No poor pooch. He probably loved it. Ours will sleep as long as we do.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
VoR, my mom was losing hair like crazy and it was so thin you could see her scalp. Her stylist recommended that she go to Trade Secrets and buy the shampoo and conditioner that is for women undergoing chemotherapy. She's used it for years now and her hair appears so much fuller.
I hate grocery shopping. I hate putting it away most. Take a nice nap TLC, you have earned it.
This! But, I've learned if I put all dairy together, freezer stuff, fridge stuff, pantry stuff and baking stuff in separate bags, getting it put away is pretty easy. Sometimes I put the whole bag of vegies in the crisper without even unpacking them.
-- Edited by voiceofreason on Saturday 24th of January 2015 03:10:09 PM
I am so guilty of this. I do the same thing with the freezer stuff and the fridge stuff Shoot I wont lie, I have just put the bags in the pantry too.
I know the cashiers hate to see me coming cause I separate everything into groups. My grocer puts cold things in blue bags so it makes it even easier.
I separate things into groups too. Frozen together, produce together, etc. It irritates me when the cashier bags something frozen with something perishable (like bread). I don't want moisture on my bread.
DH and I tend to shop Winco now that we have one up the street and you bag your stuff there. Love it!
I almost went there Thursday since I was at costco anyway. The one on baseline and country club right?