I'm sorry LL but it isn't your job to tell others how tend to their faith. I belong to a very nice church but I can see where others are coming from. Everyone's faith is between God and themselves so you really don't get to tell others how to behave any more than they can tell you.
And it isn't her job to tell others how bad church is and that people don't need it.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Wow this thread is about to make me run from the church screaming...lol. God's judgment is the only one that's important so why is anyone judging how "Christian" someone else is. I'll worry about my own soul thank you very much.
This is my thought as well. My faith is between me and God. He doesn't take attendance. He cares how you live your life. He wants you to be a good, honest, decent person. That's more important than "butts in the seats". And if it isn't, come judgment day it's no one else's problem but mine.
Sorry, but you are both missing the point. Yes, he wants you to be good, honest people. But, that's not all we are here for. If that was the case, why would anyone have to be saved?
Well, is making money as a lawyer furthering God's Kingdom? God's people are not supposed to sue one another. Do you refuse to engage in any legal work if 2 Christians are involved?
For the most part, I'm transactional - real estate, estate planning, corporate work. I've actually never been involved in a lawsuit between 2 Christians.
Wow this thread is about to make me run from the church screaming...lol. God's judgment is the only one that's important so why is anyone judging how "Christian" someone else is. I'll worry about my own soul thank you very much.
This is my thought as well. My faith is between me and God. He doesn't take attendance. He cares how you live your life. He wants you to be a good, honest, decent person. That's more important than "butts in the seats". And if it isn't, come judgment day it's no one else's problem but mine.
Sorry, but you are both missing the point. Yes, he wants you to be good, honest people. But, that's not all we are here for. If that was the case, why would anyone have to be saved?
I think our ideas of what being saved means are vastly different.
There is only one way to be saved. But, once you are saved, you should WANT to follow God's word, you should love him above all else, including petty differences.
Agreed. But that still doesn't mean you have to go to church to get to heaven.
If you live a Christian life and not going to church is your only "sin" is that greater than any other sin? Aren't all sins equal ? So would not going to church but leading a Christian life be equal to going to church as a mobster murderer?
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
Well, is making money as a lawyer furthering God's Kingdom? God's people are not supposed to sue one another. Do you refuse to engage in any legal work if 2 Christians are involved?
what a cheap shot--get ahold of yourself please
" the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "--edmund burke
I'm sorry LL but it isn't your job to tell others how tend to their faith. I belong to a very nice church but I can see where others are coming from. Everyone's faith is between God and themselves so you really don't get to tell others how to behave any more than they can tell you.
And it isn't her job to tell others how bad church is and that people don't need it.
Again, I didn't say that and nobody else here seems to think I did say that except for you. So, maybe in this case, it's you! as you are prone to tell us!
Well, is making money as a lawyer furthering God's Kingdom? God's people are not supposed to sue one another. Do you refuse to engage in any legal work if 2 Christians are involved? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ what a cheap shot--get ahold of yourself please
It's a fair question. The "cheap shot" came when she accused me of not caring about people want wanting them to go to Hell simply because I do not attend church. Try going back a few pages.
No. I love lawyers. Especially when I need one. But, you said I don't follow the Bible what would my opinion of lawyers matter? I am asking you questions pertaining to the Bible.
You are imputing ALL kinds of things on me simply for saying I don't attend church. That I dont' care about people. That I don't care about salvation. That I don't care about God. That I want people to go to Hell, blah, blah. Ridiculous. Everyone is a hypocrite in something.
LGS never told anyone else what they should and shouldn't be doing as far as their faith goes. That seems to be what you're trying to do IMHO.
So Christians are not supposed to discuss what the Bible says? Hold them accountable when they spew nonsense against their own faith and refuse to justify it? She can sit there and talk about how churches are FULL of horrible people so she won't go, and not get a response to that? Especially when she will sit there and spout of verses to people when it suits HER purpose. It's ridiculous.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
You are imputing ALL kinds of things on me simply for saying I don't attend church. That I dont' care about people. That I don't care about salvation. That I don't care about God. That I want people to go to Hell, blah, blah. Ridiculous. Everyone is a hypocrite in something.
