Oh...and your kidneys were working and not totally failed like the OP. So again, nothing like the Op.
They had not totally failed. It was probably, but to say they had already failed is inconsistent with the OP...
Well they were not working and were failING. My mistake. She didn't have time to wait for them to totally fail. The stroke would have killed her by then.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
Pre cancerous cells on your cervix is nothing...let me repeat...NOTHING like having such high blood pressure that you will stroke and kidney failure. The situations are not comparable. Try as you want...they are separate and not equal.
Just look at the other board. They applaud abortion. A few of them even said they would like to get pregnant so they could abort to show how pro-choice they are.
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
Oh...and your kidneys were working and not totally failed like the OP. So again, nothing like the Op.
They had not totally failed. It was probably, but to say they had already failed is inconsistent with the OP...
Well they were not working and were failING. My mistake. She didn't have time to wait for them to totally fail. The stroke would have killed her by then.
Didnt have time to wait for what?
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
Just look at the other board. They applaud abortion. A few of them even said they would like to get pregnant so they could abort to show how pro-choice they are.
So, which board is this?
Maybe it was as much crazy talk as some of the stuff here!
Oh...and your kidneys were working and not totally failed like the OP. So again, nothing like the Op.
They had not totally failed. It was probably, but to say they had already failed is inconsistent with the OP...
Well they were not working and were failING. My mistake. She didn't have time to wait for them to totally fail. The stroke would have killed her by then.
Didnt have time to wait for what?
By the time her kidneys would have totally failed, she would have had a stroke because her blood pressure was so high. She didn't have kidney failure because she would not have lived long enough for them to fail.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
Just look at the other board. They applaud abortion. A few of them even said they would like to get pregnant so they could abort to show how pro-choice they are.
I have seen several state that they would get an abortion just to prove that they can. They have absolutely no regard for life in the womb.
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.
It'll be at Planned Parenthood. Tuesday @ 6:00pm. Just push through the protesters. The same ones that chased me while I walked by a clinic to get everyones work lunches. When the priest shoved a baby with read paint in my face? That is when I lost it. Fing losers.
Just look at the other board. They applaud abortion. A few of them even said they would like to get pregnant so they could abort to show how pro-choice they are.
I've never personally read that, but IF it was said, those few individuals need HELP.
So if you have to choose between your life and that of your child, you will choose your life every time.
Defend all you want. But this baby did not have to die like that.
The mother did not have to kill it.
It wasn't an absolute she would die. It wasn't 100% that anything would happen.
But once she had a "what if" it was certain she was going to kill her baby.
For the time, it was as close to 100% as possible.
Lily - you make it sound like she was looking for a reason to end her pregnancy. You sound so ridiculous it's hard to believe you even read or comprehended the article.
She was NOT looking for a way out of the pregnancy. She was looking for a way to save it...but there wasnt one! It was the late 80's! Jesus.
Having a condition that was not the same as hers does not make you an expert in her condition.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
Um, yeah, they did. More than a couple of people will back me up on that...
No. I'm on that board every day. If someone said that, I would have seen it. If more than oneperson said that, I wo u ld imagine several.people woul have flipped out. It would have gone epic. You may have misintrepreted something. Like e someone saying they needed to buy eggs for dinner....oh ****! They want to deliberately get pregnant, abort on youtube, and proudly wear a pro choice bumpersticker on their ass!!!!! Uh, no.
I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.
Lesson learned in February: I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!
Just look at the other board. They applaud abortion. A few of them even said they would like to get pregnant so they could abort to show how pro-choice they are.
I've never personally read that, but IF it was said, those few individuals need HELP.
I agree flan. Abortion should be an option. Not a lifestyle. Not something to enter into lightly to prove it can be done. The people who said that are disgusting IMHO.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
It'll be at Planned Parenthood. Tuesday @ 6:00pm. Just push through the protesters. The same ones that chased me while I walked by a clinic to get everyones work lunches. When the priest shoved a baby with read paint in my face? That is when I lost it. Fing losers.
I will be there. When the 8th graders at my daughter's Catholic school were asked to march to the clinic and stand in front of it chanting and praying the rosary...that's when I lost it.
