A Brantford, Ont., father called police to help control his 13-year-old son, who turned violent after his parents took his PlayStation 4 away, police said.
The father called 911 Saturday around 7:15 p.m. ET to report that his son was destroying the home with a hammer and a baseball bat, according to a police report.
When officers arrived at the family home, they found the parents had locked the boy in the garage in fear of their safety. The boy was trying to get back into the home by smashing the door and locks.
Officers talked to him and eventually arrested him without incident.
Despite his youth, the boy still caused damage, said Const. Natalie Laing, a media officer with Brantford police.
"It was a dangerous situation," she said. "He was out of control."
The drama started when the boy had a verbal dispute with his sibling and his parents about the use of a PlayStation 4, according to police.
The father then took the gaming system away from the boy as a punishment. That was when the boy became irate and began smashing property outside with a baseball bat, police said.
The boy is charged with mischief under $5,000 and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose. He was held in custody for a bail hearing.