You did not simply say you don't attend church.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
LGS never told anyone else what they should and shouldn't be doing as far as their faith goes. That seems to be what you're trying to do IMHO.
So Christians are not supposed to discuss what the Bible says? Hold them accountable when they spew nonsense against their own faith and refuse to justify it? She can sit there and talk about how churches are FULL of horrible people so she won't go, and not get a response to that? Especially when she will sit there and spout of verses to people when it suits HER purpose. It's ridiculous.
So, then it's OK for me to hold YOU accountable with what the Bible says too right? Do you give 10% tithe of your gross income?
No. I love lawyers. Especially when I need one. But, you said I don't follow the Bible what would my opinion of lawyers matter? I am asking you questions pertaining to the Bible.
Where does the Bible say "Thou shalt not be a lawyer"?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
You are imputing ALL kinds of things on me simply for saying I don't attend church. That I dont' care about people. That I don't care about salvation. That I don't care about God. That I want people to go to Hell, blah, blah. Ridiculous. Everyone is a hypocrite in something.
You did not simply say you don't attend church.
Yeah, I did. I don't attend church and this is why.....
No. I love lawyers. Especially when I need one. But, you said I don't follow the Bible what would my opinion of lawyers matter? I am asking you questions pertaining to the Bible.
Where does the Bible say "Thou shalt not be a lawyer"?
I didn't say to not be a lawyer. I said the Bible says Christians should not SUE other Christians.
LGS never told anyone else what they should and shouldn't be doing as far as their faith goes. That seems to be what you're trying to do IMHO.
So Christians are not supposed to discuss what the Bible says? Hold them accountable when they spew nonsense against their own faith and refuse to justify it? She can sit there and talk about how churches are FULL of horrible people so she won't go, and not get a response to that? Especially when she will sit there and spout of verses to people when it suits HER purpose. It's ridiculous.
So, then it's OK for me to hold YOU accountable with what the Bible says too right? Do you give 10% tithe of your gross income?
Well, this is an interesting choice. Please know that I give to my church and support it, as well as other charities. But I would like you to show me where in the Bible it says to tithe 10% of your gross income? Just because I'm REALLY curious as to what you are going to come back with.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
No. I love lawyers. Especially when I need one. But, you said I don't follow the Bible what would my opinion of lawyers matter? I am asking you questions pertaining to the Bible.
Where does the Bible say "Thou shalt not be a lawyer"?
I didn't say to not be a lawyer. I said the Bible says Christians should not SUE other Christians.
And I said I've never been involved in a lawsuit between 2 Christians. And you kept on.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
it actually makes me feel good that people feel their faith so strongly they want to argue about it--it's reassuring--lord, am not exactly in an ethical business myself but still feel my faith clearly
" the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "--edmund burke
The POINT is that God will Judge Me and God will Judge You. And, I don't have to stand before God and give an account for your life, nor do you have to stand before God and give an account for my life. It is solely between the individual and God.
Where? And gross? This is just an interesting conversation. Because we've had these sermons in church. Even the pastor will tell you the Bible doesn't say give 10% to the church. It's actually MORE in most cases. And it certainly doesn't discuss gross or net. And it discusses giving to the needy, not just the church. So, where do you get that all "tithes" have to go to the church and not charities? And it should really be more than 10% if you are wealthy and have it to give.
There are times I give more than 10%, and probably times I give less. Are you giving 10% of your income to the needy even though you don't have a church to attend?
Old Testament
"Tithe" means a tenth or 10 percent. The Old Testament law required that a tenth of all produce, flocks, and cattle be given to support the Levites (the priestly class in ancient Israel). In turn, the Levites were to give a tenth of that for support of the high priest (Leviticus 27:30-33, Numbers 18:21-28).
