I think I've got my memories a bit skewed. The name Varsity mixed with a different burger place. The one that had such good burgers was a sit down place with wait staff but really casual like a 5 guys. It's been 30 years.
I think I've got my memories a bit skewed. The name Varsity mixed with a different burger place. The one that had such good burgers was a sit down place with wait staff but really casual like a 5 guys. It's been 30 years.
I think I've got my memories a bit skewed. The name Varsity mixed with a different burger place. The one that had such good burgers was a sit down place with wait staff but really casual like a 5 guys. It's been 30 years.
Do you not get the news up there in Canada? I understand the government in North Korea limits what their people can see/read, but I did not know this was how the Canadian government rolled, too.
Do you not get the news up there in Canada? I understand the government in North Korea limits what their people can see/read, but I did not know this was how the Canadian government rolled, too.
Seems like you don't know the difference between fast food restaurants and school cafeterias.
Show me where Michelle made all fast food restaurants remove salt from their food as you claimed.
I'm all for eating healthy. I don't like eating Roundup (GMOs), and I have stayed away (as best I can) from partially hydrogenated oils for over 20 years, before the effects became well-known. And I am conscious of the sodium content of processed foods, which I try to stay away from as well. But while I agree that the public should receive education and information about the content of foods and nutritional information, I feel that the decision whether to ignore the facts and eat what they want is a personal decision, and should not be mandated by the government.
Ye of little faith in the power of the Presidency.....apparently you know of no one who threw shade on O only to have the FBI knocking on their door, hauling them in for questioning? It's not just conspiracy thinking. It's happening.
Ye of little faith in the power of the Presidency.....apparently you know of no one who threw shade on O only to have the FBI knocking on their door, hauling them in for questioning? It's not just conspiracy thinking. It's happening.
Evidently, you didn't read your own link.
"First Lady Michelle Obama, who has been unable to convince the Smoker-in-Chief to give up that dreadful habit, now has some health suggestions for other American families and for restaurant menus across the country. The goal is to eat healthier, although that might hurt restaurant sales and cause disappointed children."
A suggestion is far, far different than forcing all restaurants to omit salt from their food.
Please supply a link, any link, that shows how all restaurants were forced to do just that, as per your claim.