Thanks all. I'm sorry for venting so much. It's difficult. Men are not good patients. And when he is sick everyone has to be miserable. I've been so busy trying to deal with him and the insurance that I did not even realize DS has skipped his chores the last two days. So now I get to be mean again. Sigh.
Lexxy, it's not the water per se. It's all the things leading up to the water. I can totally relate to her. DH was standing in front of the bathroom mirror doing an assessment on himself to see just how sick he was. He kept sticking his face in mine asking me to measure his pupils to see how the pain pills were taking effect. Yep, you lose it over a bottle of water.
It's not just that; it's the fact that you're a nurse & he's not taking advantage of your expertise as far as the meds go.