I think the main fact is that a child should show some respect to the house rules. My kids knew not even to raise one peep about not wanting to go. It was never a issue, it was one rule we did not negotiate on. They both now go and take their families.
My mom did not make me go when I was a kid, my dh would talk about his youth group and the trips and activities and now I regret not going. Not just for the fun but learning about God and exploring my faith with others my own age.
I think they should stop forcing him & let him stay home with Dad. Maybe while hiking together they can discuss why son doesn't want to go to church. Son can ask dad why he doesn't go anymore. Maybe an open discussion would help clear the air.
The problem with that is that Mom obviously takes her faith more seriously, and parents are COMMANDED to raise their children diligently in the instruction of the Lord - which includes attending church. The fact that dad is slack does not mean Mom should be. She is following her faith and dad is not - so it is not the correct path to follow the wrong example.
Bull. She didn't say temple, she didn't say prayers, she said CHURCH - which is the Christian definition of the people who worship Christ together - which means, the BIBLE is their guide. In ALL Christian denominations. Even Mormons and Quakers use the Bible. Stop trying to deflect from the real issue.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
He older son loves the church now that he's in the teen group. This really, quite simply, might be a case of puberty hitting and the fun that goes with that. But as his mother, she can't simply give up on his faith. He is 12 - he doesn't get to decide.
And the more I think about this, the more angry I get at Dad. Your child's salvation is THE most important thing.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
I have to wonder if the parents were strong and consistent in house rules when the kids were little. Once the child knows he/she can wear you down till you give in, you have lost the battle.