DEAR ABBY: My husband and I provide day care for our 2-year-old granddaughter. We have her three days a week and love spending the time with her. However, when her mother -- our daughter -- comes to pick her up, she doesn't leave right away. She "hangs out," eats with us, and still expects us to change the baby or fix her dinner. Then, on the weekends, our daughter will come over with her husband, and we are once again on day care duty.
Our daughter seems to think that when she is at our house, we are the baby sitters and she can just plop herself on the couch and watch TV. How do we tactfully tell her she needs to take responsibility for her daughter when they are at our house? -- TIRED GRANDPARENTS
DEAR TIRED GRANDPARENTS: How about just saying what you have to say calmly, in plain English? That's what you and your husband should have done the first time you felt your daughter was taking advantage of you, which she is. Do not be confrontational, just firm when you tell her you're off baby-sitting duty, and it's her job now.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
My parents would have loved if I flopped and stayed awhile. But I did not want to impose so I inquired about their day as I rounded up their belongings.