Q. Weekend Away With a Bunch of Models: I’m a pretty confident woman who feels good in her own skin. I’m a rock climber and have a healthy, athletic body. However, I recently received an invitation to a close friend’s bachelorette party. She’s kind, smart, loyal, and down-to-earth, but she’s also a well-known model and all of her work friends are also smoking hot beautiful models, and I’ll be spending a weekend with them in a destination where the primary attire is a bathing suit. This fills me with an uncharacteristic sense of panic. Am I being ridiculous for not exactly looking forward to a weekend of feeling like I’m tagging along with a Victoria’s Secret catalog? Oh and let’s not forget all the pictures they’ll be posting for their thousands of Instagram followers to critique. The feminist in me can’t even believe I’m thinking this way. Any advice on how to get over this petty insecure feeling?
A: Invite me! I could use a vacation, I’ll hang out in my Miraclesuit, and when you stand next to me in all the photos, you’ll feel like Kate Upton. Yes, you’re being silly. You have an admirably fit body, and you say your friend is lovely and down-to-earth about her good looks. So grab your suit, order some piña coladas, and have a great time. If you get a little sick of being in the middle of all the documentary evidence of their pulchritude, tell them to toss the selfie stick, and that you’ll be their official photographer.
The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.
lord, Victoria's Secret's models--so what ?--rail-thin, nipped, tucked, airbrushed, etc.--my lady has a lithe, powerful body--muscular and toned but silky soft in all the right places--most of all, she has an inner light so powerful that it makes other women look transparent by comparison
would forget about the glamourati and just go and enjoy yourself--you're a unique individual
" the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "--edmund burke
I have Miraclesuit bottoms in black and pair it with all kinds of different tankini tops. I like the bottoms because they are higher in the waist and hold in my belly.
That being said, the only time I might feel insecure around these women is if I planned to meet a man, and feared they would steal the attention.