An additional tithe, collected every three years, was to be used to meet the needs of the Levites, foreigners, orphans and widows. (Deuteronomy 26:12-13). Additional tithes were taken for festival purposes.
In addition, everyone was to be generous with those in need:
If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. Rather be openhanded and freely lend him whatever he needs. (NIV, Deuteronomy 15:7-8)
Rather than give a certain amount as an obligation, Christians are urged to share generously of whatever talents, abilities and wealth God has entrusted to them:
We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. ( NIV, Romans 12:6-8)
There is nothing in the Bible saying we should give a certain amount or a certain percentage to a church.
The tithing rules in the Bible were based specifically on the religious and social system of ancient Israel and on an agricultural economy. Modern day questions about what percentage we should give and whether it should be computed on gross income, net income or wealth are not answered in the Bible. Nor does the Bible tell us how much of our giving should go to a church and how much to help the needy. In today's world, we must pray and listen to our consciences and consider the needs of ourselves and our families (1 Timothy 5:8) when deciding how much to give and to which organizations or individuals. No one should feel pressured to give a certain amount of money to a church or other ministry.
Also, there is no requirement in the Bible to give "seed money" to a church, preacher or ministry, and no promise that any blessings of any kind will come as a result.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
LGS never told anyone else what they should and shouldn't be doing as far as their faith goes. That seems to be what you're trying to do IMHO.
So Christians are not supposed to discuss what the Bible says? Hold them accountable when they spew nonsense against their own faith and refuse to justify it? She can sit there and talk about how churches are FULL of horrible people so she won't go, and not get a response to that? Especially when she will sit there and spout of verses to people when it suits HER purpose. It's ridiculous.
I don't know why you're making this about just LGS. 7.5 million people have left the church in 3 years so there is obviously something wrong with a lot of the churches these days. Going after her when it's such a widespread problem seems counterproductive. Why not admit there's a problem and talk about ways to fix it rather than trying to tell others how they should show their faith.
“Until I discovered cooking, I was never really interested in anything.” ― Julia Child ―
LGS never told anyone else what they should and shouldn't be doing as far as their faith goes. That seems to be what you're trying to do IMHO.
So Christians are not supposed to discuss what the Bible says? Hold them accountable when they spew nonsense against their own faith and refuse to justify it? She can sit there and talk about how churches are FULL of horrible people so she won't go, and not get a response to that? Especially when she will sit there and spout of verses to people when it suits HER purpose. It's ridiculous.
I don't know why you're making this about just LGS. 7.5 million people have left the church in 3 years so there is obviously something wrong with a lot of the churches these days. Going after her when it's such a widespread problem seems counterproductive. Why not admit there's a problem and talk about ways to fix it rather than trying to tell others how they should show their faith.
I'm making it about her because of what she says and has said in the past. And because her attitude towards churches is part of the reason people leave, which is directly related to the article SHE posted.
And the number of Christians has QUADRUPLED in the past 100 years, mainly through the mission efforts supported by churches.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
LGS never told anyone else what they should and shouldn't be doing as far as their faith goes. That seems to be what you're trying to do IMHO.
So Christians are not supposed to discuss what the Bible says? Hold them accountable when they spew nonsense against their own faith and refuse to justify it? She can sit there and talk about how churches are FULL of horrible people so she won't go, and not get a response to that? Especially when she will sit there and spout of verses to people when it suits HER purpose. It's ridiculous.
I don't know why you're making this about just LGS. 7.5 million people have left the church in 3 years so there is obviously something wrong with a lot of the churches these days. Going after her when it's such a widespread problem seems counterproductive. Why not admit there's a problem and talk about ways to fix it rather than trying to tell others how they should show their faith.
I'm making it about her because of what she says and has said in the past. And because her attitude towards churches is part of the reason people leave, which is directly related to the article SHE posted.
