I do not understand why I keep waking up wide awake at 3 and 4 in the morning. Grrrrr. I'll be sleepy all day and walk around like a zombie, getting nothing done. And I have a cold - I need sleep.
OK, whine over. Happy Saturday everyone!
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
I'll probably try a movie in a minute. Something boring.
Or, you could stay up and watch the tennis with me!
I might get into tennis soon. We are taking DD10 to a tennis thing today for beginners to see how she likes it. We might sign her up for a tennis program this next month - it's a month long tennis "apprentice" program for beginners to see if they like it.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
I'll probably try a movie in a minute. Something boring.
Or, you could stay up and watch the tennis with me!
I might get into tennis soon. We are taking DD10 to a tennis thing today for beginners to see how she likes it. We might sign her up for a tennis program this next month - it's a month long tennis "apprentice" program for beginners to see if they like it.
So prediction is 3-9". Already 3 out there and it's not looking as though its going to let up anytime soon. I just hope it started early enough that it end this afternoon so I can still go out tonight.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
Morning yall! We got a whopping inch and a half of snow last night! Its beautiful, but will be gone in an hour or two. I got out of bed just so I can sit here and enjoy it for a bit.
Tonight we are going to a Japanese steak house to celebrate January birthdays. I can taste it now...mmmmm...
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
Good morning! I drug my sorry butt out of bed and am treating myself to breakfast out. Not many plans for today. I want to check in at work, my hourly guys have been working a ton of overtime. If they are working today I might take them some cookies as a thank you.
Good morning. Dishes done, shower done, hair done. This hair is challenging! It's falling out but it's still really long. At what age does one look pathetic with long hair? I have visions of looking like an old indian woman with silver braided hair that brushes the ground. Except I'm irish, never had a grey and my hair is so thin my braids look like pippy longstocking. I'm obviously delusional.
I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.
Lesson learned in February: I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!
Lots of rain though. Unless we get a good hard freeze soon, we are going to have a bumper crop of winged and other wise critters.
Hope our bats come back around.
The sun is out now and it is warming up nicely. 41 and climbing.
LL, are you taking a medication? For the cold? Some times those are not always good for helping a person sleep.
Sleep patterns change as we age too.
Hope everyone has a nice day.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
Good morning. Dishes done, shower done, hair done. This hair is challenging! It's falling out but it's still really long. At what age does one look pathetic with long hair? I have visions of looking like an old indian woman with silver braided hair that brushes the ground. Except I'm irish, never had a grey and my hair is so thin my braids look like pippy longstocking. I'm obviously delusional.
How about a pony tail instead?
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
Good morning. Dishes done, shower done, hair done. This hair is challenging! It's falling out but it's still really long. At what age does one look pathetic with long hair? I have visions of looking like an old indian woman with silver braided hair that brushes the ground. Except I'm irish, never had a grey and my hair is so thin my braids look like pippy longstocking. I'm obviously delusional.
How about a pony tail instead?
I actually wear it up in a messy decontructed bun thingy. I look deranged most of the time but Mr.VoR loves the look. It's a disaster. But, if it's all up on my head, it looks like I have a lot of hair. I use clips, not binders.
I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.
Lesson learned in February: I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!
Good morning. Dishes done, shower done, hair done. This hair is challenging! It's falling out but it's still really long. At what age does one look pathetic with long hair? I have visions of looking like an old indian woman with silver braided hair that brushes the ground. Except I'm irish, never had a grey and my hair is so thin my braids look like pippy longstocking. I'm obviously delusional.
How about a pony tail instead?
I actually wear it up in a messy decontructed bun thingy. I look deranged most of the time but Mr.VoR loves the look. It's a disaster. But, if it's all up on my head, it looks like I have a lot of hair. I use clips, not binders.
Good morning. Dishes done, shower done, hair done. This hair is challenging! It's falling out but it's still really long. At what age does one look pathetic with long hair? I have visions of looking like an old indian woman with silver braided hair that brushes the ground. Except I'm irish, never had a grey and my hair is so thin my braids look like pippy longstocking. I'm obviously delusional.
How about a pony tail instead?
I actually wear it up in a messy decontructed bun thingy. I look deranged most of the time but Mr.VoR loves the look. It's a disaster. But, if it's all up on my head, it looks like I have a lot of hair. I use clips, not binders.
I finally cut my hair off about a year or two ago.
My hair was down to my waist, I loved my hair. Then it started falling out and it was getting harder and harder for me to take care of it.
I got tired of the hair every where. I couldn't cook without it getting all over and that just grossed me out. I kept it up constantly and it was breaking and thinning.
It clogged my shower drain constantly.
When it got to the point where C was putting it up every day for me cause I couldn't do anything else with it, I cut it all off.
I keep it maybe an inch or 2 long. No more.
I like it. So much easier and I have saved a crap ton of money not buying all the products. But I do miss it at times. I wont lie.
I have noticed that it isn't falling out anymore like it was. I think it was breaking off more than falling out. I used things like bobby pins, soft binders and clips. It got so brittle that rushing and combing became bad for my hair.
Hope you find something you like.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
Good morning. Dishes done, shower done, hair done. This hair is challenging! It's falling out but it's still really long. At what age does one look pathetic with long hair? I have visions of looking like an old indian woman with silver braided hair that brushes the ground. Except I'm irish, never had a grey and my hair is so thin my braids look like pippy longstocking. I'm obviously delusional.
How about a pony tail instead?
I actually wear it up in a messy decontructed bun thingy. I look deranged most of the time but Mr.VoR loves the look. It's a disaster. But, if it's all up on my head, it looks like I have a lot of hair. I use clips, not binders.
That's really all that matters!
I disagree. She has to like how she looks too. And it sounds like she isn't really diggin it. Not that it isn't nice but she wants something, more.
I understand that.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
I just noticed my reflection in the computer screen and I look deranged!
Same effect as the mirror in the salon. Don't be fooled, you look fine.
Let's not even MENTION a full-length mirror...
LOL! I have the "good" mirror and the "bad" mirror. Apparently one or both of them is not quite perfect - I'm fat in one and thin in the other.
I will pay $100 plus shipping if you send me the thin mirror!! Does it come with velcro so I can wear it on my ass? No? That's ok, I'll MaCGyver something. SEND ME THE MAGIC MIRROR!!
I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.
Lesson learned in February: I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!
I just noticed my reflection in the computer screen and I look deranged!
Same effect as the mirror in the salon. Don't be fooled, you look fine.
Let's not even MENTION a full-length mirror...
LOL! I have the "good" mirror and the "bad" mirror. Apparently one or both of them is not quite perfect - I'm fat in one and thin in the other.
I will pay $100 plus shipping if you send me the thin mirror!! Does it come with velcro so I can wear it on my ass? No? That's ok, I'll MaCGyver something. SEND ME THE MAGIC MIRROR!!
Now, if the skinny mirror also was an anti- gravity, wrinkle erasing magic miror, it would be worth another zero. But, I would keep it, open a storefront and charge $10 per person to stand in front of it eating ice cream. That's just me of course.
I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.
Lesson learned in February: I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!
Now, if the skinny mirror also was an anti- gravity, wrinkle erasing magic miror, it would be worth another zero. But, I would keep it, open a storefront and charge $10 per person to stand in front of it eating ice cream. That's just me of course.
If it was that, I would call it "my precious".
As it is, it works even better if you stand with your back to it and hold a hand mirror so you can see, well... behind you.