Pro-life organization Live Action is showing a video series in which a former abortionist uses medical animations to reveal the harsh reality of abortion for both mother and baby.
The group’s goal is to cut through the pro-abortion rhetoric that speaks of “tissue masses,” “clumps of cells,” and “products of conception,” especially at a time when abortion has become a major issue in the 2016 election.
The video below features former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino – who performed more than 1,200 abortions – using accurate medical depictions of what happens during the abortion procedure. No graphic photos of real babies are used in the series.
“I’d like to challenge the abortion lobby – Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and the rest – to respond to these videos,” Lila Rose said during a web conference for media Tuesday. “After seeing the videos, most people would have a difficult time telling a woman that abortion is ‘health care’ or ‘empowering,’”
Rose, president of Live Action, said her group’s nine years of video investigations have led to the realization that most of the general public is uninformed about what happens during an abortion.
“The abortion lobby masks the procedure in euphemisms,” she explained. “’Terminating the pregnancy,’ ‘tissue mass,’ ‘product of conception.’ The majority of the public has no clue about what abortion really does to a child in the womb; how developed the child actually is during an abortion; and the risks of abortion to the mother’s health and safety.”
Rose described the abortion industry’s continued denial of the presence of a human baby during pregnancy. By way of example, she referred to abortion political advocacy groupNARAL’s tweet during the Super Bowl, protesting a Doritos ad featuring parents viewing their unborn baby’s ultrasound. NARAL attacked what it called the ad’s “anti-choice tactic of humanizing fetuses.”
The new web video series, Rose says, will “change the debate about abortion.”
“Our experience shows that once someone sees the reality of abortion, it’s hard for them to go back and justify it,” she asserted.
The series consists of four videos – each about four minutes in length. The videos reflect accurate medical information about abortion and use animated medical depictions inside the uterus. Though the videos do not show graphic photos of abortion, the medical animations allow the public to see the violence of abortion.
According to Live Action, all information presented in the videos is backed up by peer-reviewed medical journals and has been reviewed by practicing OB/GYNs, medical professionals, and former abortionists.
The four videos – located at – address the most common abortion procedures:
- The abortion pill – which deprives the unborn baby of blood and nourishment until it dies
- The suction D&C – which uses a vacuum to pull the baby apart
- The D&E abortion – which uses forceps to tear limbs from larger babies
- The chemical injection abortion that stops the fetal heart and causes the mother to deliver the baby stillborn a few days later
“After seeing these videos, the public isn’t going to buy the rhetoric of the abortion lobby,” Rose states. “In 2016, ‘war on women’ and ‘extremist’ labels just won’t work.
“In four short minutes, Americans will see the reality of abortion,” she adds. “And that’s the last thing the abortion industry wants, because it knows that once people are exposed to the violence of abortion, they reject it.”
A recent Marist College Institute for Public Opinion poll found a full 81 percent of Americans favor some restrictions on abortion – including limiting the procedure after the first three months – and a continued ban on public funding of abortion.
In the survey of 1,700 Americans, even 66 percent of respondents who identify themselves as pro-choice say, “Abortion should be allowed, at most, in the first trimester, in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother, or never permitted.”