8 Easy Ways To Detect The People Who Dislike You And Remove Them From Your Life
Regardless of how much you try, you will never be able to please everybody – and that is a known fact. Why waste your time trying to make yourself pleasant or accepted, when you can be yourself and the right people will truly like you for who you are? Sometimes, people hate other people without any apparent reason: they are struggling with their own inner frustrations and issues, and they unconsciously project them on those that surround them. This is precisely why it is essential to recognize those small tell-tale signs that people actually dislike you – and you should instantly remove them from your life, since they do you no good whatsoever. Here are eight very easy ways to tell if somebody dislikes you, and how to deal with it:
1. You Are Always The One Who Is Left Out
Have you noticed that you are the last one to find out about a party or a small get-together organized by your friends or by your co-workers? Are you always the last one to find out the latest news? Are you left out whenever your friends or relatives organize an event or a holiday trip/activity that you would love to be part of? If so, then this is an obvious sign that you are not liked, and instead of trying to change it you should consider focusing on like-minded people who are on the same wavelength as you, and who will make sure you will never be left out again!
2. People Are Constantly Doubting You
If people constantly doubt what you say or do, then the chances are that you come across as a dishonest person – or a liar, to say it bluntly. If there is one person who is constantly doubting you, then the chances are that he/she is the problem, but if there is more than one, that should get you thinking. Lying and being shady are two of the quickest and most efficient ways to make somebody hate you, this is why it is essential never to promise something unless you are absolutely convinced that you can keep your promise. Nobody wants to be friends with the one who always breaks his promises or takes things for granted, as that means you are not trustworthy – and nobody likes a liar!
3. People Are Not As Open With You As They Are With Others
If people avoid opening up with you, then you either do not come off as very trustworthy, or they consider you to be judgmental. Either way, you should not try to convince people to open up to you – if they feel like it, then so be it, but if they are somehow reluctant to sharing personal information with you, then try not to push it any further, otherwise you only risk to make them hate you even more. Instead of trying to “investigate the matter”, you should simply stop trying to make things work and just accept the fact that you cannot get along with everybody.
4. People Accuse You Of Being Selfish
The problem with people who secretly dislike you is that they rarely tell you that to your face, and they usually choose to express themselves through their body language or through other less obvious ways. However, if you are directly accused of being selfish, then there is no doubt about it – you are certainly not the most likable person around. Unless you acknowledge the problem and you try to look at things objectively and fix whatever needs fixing, you will never be able to develop truly meaningful and fulfilling relationships with those around you. Sometimes, the problem is with the other people – they may have some preconceptions or some mental barriers that target you directly. Other times, the problem is with you, and it is vital to make the difference between these two scenarios.
5. People Start Rolling Their Eyes Whenever You Say Something
Some people are simply obnoxious by default – this is how they have always been, and you will not be able to change that about them. However, if you notice that people are constantly rolling their eyes whenever you open your mouth to say something, then they might actually dislike you – either because you are a braggart, or because you talk too much. Keep it real, stay true to who you are and you will eventually attract the right people.
6. People Avoid Eye Contact With You
You can usually tell a lot about somebody based on the way he or she looks at you – if that even happens. Sometimes, introverts or people who are very shy avoid direct eye contact, but in most cases people avoid it because they really dislike you. If your co-workers or even some of your friends, colleagues or mere acquaintances are reticent to look at you directly and they seem fidgety or even nervous when you are around, that is because they feel uncomfortable around you. Once again, there are two rational explanations for this: people either genuinely hate you and they do not fancy having you around, or you are simply too intimidating and they cannot handle you.
7. People Give You The Side Eye
If there is one more obvious sign that people dislike you other than the fact that they avoid direct eye contact, that is giving you the side eye, or “the evil eye”. You can tell right away when that happens – sometimes, people look at you with admiration, but other times they stare at you with disgust, even if you have not done anything that bothers or affects them directly. Steer clear from them!
8. People Constantly Tell You That You Are A Hater
It takes one to know one! If you are a hater yourself and you always bash other people, then the chances are that you are not the most loved person in the neighborhood. Nobody likes a negative person or somebody who is quick to judge or to label other people, and if people have accused you of being a hater ore than once, then you might want to do something about it. The problem is that we often tend to hate on successful people or on people who have something we crave, without even realizing it. Try to appreciate other people’s accomplishments instead of bringing them down for their personal failures instead, and you will certainly be amazed to see how the attitudes of others towards you will change radically.
The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.