A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
"You missed the point, husker. IF the model had a hard on, it wouldn't have been so bad. As it was, neht." - just Czech
I agree that it (the "cloak") would have been better presented on a model with wood, however, I still agree that that type of garment would be better suited for female wear. I've heard, and read on various forums, that the penis, by itself, is just not that amazing for most women to look at, whereas, the mons pubis and outer and inner labia of women is something that men, straight ones anyway, do like to look at, and are amazed and mesmerized by.
"You missed the point, husker. IF the model had a hard on, it wouldn't have been so bad. As it was, neht." - just Czech
I agree that it (the "cloak") would have been better presented on a model with wood, however, I still agree that that type of garment would be better suited for female wear. I've heard, and read on various forums, that the penis, by itself, is just not that amazing for most women to look at, whereas, the mons pubis and outer and inner labia of women is something that men, straight ones anyway, do like to look at, and are amazed and mesmerized by.
The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.
"You missed the point, husker. IF the model had a hard on, it wouldn't have been so bad. As it was, neht." - just Czech
I agree that it (the "cloak") would have been better presented on a model with wood, however, I still agree that that type of garment would be better suited for female wear. I've heard, and read on various forums, that the penis, by itself, is just not that amazing for most women to look at, whereas, the mons pubis and outer and inner labia of women is something that men, straight ones anyway, do like to look at, and are amazed and mesmerized by.
Except men dont like to think of it as labia and mons pubis. Lol.
I am doubting the orientation of all you ladies now, because I find nothing unattractive about manly bits. I find them quite enjoyable to look at. Lady bits, not so much. Meh.
I am doubting the orientation of all you ladies now, because I find nothing unattractive about manly bits. I find them quite enjoyable to look at. Lady bits, not so much. Meh.
For me it's always been about who the "manly bits" are attached to.
I am doubting the orientation of all you ladies now, because I find nothing unattractive about manly bits. I find them quite enjoyable to look at. Lady bits, not so much. Meh.
I am doubting the orientation of all you ladies now, because I find nothing unattractive about manly bits. I find them quite enjoyable to look at. Lady bits, not so much. Meh.
For me it's always been about who the "manly bits" are attached to.
I agree HM. I think penises are downright ugly. And I really like men. A lot. But their parts...Blech. No thanks. They do great work, don't get me wrong, but they were not designed with aesthetics in mind.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
Lady bits kind of gross me out. Probably because I am not attracted to those parts. Now a hunky man is a wonder to behold. When he is naked and in full glory, o la la.
A fat, out of shape guy with limp junk isn't going to do anything for any woman, IMHO.
I'm pretty sure the guys prefer to see a young svelte female's parts over a fat layered old lady's parts as well. Be honest guys, you do.
Men just do not realize women are as judgmental of the male body as men are of a woman's body. Or I should say, men don't like women being as judgmental of male bodies as men are of women's bodies.
Suck that dunlap in guys.
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.
One time, a nurse (male) was prepping a patient. He noticed a bulge on his abdomen and poked and a few times saying oh look, he has a hernia. Not, he inflated the guys penis pump, lol. We don't see a lot of erections.
I am doubting the orientation of all you ladies now, because I find nothing unattractive about manly bits. I find them quite enjoyable to look at. Lady bits, not so much. Meh.
For me it's always been about who the "manly bits" are attached to.
I agree HM. I think penises are downright ugly. And I really like men. A lot. But their parts...Blech. No thanks. They do great work, don't get me wrong, but they were not designed with aesthetics in mind.
Either look into his eyes, or just keep your eyes closed?
I've read that women like to look at a guy's butt ... and that's why they put mirrors on bedroom ceilings.
The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.