Wasn't sure about posting this but ya'll asked so here goes. I'll try to keep it short but if you need clarification or have a question please ask. Sometimes I forget stuff. I've been going to a women's group at a church once a month. It is NOT a prayer group or a Bible study group. It's basically a social group. I started going because, even though I have friends, most of them are not close to me in distance and I wanted to meet some people locally. This group just meets, brings a dish, and we chit chat and catch up on each others lives. If someone is having a hard time we comfort them. We celebrate good times. The only qualification in coming is to be a woman. You don't have to be a Christian. Last night we had group and there was a young lady there, probably early twenties, talking about her time with a gang. She was doing drugs and drinking. She was doing many drugs. She told us one day she hit rock bottom and decided to get sober. So she locked herself in her house and started praying. She said it took two weeks to detox. She said the whole time she prayed demons were coming out of the woodwork attacking her and trying to steal her soul. She said there were demons everywhere. She said she saw them and felt them.
Okay, moving right along. I fee for her. I really do. I have no idea what it is like to detox but I'm sure it's miserably hard. And I do believe in god . And I firmly believe that if good exists then evil exists. I have known some truly evil people. My bio dad is one. I believe there are people who have so much evil in them it's beyond belief. But I'm not into invoking god on their soul or calling for a demonic removal. In the same sense I believe ghosts exist but I also believe a lot of what people believe is ghosts can also be explained away by other things.
So, they were all starting to pray for this girls soul. And I was sitting there really quietly and very uncomfortably thinking, "Those probably weren't demons but drug induced hallucinations." But I didn't say anything. I wasn't going to be the voice of distension. Honestly, this girl was detoxing. I'm pretty darn sure she was experiencing hallucinations. Visual and auditory hallucinations are normal for detoxing.
Then the conversation moved from this to general evil in the world demonic possession. And how people had possessed houses. And one lady was going on and on like an expert on the noises demons make and the noises they don't make. I didn't get any of that so I sat there very quietly and uncomfortably. This is the first time I've ever felt uncomfortable there. And I don't belong to the church itself because I don't believe in some of their core beliefs. Then this lady said that you can't bring a priest or anything holy into a possessed house because it will basically piss off the demons and they will multiply. Again, I didn't say anything.
Here's the kicker, she went from that to Hollywood and how all of Hollywood is evil and all those people are possessed. She pointed out in particular that Lady Gaga danced with a whole line of devils on stage. Horned beasts. I'd seen a clip of that and didn't really make anything of it. It's costumes. I guess that's what I take it for. But then again no one in Hollywood is anyone I would look up to or pattern my life after. Next on the list Beyonce. She said she was the devil incarnate. That when you look into her eyes they are black with evil. And that she can see the demons rising from her when she sings. And next up was Katy Perry who is evil too. Dances with the devil. Now, I don't know, I'm sure it's POSSIBLE to see demons. I don't personally. I've also never known anyone personally who sees demons rising out of people. I'm just having a hard time buying all this.
And that is why the ratings have slipped. Because demons are taking over Hollywood...
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
I've been in a similar situation. I calmly got up and left. I'm not participating in bat **** crazy no matter how good the coffee cake is.
I made the coffee cake! No, really. I've grown really close to some of those women. There were about ten there. It was only two or three that were really crazy.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
OK.. I believe in ghosts and demons and God, too. Not that all the ones (ghosts and demons) talked about are exactly that.
But, I think this particular woman at your group has some real, real problems. It is one thing to sit around campfire talking about possessed houses, priests who cannot go in (if I recall, this is because their faith is not strong enough - I have seen the movies, too), etc. etc. But quite another to be talking about them as if they are everyday things that exist in the world. Hollywood. Ho ho. People have been down on Hollywood ever since the first film was made.... You know, of course, films are the work of the devil...
I feel, not only for this woman, but for any other impressionable people who might have been there; afraid she might suck them into her vortex.
The girl detoxing must have experienced things way beyond any that I have experienced, but from what I have heard, they go with the detox process.
This is the thing. I believe that people who are so invested in believing that type of nonsense that they have no problem sharing it with confidence (and sound effects!), those folks can't be reasoned with. There would have to be other substantial reasons to spend time with them for me to overlook that.
I couldn't discuss pudding with this person without thinking about their ride on the crazy train.
I'm the Ginger Rogers of spelling...that means I'm smat.
Lesson learned in February: I don't have to keep up, I just have to keep moving!
Yes. I was telling DH who is a medic that (used to be) about her. He readily agreed she was more than likely detoxing and having hallucinations. Depending on the use, type, and length of use of the drug some people have a harder time with detox than others. I know evil exists but I do not see evil everywhere.
There's only about two or three women there that I really feel close to. They were not on the crazy train.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
That does sound crazy train! Yikes. I don't know that I would take them seriously ETA: don't know if I could take them seriously ever again.
I did hear a girl at church complaining about her house and how it felt 'haunted' and other ladies offered to go and pray in her house with her. I thought that was nice, but they didn't get all weird about it.
-- Edited by NAOW on Wednesday 25th of February 2015 11:09:12 PM
To be honest, it was really only ONE lady going on and on about demons. The others were pretty reasonable about it. They were like Yeah they exist. But that's it. The lady going on and on about it was new. So was the girl who was an ex drug addict. And she was saying she demons attacked her. I still think it was hallucinations. I've never met those two before. We have a group of about five or six "regulars" and then about ten who come and go. We get a lot of people who will come once and not come back for whatever reason. Mostly the younger women don't come back. I think I'm probably the youngest one in the group so the twenties crowd probably doesn't feel comfortable with us. Just my guesses though.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
I have been in many churches where the Churched do not KNOW basic Bible Doctrine! It is very disturbing to go to a Bible Study thinking you are going to be discussing SOUND theology only to have church members start blithering on about things that are decidedly wrong according to the Bible doctrine and theology. Honestly, there are very few Christians who actually read and study the Bible at all. It's a pretty sad state of affairs actually.