I'll be stacking over a cord of wood tomorrow, anyone want to help? Huh????
I should have plenty of energy, IKWTDS!
I'll be right over!
Yeah, you are teasing!!!!! I don't mind stacking wood, has to be stacked just right so it doesn't tip over. Plus is helps to keep the old lady loose skin on the arms at bay!
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
Went in the basement to look for last year's Halloween mask, smelled the stench. Something had fallen in the freezer and the door was open. Everything inside was spoiled. Probably $200-$300 worth of meat, fish, shrimp. And a bag of blueberries which leaked all over and made cleanup lovely.
I swear that Bunny has said "Mo-oom!" at least five hundred times today. Two hours and fifteen minutes until bedtime.
SS went through a why stage. I had to limit the number of why's he asked.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Why can't a dish break a hammer? Why oh why oh why?! 'Cause a hammer's a hard head. Goodbye goodbye goodbye.
Why, oh why, oh why oh, why? Why, oh why, oh why? Because because because because Goodbye goodbye goodbye
Why can't a bird eat an elephant? Why, oh why, oh why? 'Cause an elephant's got a pretty hard skin. Goodby goodbye goodbye.
Why can't a mouse eat a streetcar? Why, oh why, oh why? 'Cause a mouse's stomach could never get big enough to hold a streetcar. Goodbye goodbye goodbye.
Why does a horn make music? Why, oh why, oh why? Because the horn-blower blows it. Goodbye goodbye goodbye
Why does a cow drink water? Tell me why n why? Because the cow gets thirsty just like you or me or anybody else. Goodye goodbye goodbye.
Why don't you answer my questions? Why, oh why, oh why? 'Cause I don't know the answers. Goodby goodbye goodbye.
What make the landlord take money? Why, oh why, oh why? I don't know that one myself. Goodbye goodbye goodbye.
Why's there no pennies for ice cream Why, oh why, oh why? You put all the pennies in the telephone. Goodbye goodbye goodbye.
Why can't a rabbit chase an eagle? Tell me why, oh why? 'Cause the last rabbit that took out and chased after an eagle didn't come out so good and that's why rabbits don't chase after eagles that's all I know about rabbits and eagles? Because because because.
Why ain't my grandpa my grandma? Why, oh why, oh why? Same reason your dad's not your mommy. Goodbye goodbye goodbye.
Why couldn't the wind blow backwards? Why, oh why, oh why? 'Cause it might backfire and hurt somebody and if it hurt somebody it'd keep on hurting them Goodbye goodbye goodbye.
The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.
Busy week ahead. Have to make 1 pumpkin-shaped cake, 4 dozen candy corn Rice Krispy treats, and pumpkin pie truffles. Church, packing party for Operation Christmas Child, Bible study, and Fall Festival this week. I also need to get my truck smogged and registered for another year.
Our friend G is coming over tomorrow and making a potato recipe he found and sloppy joe's. He'll be here already when we get home from Church. I think this will be DS' first time having sloppy joe's. I bet he'll enjoy them.
Christmas and DS' birthday are fast approaching and we need to start purging stuff he no longer plays with. He's getting a big boy bed, play kitchen (along with pots, pans, and food), and probably a play work bench (with "working" tools) and he needs space for them in his room. I can't believe my boy is going to be two soon.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
DH made hamburgers on the grill. I popped some broccoli in the microwave to steam and we had potato salad. Simple. He was so proud he "cooked". Sigh.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
He's very much in the 'no' stage now. He's easily faked out too. He'll grab something he's not supposed to have and I'll ask if he's allowed to have whatever it is. He says 'no' and I say 'you're right, now put it away' and he does.
DH made hamburgers on the grill. I popped some broccoli in the microwave to steam and we had potato salad. Simple. He was so proud he "cooked". Sigh.
My mouth is watering. That sounds so good.
LOL That's pretty much all he knows how to make on the grill. Or at least all he wants to make on the grill. If you let him he'd make the same thing every day. I'm kind of frustrated because I spend a lot of time cooking every day and he will tell me how good dinner was but when he grills I am supposed to I guess jump up and down. Then he put new dryer knobs on our dryer which consisted of pulling the old ones off (thirty seconds) and putting the new ones on (one minute?). Then he came out and told me to come look at the new knobs. Great, they're knobs. They look just like the old ones but they turn. Then he said, "I put the new knobs on and don't get a thank you?" Yes, thank you for sparing that minute and a half of your day!
