Weren't the tribes responsible for buffalo extinction to begin with?
No. They were hunted nearly to extinction by white hunters. Partly for buffalo hides, partly because they were a nuisance for the railroads, partly to "clear" the land for cattle grazing, and partly to "starve" the tribes into submission.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
The First Nations people here are a force to be reckoned with. They're not all drunks and dropouts. Many of their languages are going extinct, sacred lands and burial sites being plowed over for highways and golf courses. etc. I don't think they should assimilate. Unless they want to,of course. And they don't want to. I would like to see our money better spent, with more emphasis on health and education. Better living conditions. More employment.
-- Edited by weltschmerz on Saturday 23rd of January 2016 03:59:25 PM
That certainly contradicts your earlier posts--plus, the ones who are the "drunks and dropouts" are the ones making 1.6 million.
Ummm, no. I didn't say they were ALL like that. The tribal chiefs get money for the band, and keep it instead of spending on their people.
There's a lot of hopelessness in these communities. Surely there's a way to fix it without giving one guy all the money, and without forced assimilation. Jobs and eduacation would be a good start.
I know quite a few First Nations folks. They're pretty intense. I like them.
I know quite a few Indians here, too--some I like, some I don't. Just like any other group, I guess.
However, whether any one person personally "likes" anyone or not is irrelevant. The system has failed. The system isn't going to get better, nor is it going to make it better. If they want a path out of the hopelessness, integration is that path.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
I thought I remember learning that the tribes rounded up the buffalo and led them off the cliff, while tribes below used spears to finish the job. Pishkin, I believe they called it. It was done by the Blackfoot.
It's really not different from people who grow up in impoverished inner cities.
If they want to ever escape poverty--they can't do the same things that their friends and relatives have always done. They can't drop out of school. They can't fall under the grip of drugs or alcohol. They can't get pregnant. They need to get a job. They need to leave.
If they don't--they are just another statistic of an inner city kid who will likely be in poverty from birth to death.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
I thought I remember learning that the tribes rounded up the buffalo and led them off the cliff, while tribes below used spears to finish the job. Pishkin, I believe they called it. It was done by the Blackfoot.
It was a hunting method--but they only took what they needed to survive. They didn't kill nearly all of them. They were able to subsist in that culture for several centuries.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
Are you denying buffalo jumps took place among the natives?
Good grief. No. Read what I posted. It was a hunting METHOD. They did hunt Buffalo--but killing a hundred or two hundred Buffalo out of MILLIONS that roamed the plains did not make them extinct.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
What other groups truly practice the same culture they were several centuries ago? A few, isolated, aboriginal tribes here and there.
Do the Celts still adhere to their culture? The Germans? The slavs? The Greeks?
No. Even most cultures in the Orient have drastically changed in the last 100 years.
There is an active movement in Hawaii to preserve their culture.
No, there really isn't. Sure, a FEW might practice it, but mostly, it's a movement to preserve the language and a few rituals and practices, but they will not "live" the culture. They might get together a few times a year and wear traditional dress and perform some traditional rituals--but only a TINY fraction of the population, if any, will live that culture on a day to day basis.
They will still buy their clothes at Wal-Mart. They'll still get their food from grocery stores. They will still live in modern dwellings. Most will drive cars.
-- Edited by huskerbb on Saturday 23rd of January 2016 04:26:48 PM
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
The young people want to leave, and the elders guilt-trip them into staying.
"How can you leave now, with the polar bear/elk/seal/whale hunt coming up? Do you want me to starve?"
What other groups truly practice the same culture they were several centuries ago? A few, isolated, aboriginal tribes here and there.
Do the Celts still adhere to their culture? The Germans? The slavs? The Greeks?
No. Even most cultures in the Orient have drastically changed in the last 100 years.
There is an active movement in Hawaii to preserve their culture.
No, there really isn't. Sure, a FEW might practice it, but mostly, it's a movement to preserve the language and a few rituals and practices, but they will not "live" the culture. They might get together a few times a year and wear traditional dress and perform some traditional rituals--but only a TINY fraction of the population, if any, will live that culture on a day to day basis.
They will still buy their clothes at Wal-Mart. They'll still get their food from grocery stores. They will still live in modern dwellings. Most will drive cars.
-- Edited by huskerbb on Saturday 23rd of January 2016 04:26:48 PM
read " kabloona " by de poncins years ago--an incredible book about the far north and the eskimo/innuit peoples--written in the 30's i believe, was simply an amazing look at and into the lives of the indigenous peoples of northern canada/the arctic
" the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "--edmund burke