There's always more to the original story. Thanks, MM.
But, if he was a Christian baker, there would be applause. - flan327
I'd say the exact same thing to the baker, unless it was a Church Bakery on Church grounds. When you are at work do your job. No one forces anyone (at least in the US) to do or have a specific job. Having a specific job is a free choice. If you don't want to do the job, quit. I wouldn't work anywhere that my beliefs weren't reflected in what the company does or where I couldn't follow my faith. That's my free choice. It's everyone's free choice.
If having a specific job is a free choice, then you should be able to choose the jobs you do if you are self employed.
Exactly! People say that your rights shouldn't interfere with your job and work somewhere else, but then also want to restrict the religious choices they make when they are self-employed. It's a no-win situation.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
The analogous example would be if wal-mart hired you to decorate cakes and wanted you to do one for a wedding for gay people. If you refuse, they should be able to fire you.
If you are self employed, however, that is not the same thing. Joe plumber doesn't have to come unclog your pipes if he doesn't want to.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
The analogous example would be if wal-mart hired you to decorate cakes and wanted you to do one for a wedding for gay people. If you refuse, they should be able to fire you.
If you are self employed, however, that is not the same thing. Joe plumber doesn't have to come unclog your pipes if he doesn't want to.
Actually, you will still be a year older whether you have a cake, a pie or pizza.
I want to know two things. Why do I turn a year older in one moment. And can I have cake, pie, AND pizza?
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Nooooooooooooo Tag me in it! I need Valentines ideas!
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Cake and pie? Pffft! You've graduated to piecaken!
Why yes. Yes I have. I'm making a raspberry pie with dark chocolate cake and chocolate cream cheese frosting for women's group Tuesday.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Ah, but that is a very different thing than going to your house to unclog your toilet---or going to your wedding to set up and serve the cake.
- huskerbb
I think that would depend on the venue and also what you advertise you do, as well as is it a "storefront" plumbing shop, or a "run from the home shop with one truck".
If it's a venue you've gone to to set up cakes for other weddings, a community center for example or local Hotel "ballroom", I don't think you could legitimately say "I won't go there".
If you advertise "We deliver and set up!", then, by all rights, you have to do that. If you advertise "We deliver to private events and homes!" then you have to do that as well.
If it's a "storefront" plumbing shop, I think you'd have to go unclog any toilet who's owner agrees to your unclogging of the toilet fee.
These are just my opinion though. Others may feel differently.
Ah, but that is a very different thing than going to your house to unclog your toilet---or going to your wedding to set up and serve the cake. - huskerbb
I think that would depend on the venue and also what you advertise you do, as well as is it a "storefront" plumbing shop, or a "run from the home shop with one truck".
If it's a venue you've gone to to set up cakes for other weddings, a community center for example or local Hotel "ballroom", I don't think you could legitimately say "I won't go there".
If you advertise "We deliver and set up!", then, by all rights, you have to do that. If you advertise "We deliver to private events and homes!" then you have to do that as well.
If it's a "storefront" plumbing shop, I think you'd have to go unclog any toilet who's owner agrees to your unclogging of the toilet fee.
These are just my opinion though. Others may feel differently.
No, you don't.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.