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
He's very much in the 'no' stage now. He's easily faked out too. He'll grab something he's not supposed to have and I'll ask if he's allowed to have whatever it is. He says 'no' and I say 'you're right, now put it away' and he does.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
I'm hungry. DH grilled steaks tonight, but they were super rare and I couldn't eat it.
CHef, good luck with the purge! I need to do one myself here soon.
Mmmmmmmmmm rare steak *drool* I loves me a good, rare steak!
The purge would be easier if I didn't want to make some money off it. Kid's toys are so overpriced for the relatively little amount of time they're actually getting used.
-- Edited by chef on Saturday 24th of October 2015 10:15:39 PM
I'm hungry. DH grilled steaks tonight, but they were super rare and I couldn't eat it.
CHef, good luck with the purge! I need to do one myself here soon.
Mmmmmmmmmm rare steak *drool* I loves me a good, rare steak!
The purge would be easier if I didn't want to make some money off it. Kid's toys are so overpriced for the relatively little amount of time they last.
I know. We bought SS a five pack of Suave Children's shampoo but now he's using regular adult shampoo. I don't want to just toss it.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
I truly love him. I do. But sometimes my nerves are frayed.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
DH made hamburgers on the grill. I popped some broccoli in the microwave to steam and we had potato salad. Simple. He was so proud he "cooked". Sigh.
My mouth is watering. That sounds so good.
LOL That's pretty much all he knows how to make on the grill. Or at least all he wants to make on the grill. If you let him he'd make the same thing every day. I'm kind of frustrated because I spend a lot of time cooking every day and he will tell me how good dinner was but when he grills I am supposed to I guess jump up and down. Then he put new dryer knobs on our dryer which consisted of pulling the old ones off (thirty seconds) and putting the new ones on (one minute?). Then he came out and told me to come look at the new knobs. Great, they're knobs. They look just like the old ones but they turn. Then he said, "I put the new knobs on and don't get a thank you?" Yes, thank you for sparing that minute and a half of your day!
I'm hungry. DH grilled steaks tonight, but they were super rare and I couldn't eat it.
CHef, good luck with the purge! I need to do one myself here soon.
Mmmmmmmmmm rare steak *drool* I loves me a good, rare steak!
The purge would be easier if I didn't want to make some money off it. Kid's toys are so overpriced for the relatively little amount of time they last.
I know. We bought SS a five pack of Suave Children's shampoo but now he's using regular adult shampoo. I don't want to just toss it.
Can he use it anyway? Is there a difference between kid's shampoo and adult shampoo?
We still use baby shampoo and body wash for DS. We'll switch to kid's stuff when he understands to keep his head tilted back and his eyes closed when we're washing his hair. I hold my hand over his face to help keep the shampoo out of his eyes.
DH made hamburgers on the grill. I popped some broccoli in the microwave to steam and we had potato salad. Simple. He was so proud he "cooked". Sigh.
My mouth is watering. That sounds so good.
LOL That's pretty much all he knows how to make on the grill. Or at least all he wants to make on the grill. If you let him he'd make the same thing every day. I'm kind of frustrated because I spend a lot of time cooking every day and he will tell me how good dinner was but when he grills I am supposed to I guess jump up and down. Then he put new dryer knobs on our dryer which consisted of pulling the old ones off (thirty seconds) and putting the new ones on (one minute?). Then he came out and told me to come look at the new knobs. Great, they're knobs. They look just like the old ones but they turn. Then he said, "I put the new knobs on and don't get a thank you?" Yes, thank you for sparing that minute and a half of your day!
Give him a pat on the head and tell him the burgers are wonderful.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
No. I mean we CAN use it but it's not working anymore. It's not getting him clean enough and he comes out stinky.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
No. I mean we CAN use it but it's not working anymore. It's not getting him clean enough and he comes out stinky.
Gotcha. I guess the child's formula doesn't remove stank like the adult formula.
LOL Nope. I think the formula is a lot more gentle. Thus the not removing the stank. He's really too old for it anyway.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou