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A Week in the Life of Tiger Mom, Amy Chua


A few busy days filled with lethargic daughters, fluffy yet ferocious dogs and some odd hate mail.

Amy L. Chua, is a lawyer, writer, and legal scholar. She is the John M. Duff Jr. Professor of Law at Yale Law School. ENLARGE
Amy L. Chua, is a lawyer, writer, and legal scholar. She is the John M. Duff Jr. Professor of Law at Yale Law School. Photo: Fadil Berisha

Woke up at 6:30 a.m. to something licking my chin. Opened my eyes and saw two big white fluffy faces staring hopefully down at me. Breakfast time? Both Coco and Pushkin sleep with us, keeping us warm at night, just as their brave and loyal Samoyed ancestors did back in Siberia 500 million years ago after pulling sleds all day.

Dogs are so much nicer than daughters. Sophia and Lulu, now somehow 22 and 19, are going back to college tomorrow. They’ve been home on break for almost a month, and frankly, we’ve had some rocky moments. But today is their last day at home, and I just want it to be a happy one for everyone.


11 a.m. Productive morning! Graded 10 exams, wrote three letters of recommendation and blurbed a book. No sign of either daughter.


Noon. Both girls are still sleeping. Tried to make loud noises by unloading the dishwasher. Nothing happened.



Woke the girls up at 1:02 p.m. Gently reminded them that they had to start packing. And do their own laundry, because it was ridiculous in this day and age that a woman with a career like me still had to do all the housework. Deeply moved by my own words.


Asked Lulu why she had to waste $3.49 on a Dunkin’ Donuts coffee when we have perfectly good coffee at home and when $3.49 would have fed my whole family for a month when I was growing up.


Discovered that Sophia got a tattoo. She tried to hide it from me, but I spotted it. Instead of going ballistic like I have in the past, I was very reasonable. I told Sophia that I was glad she had at least chosen a physics symbol (a light cone) and that I would pay for its removal. I’ll have to hide this from my parents.


My husband Jed and I just sent both girls off on the train. Now I feel sad. I wish I’d made their stay more fun. What if they don’t want to come home again?


It’s the first day of the spring term, and I’ve got a busy day ahead. Have to attend a meeting from 10-12, then another meeting from 12-2, then hold marathon office hours from 2-6, then race home to host a dinner for a student organization, then meet some research assistants for drinks at 9.

But before that, I have to play tennis, run the dogs and rush to UPS because it’s the last day to return a hideous dress I accidentally bought.


Got to my office this morning and found a package waiting for me, the size of a shoebox, with a California return address. I assumed it was a gift—I love presents!—but when I opened it, nothing was in the box except packing material. Then I found a note saying, “Here’s my copy of ‘Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.’ It doesn’t deserve to be on my bookshelf.” The “packing material” turned out to be my book—shredded. For a moment, I was terrified, and I actually felt my blood run cold. But then I thought, “This is really kind of impressive. It takes initiative to do something like this. In a different world, this person and I might have been friends.” Distant friends.


The Sudanese American Public Affairs Association invited me to give a conference keynote talk on “The Triple Package,” the book I co-wrote last year with Jed, which argues that a blend of insecurity, impulse control and a superiority complex makes some groups and individuals disproportionately successful. I said yes because I love culture and people, especially ones who like me. As my favorite fictional character, Lucky Jim, said, “nice things are nicer than nasty ones.”


Today, as Coco sat regal and sphinx-like among a pile of her stuffed animals, I saw one with a long, matted tail that didn’t look familiar. I looked more closely, then screamed for Jed. It was a squirrel that Coco must have lain in wait for, pounced on and thwacked to death. I’ve never been so proud, except maybe when Sophia gave her first piano recital.

— Ms. Chua is a professor at Yale Law School




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""Woke the girls up at 1:02 p.m. Gently reminded them that they had to start packing. And do their own laundry..""

