Wow! Well, the writing is on the wall. The Donald train is speeding ahead. I think Cruz gave it a good and admirable run. And, I hope he is going to actively work against Hillary or Bernie and get behind Donald.
Cruz wasn't establishment. He was Tea Party. Establishment hated him, but they hated Trump more so they were trying to warm to Cruz. Either way, the people have spoken. Let's hope the GOP listens.
Cruz wasn't establishment. He was Tea Party. Establishment hated him, but they hated Trump more so they were trying to warm to Cruz. Either way, the people have spoken. Let's hope the GOP listens.
I know. I like Cruz. I would have been very happy with a Cruz/Fiorina ticket. Either way, the Establishments had their butts handed to them on a silver platter proving that they cannot control us like they think they can. I was glad to see Donald compliment Ted in his victory speech. I think Trump is a smack talker. That's just who he is. Trash talk before the game, etc. But, I don't see him as a man who holds a grudge. So, we will see. Maybe he and Ted can align in some way.
I have heard nothing but good things from those who work/have worked for Trump. I didn't mind Cruz, but he was starting to act like a train wreck in the end. I really didn't mind any of them, except my least favorites were Jeb and Rubio.
I have heard nothing but good things from those who work/have worked for Trump. I didn't mind Cruz, but he was starting to act like a train wreck in the end. I really didn't mind any of them, except my least favorites were Jeb and Rubio.
Trump is a wildcat. And, he can throw elbows and barbs and name call, and it works for him. It is simply his style, like it or not. However, when Jeb and Ted and Rubio then try to turn tables on him, it simply doesn't work because that isn't their style and then it rings very hollow. Jeb trying to throw a punch is like your grandma trying to hit Mike Tyson. It looks ridiculous. However, I think there is a good possibility that Trump can bring some of them back into the fold. Heck, he made up with Megyn Kelly! And, maybe a Trump/Rubio ticket or Trump/Christie?
Cruz was getting frustrated and crumbling under the pressure of a campaign. Being president is not an easy job - if you can't handle your fellow Americans with aplomb, how are you supposed to handle the world's leaders and problems?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Cruz was getting frustrated and crumbling under the pressure of a campaign. Being president is not an easy job - if you can't handle your fellow Americans with aplomb, how are you supposed to handle the world's leaders and problems?
I don't think he 'crumbled". That's not my read. Trump has been shooting barbs since day 1. So, Cruz cant' fire off a few too? Huh?
Cruz was getting frustrated and crumbling under the pressure of a campaign. Being president is not an easy job - if you can't handle your fellow Americans with aplomb, how are you supposed to handle the world's leaders and problems?
I don't think he 'crumbled". That's not my read. Trump has been shooting barbs since day 1. So, Cruz cant' fire off a few too? Huh?
He got pissed off and let that control him over the last couple of days. And he got frustrated and quit. I wouldn't be surprised if he punched a wall in the back room.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Cruz was getting frustrated and crumbling under the pressure of a campaign. Being president is not an easy job - if you can't handle your fellow Americans with aplomb, how are you supposed to handle the world's leaders and problems?
I don't think he 'crumbled". That's not my read. Trump has been shooting barbs since day 1. So, Cruz cant' fire off a few too? Huh?
He got pissed off and let that control him over the last couple of days. And he got frustrated and quit. I wouldn't be surprised if he punched a wall in the back room.
Huh? He cannot WIN. There is no way he could win enough delegates to be the nominee. He stuck it out hoping against hope. That doesn't make him a quitter, that makes him a fighter. He lost. There is no shame in that. Not really sure why you want to dogpile Ted? Ted isn't the problem. Trump isn't the problem. The problem is the Dem party of liberal socialism and Obama and Hillary if we don't stop her. I would be happy to have Ted standing with Trump.
As for 'punching a wall" comment, i much prefer real honesty and emotion over the canned walking dead teleprompter politicians. No thanks. I want someone who is Real. Tired of the "tell you the BS you want to hear " politicians.
The one acting like a childish baby isn't Cruz. It's Kasich. He keeps running around acting like he is the winner when he hasn't won squat. He needs to get out.
The one acting like a childish baby isn't Cruz. It's Kasich. He keeps running around acting like he is the winner when he hasn't won squat. He needs to get out.
The one acting like a childish baby isn't Cruz. It's Kasich. He keeps running around acting like he is the winner when he hasn't won squat. He needs to get out.
I think Cruz knew he was out. So, he unloaded on Donald. He got it off his chest. He fought back and told Donald what he thought. Men can settle things like that and move on. So, i think it's all good.
Cruz has been vilified for a lot of things that were stupid, but I wish he'd handled the last few days with a bit more dignity.
I totally agree. Like many, he kept thinking that THIS time would be the time that one of trumps "gaffes" would give hi a shot.
it never happened.
Instead, voters turned on him. Seeing his bombastic proclamations of somehow winning as pure folly, and moves such as his supposed "alliance" with kasich and picking a running mate for a presidential run that was never going to be his as moves of desperation.
the thing that he and other establishment repugs also failed to grasp is that people are pissed off about the whole "never trump" movement and they punished Cruz for it. They see that movement as big money donors teaming up with media such as the National Standard and politicians they hate, anyway.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
Also, LGS--you are right that Cruz isn't truly an establishment republican, but after rubio's loss, that was who Cruz then began to pander to--and they reciprocated. He BECAME the face of the establishment over the past couple of months--and it killed his campaign.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
I just don't think Cruz has that likeability factor. For any other office, he is fine. But, people tend to want a President that gives them a warm fuzzy in some way. Obama the cool professor. Reagan the funny grandpa. Clinton the naughty boy. W the cowboy swag. Trump has a likeable quality about him. He's the guy in the room who blurts out what everyone is thinking but is afraid to say. He's got wit and he is funny. And, gorgeous women like him which obviously makes him more attractive as well, lol. Yeah, some of you don't like him but he has the IT factor. Hillary doesn't. No amount of spin is going to make people like her. Bernie is likeable. But, he is already out based on delegates.
Also, LGS--you are right that Cruz isn't truly an establishment republican, but after rubio's loss, that was who Cruz then began to pander to--and they reciprocated. He BECAME the face of the establishment over the past couple of months--and it killed his campaign.
I agree with this. Ultimately, however, I feel Cruz was the establishment's pawn. They were using him to split the delegates and away from Trump so that at the convention, they could boot out both and bring in their own.
Also, LGS--you are right that Cruz isn't truly an establishment republican, but after rubio's loss, that was who Cruz then began to pander to--and they reciprocated. He BECAME the face of the establishment over the past couple of months--and it killed his campaign.
I agree with this. Ultimately, however, I feel Cruz was the establishment's pawn. They were using him to split the delegates and away from Trump so that at the convention, they could boot out both and bring in their own.
He was trying to use them, too. They both just badly misread the electorate.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.
Well, I could agree with you--but then we'd both be wrong.
It's like the more the media and the establishment rail against him, the more votes he gets. They keep trying to attack him rather than focusing on what is really important, and people are just sick of it.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Trump was not the winner because he is the best candidate, he is winning because of the overall lack of trust in the current system. Period.
The 'best' candidate is the one left standing. The world is run by those who show up. Are they "the best"? Yes. Because they did the work to get there whereas most people just sit and complain. The other candidates tried but they didn't resonate.