I am confused. I thought the motivation behind the attack was racial? What does the rainbow flag have to do with rAce?
Nothing, that's the point. Just like the confederate jack doesn't mean what people think it does, yet everyone calls for banning it because ONE guy who did a bad thing displayed it. Same thing here. Exposing liberal hypocrisy.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
Well, if the reasoning is because SOME people feel it's horrific and offensive then we need to ban it then we should ban EVERYTHING that MIGHT be offensive or horrific. So from now on everyone who is offended by something gets to get it banned.
How about we use our brains to decide? Because SOME things should be banned.
But whose brains? Not to be mean or anything but you mean the brains that agree with you? Because many people I know aren't offended by the confederate flag. So who gets to put it to a vote. Seriously? What's offensive to some is not to others and vice versa.
That's a valid question, with no easy answer.
I don't think the Confederate flag should be flown above a government building.
Neither should the rainbow flag.
The only flags that should be flown are the American flag and the state flags (and some of those state flags contain confederate history).
I agree with this--but we aren't talking about a government display.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.