I realize that I take a too harsh of stance sometimes. As I said before, I'm jaded. I've come in contact with far too many people that abort for convenience. So I tend to be a little over the top on this...
I am sure this mother thought is was more convenient to live. Since, you know, if she had died, her baby was also going to die.
She very well may not have died. We have a person on this very board that was told she would die, but didn't. And neither did her child...
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
55 Million Abortions were not done to "save the life of the mother" . This is simply more propaganda. There is NO medical indication to have an abortion. If mom is in danger, so is baby. The treatment for that is delivery.
The OTHER abortions have nothing to do with this one. This was a wanted child - and it was a devastating decision. And YES, pregnancy can be life threatening -women used to DIE all the time, modern medicine is able to intervene now when necessary.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Tell ya what Blankie. I will agree to abortion for rape, incest and Life of the mother? Other than that, let's set limits. Sound good?
Supposedly - and yet you've condemned the woman in this OP when her life was on the line. Lip service and actually meaning it are two different things.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
The "right thing" according to whom? She could have choosen a C Section which is what millions of women do.
You really think that option wasn't considered? She was in physical distress and the baby was not far enough along to survive it in 1989. It would be rare for it to survive it now. Try using facts instead of emotion to control your response.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.