If they are doing their own laundry, can't they wake themselves up? I don't wake my son up for work. Sometimes he has to open at 0600 am and it is his responsibility to get himself up.



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""Asked Lulu why she had to waste $3.49 on a Dunkin’ Donuts coffee when we have perfectly good coffee at home and when $3.49 would have fed my whole family for a month when I was growing up.""

Nag, nag, nag. lol



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""Discovered that Sophia got a tattoo. She tried to hide it from me, but I spotted it. Instead of going ballistic like I have in the past, I was very reasonable. I told Sophia that I was glad she had at least chosen a physics symbol (a light cone) and that I would pay for its removal. I’ll have to hide this from my parents.""

Really? She is a grown woman. Your parents will just have to DEAL.


Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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I think her girls slept in so late to avoid spending time with her. I am the first to get on my kids when they screw up, but this woman sounds like she is impossible to please.


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 

Rib-it! Rrrib-it!

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Mellow Momma wrote:

I think her girls slept in so late to avoid spending time with her. I am the first to get on my kids when they screw up, but this woman sounds like she is impossible to please.

 Hell, I was thinking if I was one of her daughters I wouldn't have even come home.


“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”
Maya Angelou


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Mom is still signing the checks.


Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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Lady Gaga Snerd wrote:

Mom is still signing the checks.

 You don't get to verbally abuse your kids just because you pay for their stuff. 


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 

Rib-it! Rrrib-it!

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Mellow Momma wrote:
Lady Gaga Snerd wrote:

Mom is still signing the checks.

 You don't get to verbally abuse your kids just because you pay for their stuff. 

 No chit.  The tattoo thing is unbelievable.  I have a small tattoo on my ankle.  DN got one on her wrist.  It's a cross.  It's tasteful but she's also had problems finding jobs because of it.  But she's an adult.  Really?  When your child becomes an adult they get to make their own choices and live with them.


“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”
Maya Angelou


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Oh I am not defending her. Just saying why I think they still come home.



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She sounds like an exhausting control freak.


Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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I love how she says she just wants their last day at home to be happy. So she wakes them up and starts berating them. Nice work ! That should make them happy!


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 


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Well she didn't want to disappoint their usual routine! Sleeping till 1 pm though , lol.


Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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Lady Gaga Snerd wrote:

Well she didn't want to disappoint their usual routine! Sleeping till 1 pm though , lol.

 They were probably out late the night before...partying and disappointing her some more! 


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 

Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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Sorry. I should change my tone. I don't want to be labeled a bashed or a hater of this ethnic group.


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 

Rib-it! Rrrib-it!

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And I'm thinking, She's berating them for paying $3.49 for a cup of coffee when that would have fed her whole family when she was a child. NEWSFLASH, you're not in China anymore. Your daughters don't have to be responsible for paying for the poor conditions there. If they want a damn cup of coffee, let them have one. Sheesh.


“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”
Maya Angelou

Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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If it's the kids' money...then stfu. If she paid for it, then she needs to own up to the fact that she taught them to spend like this! Her fault not theirs!

And isn't their fault she lived in China and stuff was cheap.


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 

Rib-it! Rrrib-it!

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When she started in on the coffee and how that was what fed her family for a week in China I just kept thinking "Eat your broccoli. There's starving kids in China you know."


“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”
Maya Angelou


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Yeah like they are 5 !



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I bet she is a joy with her husband too.




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I guess I'm the only one who thinks she's too lenient with her kids.




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They aren't kids.


Rib-it! Rrrib-it!

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Yeah, 22 and 19 are adults. If she hasn't raised them right by now it's a little late.


“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”
Maya Angelou

Rib-it! Rrrib-it!

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Actually if she wants them to get up at a certain time every morning that's on her. She needs to TELL them, "I expect you at the breakfast table promptly at eight, dressed, and ready to go for the day." But the passive aggressive slamming dishes around is stupid. Kids that age are going to laugh at her and continue to sleep. Maybe she needs to tell them what she expects of them? Besides nagging of course.


