Maybe, but again, with most she doesn't even seem to be getting far enough to know.
i think her standards are probably too high. Shes a 4 who wants a 7 or 8 and won't consider the 4's and 5's she encounters.
She is also, in all likelihood, getting offers to be bedded on the first meeting and she is saying no. Can't say I blame her either.
I have a friend out east, same age, she belongs to several dating sites and just about every contact wants to hook up and that's about it.
If that is all she is attracting (the one night standers), she needs to change something about herself. My friend does not see that about herself.
Kissing and going to bed with someone are two different things. I mean, she could have at least had a date or two and a good night kiss. Doesn't mean she has to hop into bed.
But she means more than kissing. She talks about her "virginity"--and that doesn't mean just kissing. She also talks about having a relationship.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
It could be a combination, but I tend to discount that because as she even says herself:
Was it my appearance? I’ve always been on the large side of curvy, but I knew plenty of girls my size and larger who had found happy relationships. Was it my face? I’ve never been pretty, but again, I knew women who were objectively less “pretty” than me who had found love.
As she mentions there are many "girls my size and larger" or "women who were objectively less “pretty” than me", but they still manage to get dates and S/O's and husbands. But she never mentions that she has a positive outlook on dating. She never mentions that she puts out there (verbally or by actions/expressions) that she WANTS dates.
Guys can sense the dark clouds of "I'm not worth your time or effort" or "you have no chance" a lot better than most women give us credit for.
It could be a combination, but I tend to discount that because as she even says herself:
" Was it my appearance? I’ve always been on the large side of curvy, but I knew plenty of girls my size and larger who had found happy relationships. Was it my face? I’ve never been pretty, but again, I knew women who were objectively less “pretty” than me who had found love. "
As she mentions there are many "girls my size and larger" or "women who were objectively less “pretty” than me", but they still manage to get dates and S/O's and husbands. But she never mentions that she has a positive outlook on dating. She never mentions that she puts out there (verbally or by actions/expressions) that she WANTS dates.
Guys can sense the dark clouds of "I'm not worth your time or effort" or "you have no chance" a lot better than most women give us credit for.
Well said. Thank you.
“Instead of wondering WHY this is happening to you, consider why this is happening to YOU." - Dalai Lama XIV
“Make no judgments where you have no compassion.” - Anne McCaffrey
Yes, she is sending out the "leave me alone" vibe. She may not be doing that intentionally but that seems to be the message. There have probably been men along the way who were attracted to her but didn't bother because she didn't seem interested.
It could be a combination, but I tend to discount that because as she even says herself:
" Was it my appearance? I’ve always been on the large side of curvy, but I knew plenty of girls my size and larger who had found happy relationships. Was it my face? I’ve never been pretty, but again, I knew women who were objectively less “pretty” than me who had found love. "
As she mentions there are many "girls my size and larger" or "women who were objectively less “pretty” than me", but they still manage to get dates and S/O's and husbands. But she never mentions that she has a positive outlook on dating. She never mentions that she puts out there (verbally or by actions/expressions) that she WANTS dates.
Guys can sense the dark clouds of "I'm not worth your time or effort" or "you have no chance" a lot better than most women give us credit for.
I still think her standards are probably too high. She's a 4 who is looking for a 7 or 8. Or that guy is too old. Or that guy is bald. Or that guy doesn't dress well.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
if you disregard her looks and just read her words she seems incredibly selfish and self-centered--woe is me, it's not my fault etc--she has significant self-image issues--she has some serious growing as a person to do yet--she needs to learn to genuinely give of herself before she should ever expect to get anything from others--again, disregarding her looks, she's the textbook " waiting to be discovered/rescued " sort of woman
" the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "--edmund burke
if you disregard her looks and just read her words she seems incredibly selfish and self-centered--woe is me, it's not my fault etc--she has significant self-image issues--she has some serious growing as a person to do yet--she needs to learn to genuinely give of herself before she should ever expect to get anything from others--again, disregarding her looks, she's the textbook " waiting to be discovered/rescued " sort of woman
That may be true--but you can't completely disregard her looks. A hot chick with those same traits would still find plenty of guys to kiss.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
me thinks this woman has surrounded herself with "yes" friends. "Yes" friends are people that tell you what you want to hear rather than tell you the truth. Ugh. She needs to get with new friends that are going to tell her straight up that her breath stinks, she is too clingy, that she is too something or whatever so that she can start to do some actual work on herself instead of wandering around wondering why no one wants to kiss her.
There's also a chance that she's one of those attention people that says things just to get hoards of people to analyze and talk about her. I have a niece that does this all of the time. She will post something controversial on FB just to get a flurry of comments. Good or bad, she doesn't care.
For example.
Today some guy told me I'm fat!!!!
Look at this and tell me? Am I?!?!
"Today I fed my 3 month old a cut up hot dog. I know all you people will say I'm a bad mom but you can suck my non existent D:(k!!!"
Then there is a frenzy of comments about Oh, no you are so skinny and gorgeous!! Don't let somebody get in your head!
Or, NO WAY you are the best darn mommy I know! Don't listen to anybody who says otherwise!!!!
Disclamer: I didn't use a real picture of my niece, but that is the type of picture she posts at a constant rate. Those are things that she has actually said, among thousands of other attention getting statements. It's a daily activity of hers. I think she needs to get therapy to figure out why she is so... I don't know. There is something wrong though. She just turned 20 but that seems very immature to me.
Turn your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.
I still think her standards are probably too high. She's a 4 who is looking for a 7 or 8. Or that guy is too old. Or that guy is bald. Or that guy doesn't dress well.
- huskerbb
That ties in with my first comment of it not being her looks. I agree that her setting unreasonable goals in is a definite possibility. Where that comes in though is still the "I'm not interested" vibe she gives off. If a "5" or a "6" approaches her, she gives him the "get lost, loser" vibe.
Well, maybe she has tried. Who knows? But, obviously, what she is doing isn't working. So, if she is really motivated, she can maybe make a few changes.