, finally!! Chicken noodle soup for tonight. So glad I had a big bowl in the freezer. DD's stomach is giving her fits now too.. DS has it, hoping he doesn't give it to the baby. DD and three of five have it as well. We share very well around here.
SB, OUCH!!!!
Dona, don't worry, you will get the packing done.... may be ...
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.
Man, awesome awesome awesome moving film. Worth seeing. We went to the one pm matinee. It was almost totally full. That's never happened before. It's usually pretty empty when DH and I go. Usually only one other couple in there. It was so full. I was on my seat the whole time. It was so well done too. Oh, and if you know who and what to look for you can see us all standing on the side of the road at the very end at the funeral procession. Moving.
The part about the baby. If people hadn't made such a big damn deal out of it I wouldn't have even noticed. I kept watching the whole time for it. I was so let down because it wasn't nearly as scandalous as I thought it was going to be. The two of them are in their daughters nursery. She finishes nursing her and hands off the baby to him to burp. He does it and puts the baby in the crib. The baby is fake. I had to look really hard to figure it out. Was such NOT a big deal.
Go see it. Worth it!
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Hahaha, I wish! But no, my body rejects both alcohol and sugar rather forcefully. I have learned not push the issue unless it involves cookies. Or cake. OR CUPCAKES.
My body embraces them.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
I sat through an hour long meeting today that pointed out that my department (and by extension, me) is irrelevent and unimportant. We "should not be included in decision making" when it comes to treatment team because we aren't traditional "clinicians". I pointed out that members of my department work with the client 40+ hours per week rather than 45 minutes per week. They didn't like that.
I hate my job. Oh - I also have higher training and education than the majority of the "treatment team", more experience and (frankly) am better at the job.
I sat through an hour long meeting today that pointed out that my department (and by extension, me) is irrelevent and unimportant. We "should not be included in decision making" when it comes to treatment team because we aren't traditional "clinicians". I pointed out that members of my department work with the client 40+ hours per week rather than 45 minutes per week. They didn't like that.
I hate my job. Oh - I also have higher training and education than the majority of the "treatment team", more experience and (frankly) am better at the job.
Woah, they think your team is irrelevant? What flew up their arse today...
I would be ticked as well. Sorry they made you feel that way.
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.