“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”
Maya Angelou

Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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Her kids are in college. They are probably desperate to catch up on sleep. DD always came home and slept all day. I didn't care. She worked hard in school and she deserved to spend her break however she chose to. I just asked that she join us for dinner each night and not complain if someone woke her up past 9am.


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 

Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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FNW wrote:

I guess I'm the only one who thinks she's too lenient with her kids.

 Did you know thay when they were small, when they made her handmade birthday cards, she would hand them back and tell her kids to redo them if she didn't think the cards were "their best work". Sorry. That's a crappy mom. I am not saying you have to tell your kids their cards are something they are not...but you accept a gift in the spirit it was given. She should say thanks and give them a hug. Nope, she handed them back and said try again. 


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 

Rib-it! Rrrib-it!

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I guess I just don't get it. If I want my kids up for some reason I TELL them. It's a pretty simple concept in our house. If I don't care if you sleep in then have at it. If you get woken up for some reason that's life.


“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”
Maya Angelou



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Mellow Momma wrote:
FNW wrote:

I guess I'm the only one who thinks she's too lenient with her kids.

 Did you know thay when they were small, when they made her handmade birthday cards, she would hand them back and tell her kids to redo them if she didn't think the cards were "their best work". Sorry. That's a crappy mom. I am not saying you have to tell your kids their cards are something they are not...but you accept a gift in the spirit it was given. She should say thanks and give them a hug. Nope, she handed them back and said try again. 

 Well, that's mean.  So now she overcompensates by letting them sleep in until 1 PM?  Seems she can't seem to find a happy medium.



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I do not think there was anything wrong with waking them up and telling them they needed to do their laundry and pack - she gave them plenty of opportunity to wake up on their own, and they didn't do it.

And at 19 and 22, if their mother is so horrible - they don't have to come home. But, I bet they like her money.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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Mellow Momma wrote:

Sorry. I should change my tone. I don't want to be labeled a bashed or a hater of this ethnic group.

 This passive agressive crap is beneath you.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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Lawyerlady wrote:
Mellow Momma wrote:

Sorry. I should change my tone. I don't want to be labeled a bashed or a hater of this ethnic group.

 This passive agressive crap is beneath you.

 Actually you don't have any idea how low I am capable of going. But I appreciate you being right there to scold me. What I said wasnt against any rules. And I resent your scolding tone. 

And not every post that I post is about you. But it's cute that you think it is. 


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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Mellow Momma wrote:
Lawyerlady wrote:
Mellow Momma wrote:

Sorry. I should change my tone. I don't want to be labeled a bashed or a hater of this ethnic group.

 This passive agressive crap is beneath you.

 Actually you don't have any idea how low I am capable of going. But I appreciate you being right there to scold me. What I said wasnt against any rules. And I resent your scolding tone. 

And not every post that I post is about you. But it's cute that you think it is. 

 That was scolding?  I didn't say it was against the rules - I said it was beneath you.  Obviously I was wrong.  And I'm not stupid - I know when a post is directed at me - to try to pretend that wasn't is just ridiculous. 




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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Lawyerlady wrote:
Mellow Momma wrote:
Lawyerlady wrote:
Mellow Momma wrote:

Sorry. I should change my tone. I don't want to be labeled a bashed or a hater of this ethnic group.

 This passive agressive crap is beneath you.

 Actually you don't have any idea how low I am capable of going. But I appreciate you being right there to scold me. What I said wasnt against any rules. And I resent your scolding tone. 

And not every post that I post is about you. But it's cute that you think it is. 

 That was scolding?  I didn't say it was against the rules - I said it was beneath you.  Obviously I was wrong.  And I'm not stupid - I know when a post is directed at me - to try to pretend that wasn't is just ridiculous. 

 Telling a poster that something is beneath them is scolding. If what they said isn't against the rules, and if you aren't furthering the discussion...why even comment at all? You were scolding. And to pretend that you weren't "is just ridiculous". 