And the number of Christians has QUADRUPLED in the past 100 years, mainly through the mission efforts supported by churches.
Yes the number of Christians is growing but not the number of church going Christians and I think there are many reasons why people don't go to church and it's not just about the things LGS pointed out. I don't think you going after LGS so badly is really a way to draw them back to church either.
“Until I discovered cooking, I was never really interested in anything.” ― Julia Child ―
IMHO, there is a huge difference between "left the church" and "lost their faith". The article is about people leaving the church, not losing their faith.
To me, this is just another example of the devil at work. The book of Revelations prophecies the end of the church as we know it. Only a few true believers will be left in the end times.
I worry only about myself and my family, beyond that there is little I can do, except lead a life that testifies to the love of God within me, as a shining example of God's love for all. We do attend church weekly and almost all activities.
I believe God will use me as He sees fit for His plan. But, I have given my life over to God. His will be done.
I also believe my soul needs to be nurtured by hearing God's written word. I also need fellowship and I can only find that fellowship within my church.
If you don't believe your soul needs nurturing, then IMHO, the devil already has you. Just MHO.
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.
LGS never told anyone else what they should and shouldn't be doing as far as their faith goes. That seems to be what you're trying to do IMHO.
So Christians are not supposed to discuss what the Bible says? Hold them accountable when they spew nonsense against their own faith and refuse to justify it? She can sit there and talk about how churches are FULL of horrible people so she won't go, and not get a response to that? Especially when she will sit there and spout of verses to people when it suits HER purpose. It's ridiculous.
I don't know why you're making this about just LGS. 7.5 million people have left the church in 3 years so there is obviously something wrong with a lot of the churches these days. Going after her when it's such a widespread problem seems counterproductive. Why not admit there's a problem and talk about ways to fix it rather than trying to tell others how they should show their faith.
I'm making it about her because of what she says and has said in the past. And because her attitude towards churches is part of the reason people leave, which is directly related to the article SHE posted.
And the number of Christians has QUADRUPLED in the past 100 years, mainly through the mission efforts supported by churches.
Yes the number of Christians is growing but not the number of church going Christians and I think there are many reasons why people don't go to church and it's not just about the things LGS pointed out. I don't think you going after LGS so badly is really a way to draw them back to church either.
There are lots of reasons people don't go to church, but starting up threads to talk about how horrible the churches you've attended is seriously not productive. Especially if it doesn't include the feel good ending of eventually finding another church because you won't even try. And when CHRISTIANS are sitting there telling people they don't need to go to church, which is in direct oposition to what the Bible says, why would they?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
People also leave the church because they don't like hearing the truth. It doesn't fit in with the world as we know it today. It's easier to live in the world if you don't have to question it every Sunday. And yes, that is the devil at work.
Just like when I talk about the warm fuzzy part of the Bible, everyone is "Lawyerlady, if more Christians responded this way it would be easier to talk about" and then when I talk about the tough parts of the Bible, it's all "You are being so judgmental. I don't want to hear it."
-- Edited by Lawyerlady on Thursday 19th of March 2015 12:15:19 PM
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
IMHO, there is a huge difference between "left the church" and "lost their faith". The article is about people leaving the church, not losing their faith. To me, this is just another example of the devil at work. The book of Revelations prophecies the end of the church as we know it. Only a few true believers will be left in the end times. I worry only about myself and my family, beyond that there is little I can do, except lead a life that testifies to the love of God within me, as a shining example of God's love for all. We do attend church weekly and almost all activities. I believe God will use me as He sees fit for His plan. But, I have given my life over to God. His will be done. I also believe my soul needs to be nurtured by hearing God's written word. I also need fellowship and I can only find that fellowship within my church. If you don't believe your soul needs nurturing, then IMHO, the devil already has you. Just MHO.
Well said, Czech.