I understand Catholics are pro life. But dragging 8th graders into a situation they couldn't possibly understand and asking them to intimidate women in front of a clinic...that is wrong. They have no business being there.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
Um, yeah, they did. More than a couple of people will back me up on that...
No. I'm on that board every day. If someone said that, I would have seen it. If more than oneperson said that, I wo u ld imagine several.people woul have flipped out. It would have gone epic. You may have misintrepreted something. Like e someone saying they needed to buy eggs for dinner....oh ****! They want to deliberately get pregnant, abort on youtube, and proudly wear a pro choice bumpersticker on their ass!!!!! Uh, no.
You must have missed the epic thread from last summer. It got deleted, it became so nasty.
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.
Um, yeah, they did. More than a couple of people will back me up on that...
No. I'm on that board every day. If someone said that, I would have seen it. If more than oneperson said that, I wo u ld imagine several.people woul have flipped out. It would have gone epic. You may have misintrepreted something. Like e someone saying they needed to buy eggs for dinner....oh ****! They want to deliberately get pregnant, abort on youtube, and proudly wear a pro choice bumpersticker on their ass!!!!! Uh, no.
Czech saw it too. It hasn't been recently, a few months back. I discussed it with a few people here, but I won't call them out because they have different names there.
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
So if you have to choose between your life and that of your child, you will choose your life every time.
Defend all you want. But this baby did not have to die like that.
The mother did not have to kill it.
It wasn't an absolute she would die. It wasn't 100% that anything would happen.
But once she had a "what if" it was certain she was going to kill her baby.
Less than 10% chance they would both live, Lily. Maybe less than 5% - that's what the doctor told her. You have entered the realm of ridiculous. The baby was not far enough along to have even any kind of decent chance at survival, so you are saying better they both die than that she choose to save her life. That is NOT pro-life.
We are talking about 2 lives here - and you only seem to care about 1 of them. If you are truly pro-life, you would appreciate both of them.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
It'll be at Planned Parenthood. Tuesday @ 6:00pm. Just push through the protesters. The same ones that chased me while I walked by a clinic to get everyones work lunches. When the priest shoved a baby with read paint in my face? That is when I lost it. Fing losers.
I will be there. When the 8th graders at my daughter's Catholic school were asked to march to the clinic and stand in front of it chanting and praying the rosary...that's when I lost it.
I understand Catholics are pro life. But dragging 8th graders into a situation they couldn't possibly understand and asking them to intimidate women in front of a clinic...that is wrong. They have no business being there.
I agree they have no business being there, but not for the same reasons.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
So if you have to choose between your life and that of your child, you will choose your life every time.
Defend all you want. But this baby did not have to die like that.
The mother did not have to kill it.
It wasn't an absolute she would die. It wasn't 100% that anything would happen.
But once she had a "what if" it was certain she was going to kill her baby.
Less than 10% chance they would both live, Lily. Maybe less than 5% - that's what the doctor told her. You have entered the realm of ridiculous. The baby was not far enough along to have even any kind of decent chance at survival, so you are saying better they both die than that she choose to save her life. That is NOT pro-life.
We are talking about 2 lives here - and you only seem to care about 1 of them. If you are truly pro-life, you would appreciate both of them.
I appreciate your ability to see this. I just want you to know that even though we have different views, I can appreciate your ability to be rational about it. And I hope you equally appreciate my willingness to say that abortion should not be done as a stunt as some on another board seem to want to make it.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
It's like a field trip. They raise money to go. I counts as a grade, so I would assume that yes, it's mandatory...unless you want zeros the whole week...
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
What if you can't afford it and aren't good at selling stuff? Are you allowed to opt out and do an alternative assignment? Just curious.
In my hometown, and in Indiana only high school aged kids went to DC and it was on a volunteer basis. No one had to go.
In Indiana, the 8th graders marched at the clinic. I don't think its right for 13 and 14 year olds to harass women in crisis. If they wanted them to work at the pregnancy center where poor women go for help, I would be all for it. Let's preach and teach a solution and an alternative. Let's not teach children to humiliate others for their choices. No matter how much we may disagree with them. Take the high road.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
What if you can't afford it and aren't good at selling stuff? Are you allowed to opt out and do an alternative assignment? Just curious.
