DH put an ad in our local paper for a small plow for sale. As a bonus, the paper also posts it on their website. We got a call (text, really) from a man who typed that he was deaf but could use texting. He wanted the plow; said he would send a check for the listed amount ($300) plus a little for shipping "and to give the driver who would pick up the plow some money to buy other items in our area."
He texted the USPS tracking number - it was mailed from GA 1/12/15, went to MD, then San Antonio, then to a small town in the adjacent county, where it disappeared until today, 1/23/15! So much for priority mail! He kept texting asking us to deposit it so he could have his driver pick up the plow and the extra cash.
When we opened the envelope, the check was for $1,500!!!!! OBVIOUSLY a scam! We would deposit the check, taking the extra $1,200 to give to the driver. We would have been out the plow, plus the $1500, plus bank fees! When we went to the bank, we asked them to verify if the account was a valid one (drawn on the same bank we use). They told us it was bogus, and turned it over to their fraud department.
When we got back from the bank, laughing all the way, we sent him a text:
"Took the check to the bank . . . they rejected it and handed it over to the district attorney"
I posted my car on Craigs list this past summer. I immediately received messages wanting to buy it sight unseen, one would sent a cashier's check, other one was sending a car carrier to pick it up and would transfer the money via the paypal account. Uh-huh. Took the listing down. I really wonder about people who don't pay attention to all the scam stories and get ripped off.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
It's a shame that people work so hard at taking what we have worked for. It's like the government times two.
So true. It's sad because they know how to work things and put a lot time and energy into scamming that if they did the same with real jobs they could be legal and have a great job.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
It's a shame that people work so hard at taking what we have worked for. It's like the government times two.
So true. It's sad because they know how to work things and put a lot time and energy into scamming that if they did the same with real jobs they could be legal and have a great job.
So in the news today locally, was the story of a man and woman who were caught in an American Girl return scam. They were buying dolls on a discount website, then returning them for full price at the AG store. They returned over $5300 worth of dolls. That's how they got caught - no legit couple has a need to return that much. The kicker - she was a fraud investigator for the state and he was a cop.
So they kind of price your point!! Put your mind to good use and you can have decent jobs!
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
It's a shame that people work so hard at taking what we have worked for. It's like the government times two.
So true. It's sad because they know how to work things and put a lot time and energy into scamming that if they did the same with real jobs they could be legal and have a great job.
So in the news today locally, was the story of a man and woman who were caught in an American Girl return scam. They were buying dolls on a discount website, then returning them for full price at the AG store. They returned over $5300 worth of dolls. That's how they got caught - no legit couple has a need to return that much. The kicker - she was a fraud investigator for the state and he was a cop.
So they kind of price your point!! Put your mind to good use and you can have decent jobs!
What a waste. They both had good jobs and they jeopardize them for a couple thousand dollar profit? Wow.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.