How odd. My mom always gets a free range bird through the co-op, and it is fabulous. Lots of white meat and dark, and delicious. I prefer it to the basic ones you get at the supermarket.
I go with your compromise, but see if there is a different brand rather than the one you tried last year, and try a bite. It seems to me you got a bad one for some reason.
How odd. My mom always gets a free range bird through the co-op, and it is fabulous. Lots of white meat and dark, and delicious. I prefer it to the basic ones you get at the supermarket. I go with your compromise, but see if there is a different brand rather than the one you tried last year, and try a bite. It seems to me you got a bad one for some reason.
Dona, if your Mom has been doing it for years, maybe that's what you got used to, and it tastes fine. And, that's great!
I tried roasting it once.
And, it didn't taste good, or even smell good, to me.