And can I say that I think that you do a good job of being a "shining example of God's love." You really do.
That's one reason why, even when we disagree, I can't get mad at you!
From my point of view, I don't look at any of LL's posts as if she is going after Gaga. I have seen Gaga post on other threads in the past numerous times that you can't just pick and choose what parts you want from the Bible to follow... and about judgement and the log in your eye. lol! Her comments on the church on this thread are very off putting and I can see why LL felt compelled to defend the church here as she seems very passionate in her beliefs. And this is coming from a poster that pretty much "left" the church years ago.
From my point of view, I don't look at any of LL's posts as if she is going after Gaga. I have seen Gaga post on other threads in the past numerous times that you can't just pick and choose what parts you want from the Bible to follow... and about judgement and the log in your eye. lol! Her comments on the church on this thread are very off putting and I can see why LL felt compelled to defend the church here as she seems very passionate in her beliefs. And this is coming from a poster that pretty much "left" the church years ago.
Thank you.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
People also leave the church because they don't like hearing the truth. It doesn't fit in with the world as we know it today. It's easier to live in the world if you don't have to question it every Sunday. And yes, that is the devil at work.
Just like when I talk about the warm fuzzy part of the Bible, everyone is "Lawyerlady, if more Christians responded this way it would be easier to talk about" and then when I talk about the tough parts of the Bible, it's all "You are being so judgmental. I don't want to hear it."
-- Edited by Lawyerlady on Thursday 19th of March 2015 12:15:19 PM
I turn a deaf ear to the individuals who always use the defense of " you are being so judgmental". Do you think God is NOT going to judge? And yes, Jesus did judge in the New Testament. We are to turn from sin and sin no more. We are also to help our fellow believers stay faithful. We are to point out their sins and help lead them back to God.
The flesh is weak. It's easier to keep sinning then to follow God's written word. That's how the devil gets you. Through the weakness of the flesh.
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.
I couldn't attend a denomination that I didn't agree with. You don't agree with the no dancing thing...but you go anyway and represent that church. So don't you feel like a hypocrite when you dance?
There is not a church denomination out there that I agree with everything because every denomination has rules that men made up or are simply traditional. But that small stuff is just not important. The Bible says nothing about dancing being bad - why would I let a church denomination tell me differently? I can read.
There is no drinking in the church, either, but Jesus drank wine. The church wants to prevent the temptation of sins that dancing and too much drinking could cause - ok, I get that. That doesn't mean all dancing and all drinking is wrong, they are just being overly cautious.
So it's ok to pick and choose ?
Sorry, I missed this. Not out of the Bible - the Bible is not trail mix. But the rules of men that are not laws and have no basis in the Bible? Yes. Even my pastor dances - just not in church. I would not disrespect the church by dancing IN the church b/c that's there rule, but out of it? There is no basis for not dancing.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
From my point of view, I don't look at any of LL's posts as if she is going after Gaga. I have seen Gaga post on other threads in the past numerous times that you can't just pick and choose what parts you want from the Bible to follow... and about judgement and the log in your eye. lol! Her comments on the church on this thread are very off putting and I can see why LL felt compelled to defend the church here as she seems very passionate in her beliefs. And this is coming from a poster that pretty much "left" the church years ago.
Thank you.
You're welcome. Of course, you do a very fine job of expressing yourself on your own. It just started to seem like you were the one getting piled on. That's why I decided to post, as I don't have a dog in this race.
People also leave the church because they don't like hearing the truth. It doesn't fit in with the world as we know it today. It's easier to live in the world if you don't have to question it every Sunday. And yes, that is the devil at work.
Just like when I talk about the warm fuzzy part of the Bible, everyone is "Lawyerlady, if more Christians responded this way it would be easier to talk about" and then when I talk about the tough parts of the Bible, it's all "You are being so judgmental. I don't want to hear it."