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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Mellow Momma wrote:
Lawyerlady wrote:
Mellow Momma wrote:
Lawyerlady wrote:
Mellow Momma wrote:

Sorry. I should change my tone. I don't want to be labeled a bashed or a hater of this ethnic group.

 This passive agressive crap is beneath you.

 Actually you don't have any idea how low I am capable of going. But I appreciate you being right there to scold me. What I said wasnt against any rules. And I resent your scolding tone. 

And not every post that I post is about you. But it's cute that you think it is. 

 That was scolding?  I didn't say it was against the rules - I said it was beneath you.  Obviously I was wrong.  And I'm not stupid - I know when a post is directed at me - to try to pretend that wasn't is just ridiculous. 

 Telling a poster that something is beneath them is scolding. If what they said isn't against the rules, and if you aren't furthering the discussion...why even comment at all? You were scolding. And to pretend that you weren't "is just ridiculous". 

 That could be said about your comment to begin with.  Don't want to take it - don't dish it out.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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Lawyerlady wrote:
Mellow Momma wrote:
Lawyerlady wrote:
Mellow Momma wrote:
Lawyerlady wrote:
Mellow Momma wrote:

Sorry. I should change my tone. I don't want to be labeled a bashed or a hater of this ethnic group.

 This passive agressive crap is beneath you.

 Actually you don't have any idea how low I am capable of going. But I appreciate you being right there to scold me. What I said wasnt against any rules. And I resent your scolding tone. 

And not every post that I post is about you. But it's cute that you think it is. 

 That was scolding?  I didn't say it was against the rules - I said it was beneath you.  Obviously I was wrong.  And I'm not stupid - I know when a post is directed at me - to try to pretend that wasn't is just ridiculous. 

 Telling a poster that something is beneath them is scolding. If what they said isn't against the rules, and if you aren't furthering the discussion...why even comment at all? You were scolding. And to pretend that you weren't "is just ridiculous". 

 That could be said about your comment to begin with.  Don't want to take it - don't dish it out.

 Considering the scoding we received on the Amish thread, my post wasn't passive aggressive at all. I was being pretty serious. I am currently unsure where the line seems to change depending on who is talking and what they are talking about. I honestly didn't want my posts to cross that ever changing line. 


See ee as how  poster here repeatedly used misogynistic words and phrases to describe and demean a ground of people and went relatively unscathed until recently...I thought we had a bit more leeway than what was demonstrated in the other thread. So color me confused. 


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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The rules are pretty clear - if you can't understand them, I'll sum up. Hate speech is not allowed - as an example, blatent racism, anti-semitism, etc. That thread was bashing the Amish as a whole just as anti-semites bash Jews. (I know you'll deny it, but the posts speak for themselves). This thread is about one woman and her parenting style, not all Asians. The difference is pretty clear.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

Sniff...sniff, sniff. Yay! A Bum!

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Oh the rules ARE crystal clear. I understand them 100%. It's the enforcement and interpretation of the rules that continues to confuse me and several others here. It seems that who you are matters. If you are a favorite you can say pretty much whatever you want. If you are not, your posts are much more regulated.

And I want to be clear in this...when one grown woman comments on another grown woman's tone unsolicited...that is scolding. And to pretend otherwise is ridiculous.


Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite ! 

Itty bitty's Grammy

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Holey moley...



You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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Mellow Momma wrote:

Oh the rules ARE crystal clear. I understand them 100%. It's the enforcement and interpretation of the rules that continues to confuse me and several others here. It seems that who you are matters. If you are a favorite you can say pretty much whatever you want. If you are not, your posts are much more regulated.

And I want to be clear in this...when one grown woman comments on another grown woman's tone unsolicited...that is scolding. And to pretend otherwise is ridiculous.

 Oh, on the contrary - Ohfour is definately one of my favorites, and I'm arguing with her more than anyone.  And most comments one here go pretty unregulated.


