Thank you. I just want people to realize where some young women are when they hear they are pregnant. We don't always hear, "You're going to have a bouncy little baby!" Sometimes it's more like, "Your life is now going to be radically changed whether you want it to be or not!" I don't want people to applaud me. I made the decision that was right for me. But we tend to think that every pregnancy is a happy announcement when in reality it is not always that way. I am not saying that abortion is the answer. That is NOT the point of me sharing. The point is that I want people to step back, away from the emotions, and remember, the person who is experiencing an unwanted pregnancy may not be a horrible person. Heck, I was married. I was just in a bad situation. It happens. It doesn't make us bad people. Compassion cannot possibly be a bad thing.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Not my fault! Someone led me astray! Could it be....
"Not my fault". (BTW, that's how you quote).
Typical liberal response. Nothing is your fault. You can't control primal urges, not your fault. Can't keep your legs together, not your fault. Can't support yourself with a bum arm, not your fault.
Grow up. Take some responsibility for yourself and your life.
What the hell are you babbling about NOW??
I'm supporting myself just fine. Where did you get such a supid idea? Ah, let me guess. LGS has been spresding lies about me in PMs and you believed her.
Nah, you just haven't figured out who I am yet...
I don't CARE who you are! I never said I couldn't support myself, because that's BS.
You're spreading nasty rumours you heard on other boards or in PMs, it's against board rules.