-- Edited by Lawyerlady on Thursday 19th of March 2015 12:15:19 PM
I turn a deaf ear to the individuals who always use the defense of " you are being so judgmental". Do you think God is NOT going to judge? And yes, Jesus did judge in the New Testament. We are to turn from sin and sin no more. We are also to help our fellow believers stay faithful. We are to point out their sins and help lead them back to God.
The flesh is weak. It's easier to keep sinning then to follow God's written word. That's how the devil gets you. Through the weakness of the flesh.
What bothers me the most about this? Gaga has posted that EXACT same thing before when it suited her argument then.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
I agree 100% with Czech. But, it's like you didn't even see what she wrote.
Who is this meant for?
You. What she said was harsh (but true). She just said it very, very nicely. LOL.
I still don't get your point.
Over the years (on GT and now here), I have said that, if I had questions about the Bible and the Christian way of life, there are posters that I would ask, but more importantly, those I would not.
From my point of view, I don't look at any of LL's posts as if she is going after Gaga. I have seen Gaga post on other threads in the past numerous times that you can't just pick and choose what parts you want from the Bible to follow... and about judgement and the log in your eye. lol! Her comments on the church on this thread are very off putting and I can see why LL felt compelled to defend the church here as she seems very passionate in her beliefs. And this is coming from a poster that pretty much "left" the church years ago.
Thank you.
You're welcome. Of course, you do a very fine job of expressing yourself on your own. It just started to seem like you were the one getting piled on. That's why I decided to post, as I don't have a dog in this race.
I was not trying to pile on LL I just felt that the thread got turned into LL berating LGS and not about the actual topic. I go to church every week and I love my church but if there are churches out there turning people away from God then I think that needs to be addressed and not just turned into another "my way is the right way religious thread". If that's what you want than have at it.
“Until I discovered cooking, I was never really interested in anything.” ― Julia Child ―
From my point of view, I don't look at any of LL's posts as if she is going after Gaga. I have seen Gaga post on other threads in the past numerous times that you can't just pick and choose what parts you want from the Bible to follow... and about judgement and the log in your eye. lol! Her comments on the church on this thread are very off putting and I can see why LL felt compelled to defend the church here as she seems very passionate in her beliefs. And this is coming from a poster that pretty much "left" the church years ago.
Thank you.
You're welcome. Of course, you do a very fine job of expressing yourself on your own. It just started to seem like you were the one getting piled on. That's why I decided to post, as I don't have a dog in this race.
I was not trying to pile on LL I just felt that the thread got turned into LL berating LGS and not about the actual topic. I go to church every week and I love my church but if there are churches out there turning people away from God then I think that needs to be addressed and not just turned into another "my way is the right way religious thread". If that's what you want than have at it.
Which is why I was focusing on the person that started the discussion and not everyone that chooses not to go to church. And it's not MY way - it's Biblical, which is what Christians should use as the guide. If you are going to PURPOSELY ignore the parts you don't like, how can you lead others?
And I'm not berating her. I've asked her several times why she ignores those parts of the Bible and she won't answer. And then turns the subject to other parts of the Bible questioning me - lawsuits and tithing. She won't answer about a topic she brought up but wants to question me??? That is hypocritical.
-- Edited by Lawyerlady on Thursday 19th of March 2015 12:55:18 PM
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Did I say somewhere that skipping church was "Biblically correct"? No. We all do a lot of things are not Biblically correct. Gluttony is a sin. Who hasn't helped themselves to one to many servings here and there? Who hasn't lusted in their heart or thought they would like to slap one of their coworkers upside the head? Of course you have. Everyone has.
Did I say somewhere that skipping church was "Biblically correct"? No. We all do a lot of things are not Biblically correct. Gluttony is a sin. Who hasn't helped themselves to one to many servings here and there? Who hasn't lusted in their heart or thought they would like to slap one of their coworkers upside the head? Of course you have. Everyone has.
So. What's your point?
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.