However - if you want me to invoke rules, I'll remind you that questioning moderator actions is against them. By posting here - you agree to the moderation.  Don't like it - don't post.


And when one grown woman makes such comments just to be controversial - that is childish.




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

Vette's SS!!

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Ooooh catfight!
I am putting my money on LL.

Regarding the op: When I was home on break from college, I was expected to help milk, among other things.
That means up in time to start chores at 5:00AM.
And they wondered why I didn't answer their calls, or come home on weekends, and visited friends on short breaks.


My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Don't know who she is. Don't care who she is.

I honestly didn't see anything abusive being said.

I see a mom making a comment to a child she is obviously still supporting on the cost of her coffee.

I see a mom who probably has very traditional parents. Tattoos are a no no.

But I don't see abuse in the OP. She can do what ever she wants to do in her life, home, and family.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

Rib-it! Rrrib-it!

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I never said that there was anything abusive about her parenting. But I think you have to know her and know her claim to fame to understand her Lily. She is the self proclaimed "Tiger Mom". She is from China and she has written book after book after book disparaging American parents and calling them all kinds of names like lazy and unmotivated. She talked about how her kids WOULD achieve a certain standard because she would MAKE them. Does she have some valid points? Sure. But it's not all that white and black or cut and dry. What about your aspergers son? Can you just MAKE him be normal? Of course not. And she was one of these hovering parents. Plus she put her kids in activities every day of the week. I'm all for putting kids in activities but she goes overboard. Kids also need a chance to just be kids. She doesn't believe in that. Structure at all cost. This article sounds to me like a mother who now has kids who are rebelling.


“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”
Maya Angelou


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lilyofcourse wrote:

Don't know who she is. Don't care who she is.

I honestly didn't see anything abusive being said.

I see a mom making a comment to a child she is obviously still supporting on the cost of her coffee.

I see a mom who probably has very traditional parents. Tattoos are a no no.

But I don't see abuse in the OP. She can do what ever she wants to do in her life, home, and family.

Exactly what NJN said.  Perhaps you should Google because the rest of us know who she is and the type of comments she has made over the years.  hmm 


On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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Lady Gaga Snerd wrote:
lilyofcourse wrote:

Don't know who she is. Don't care who she is.

I honestly didn't see anything abusive being said.

I see a mom making a comment to a child she is obviously still supporting on the cost of her coffee.

I see a mom who probably has very traditional parents. Tattoos are a no no.

But I don't see abuse in the OP. She can do what ever she wants to do in her life, home, and family.

Exactly what NJN said.  Perhaps you should Google because the rest of us know who she is and the type of comments she has made over the years.  hmm 

 I didn't.  I'm not going to follow a woman like the one NJN described - why would I waste my time?




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 


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That's the thing about Tiger Moms. Yeah, they make their kid spend 2 hrs a day practicing piano. However, we see that Bill Gates and many of the creative minds of our time have not come from China. Why? Because their kids are spending hours and hours doing activities that they aren't particularly inclined for because they are made too. So, the 2 hours a day that an avg Chinese kid spends practicing the piano is 2 Hours a day he is NOT doing something else. They don't leave any room in their schedules for creative thinking and processes and exploration. So, the Tiger Mom approach does get results of sorts, but fails in other ways.


Rib-it! Rrrib-it!

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I don't "follow" her to be clear. I do know who she is because she does have a following. Not me. She is very popular among overworked, overstressed, overburdened American parents who are trying to keep up with the Jones at all costs. I think she has some very valid points. I know way too many parents who plop their kids in front of tv all day. However, I also don't agree with most of what she says.


“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!”
Maya Angelou

Nothing's Impossible

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I've never heard of this until now....


A person's a person no matter how small.


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I am talking about "following" as I being aware of the news.


My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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I really don't care what she does.

And I am not going to make any attempt to bring her world into mine.

You know that whole "not my monkey" thing? Yeah. This is so totally not mine.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.


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OK? Your point is what??


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