In my hometown, and in Indiana only high school aged kids went to DC and it was on a volunteer basis. No one had to go.
In Indiana, the 8th graders marched at the clinic. I don't think its right for 13 and 14 year olds to harass women in crisis. If they wanted them to work at the pregnancy center where poor women go for help, I would be all for it. Let's preach and teach a solution and an alternative. Let's not teach children to humiliate others for their choices. No matter how much we may disagree with them. Take the high road.
It's a private school. If you can't afford a field trip, you probably can't afford private school. You have to sign all kinds of forms before each school year saying you agree to this and that...even non-catholics...
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
So if you have to choose between your life and that of your child, you will choose your life every time.
Defend all you want. But this baby did not have to die like that.
The mother did not have to kill it.
It wasn't an absolute she would die. It wasn't 100% that anything would happen.
But once she had a "what if" it was certain she was going to kill her baby.
There was a greater than 95% chance she would die within the next two weeks. And tben the baby MIGHT have lived.
In her shoes, I would make the same choice. I would choose to live, stay with my husband and family, live to give birth and raise other children. She chose life, just not the life that matters to all you sick 'pro-life' activists.
So if you have to choose between your life and that of your child, you will choose your life every time.
Defend all you want. But this baby did not have to die like that.
The mother did not have to kill it.
It wasn't an absolute she would die. It wasn't 100% that anything would happen.
But once she had a "what if" it was certain she was going to kill her baby.
There was a greater than 95% chance she would die within the next two weeks. And tben the baby MIGHT have lived.
In her shoes, I would make the same choice. I would choose to live, stay with my husband and family, live to give birth and raise other children. She chose life, just not the life that matters to all you sick 'pro-life' activists.
There is no need for name calling, Dona.
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.
Oh ffs. Saying someone is sick isn't namecalling. And if we're going there, the word bitch was thrown out earlier....someone wanna wash out a grown womans mouth for that too?
I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.
Lesson learned in February: I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!
Oh ffs. Saying someone is sick isn't namecalling. And if we're going there, the word bitch was thrown out earlier....someone wanna wash out a grown womans mouth for that too?
Saying an entire group of people and what the stand for is sick is a whole nother ball of wax.
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
Oh ffs. Saying someone is sick isn't namecalling. And if we're going there, the word bitch was thrown out earlier....someone wanna wash out a grown womans mouth for that too?
It is in my book. I missed the bitch reference earlier, now I'll have to go look for it.
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.
Just calling out the blatant hypocrisy of the majority of the left. They scream a preach tolerance, until someone disagrees with them...then they are "sick"
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
I read that article on MSN last night and cried. This is one of those situations in which I feel abortion should be an option - a last resort option after discussing ALL available options. Would a heavy dose of BP meds work? Would dialysis work? What drugs are available that could help? etc.
My mother could've very easily been the woman in the article. I was born in February 1983 and was 2 weeks overdue. Her BP shot up and she had an emergency C-section. I was not breathing and blue at birth. After some time trying to get me to breathe, the doctor asked my father what he wants to do - let me go or keep trying. It took awhile to get me to finally breathe. I was in the NICU for awhile. It took a lot for the doctors to stabilize my mother. Had the same scenario unfolded before I was viable, I don't know if I'd be here. And, I couldn't blame my father for wanting to save my mother instead of me had it come to that.
I can't imagine being faced with such a decision and, God willing, I never will. I showed this article to DH last night after I read it and he said he'd save the baby over me. It hurts knowing he'd rather lose his wife and leave our son motherless. Hopefully, such a decision will never have to be made.
Just calling out the blatant hypocrisy of the majority of the left. They scream a preach tolerance, until someone disagrees with them...then they are "sick"
Well the whole "left" didnt say that. One poster did. Don't lump us all in one group.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
My 1st husband said the same thing to me chef. When it came down to it, he was a man of conviction and he signed my potential death warrant in order to save our 3rd daughter. I divorced him 6 months later. I couldn't be with someone who was so cavalier about my life and would have left my other children motherless. But, I gotta say, that man was a truth teller. He said it, he meant it, he did it.
I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.
Lesson learned in February: I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!