I do think it is a shame that that we are one of the most advanced cultures in the world, tey there are thousands of kids that must literally risk their lives to get an education beyond high school.
No they dont'. They can also work their way through college as I did, or they can go into public service, work there for 10 years and have their federal loans forgiven.
Not every major has a "public service" option believe it or not. And it's damn hard to work your way through college these days unless you don't mind going part time for 10 years.
My SIL is working his way through College. He will graduate in December.
America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome...
I do think it is a shame that that we are one of the most advanced cultures in the world, tey there are thousands of kids that must literally risk their lives to get an education beyond high school.
No they dont'. They can also work their way through college as I did, or they can go into public service, work there for 10 years and have their federal loans forgiven.
Not every major has a "public service" option believe it or not. And it's damn hard to work your way through college these days unless you don't mind going part time for 10 years.
My SIL is working his way through College. He will graduate in December.
A lot of kids who have the gumption still do that. It befuddles me the attitude that a college education has to be finished is the 4 or 5 year timeline and includes campus life for the whole time. Which is more important? The education or the social aspect? And yeah it is damn hard to work your way through college but do you know what you have at the end? You have a job with a company that saw your hard work and are most likely rewarding you with a good promotion because they are impressed with your diligence AND you have no loans. That is a far better result than the kids who take out 100K in loans and have no job at the end but a huge bill.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
You know what working your way through school does? It makes you appreciate your education more, and cements you as a hard worker. And you usually raise your kids to be workers instead of them expecting things handed to them.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
You know what working your way through school does? It makes you appreciate your education more, and cements you as a hard worker. And you usually raise your kids to be workers instead of them expecting things handed to them.
I worked and paid for my own college.
Freshman year, it was clear that some of the people were there courtesy of the National Bank of Daddy. They partied instead of studying.
The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.
I couldn't get a pic because of the way the sun was glinting off the car but I saw a bumper sticker I liked today. It read: Hillary Clinton for Prison 2016