DEAR AMY: I have been married to my husband for two years. We dated for two years before marrying. Somehow, he managed to hide a pornography addiction, excessive alcohol use and a temper that parallels that of a maniac. The pornography and secret drinking (hiding bottles) began emerging eight months ago. He has always had a temper. We cannot discuss our “differences” without him screaming, ranting and walking out. He has left to stay with family members at least three times. I constantly live with the threat of him leaving. Each time he does this, he throws me under the bus to his family. He has not once told them the truth about what has actually happened, and now his family members think I am a monster. My question is this: Do I tell his family the truth? It is becoming increasing difficult to deal with the underside of the bus and their cold shoulders. I really want to stay in the marriage, but do not trust my husband. I find it difficult to keep forgiving him.
Sad Spouse
DEAR SAD: Your husband’s family might believe your version of events, but it might not matter that much. They are his family; they will take his side, and take him in.
If you are close to one of his family members, you should ask if your husband has a pattern of behaving this way. Family members might be aware of his addiction issues and his habit of leaving when things get tough.
You and your husband might be able to work things out, but — based on what you report — he may have serious problems, which would require professional help. He would need to commit to seeing a counselor with you, as well as a commitment to work on his addiction issues.
For now, you should be relieved that his response to trouble is “flight” rather than “fight.”
Despite the fact that you want to stay in the marriage, it doesn’t sound safe for you
The Principle of Least Interest: He who cares least about a relationship, controls it.
It is amazing how people are able to hide such issues before marriage. I wonder how much time they spent together before they were married. If he isn't willing to get help, she really should walk away. it will only get worse.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
Did they never have a disagreement before they got married?! Did they not spend long periods of time together - weekends away, vacations, etc?? Wow.
The OP sounds like a very very weak woman who doesn't think she deserves any better. I think she needs some serious help to get away from this guy. Why does she want to stay with him??
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
It is amazing how people are able to hide such issues before marriage. I wonder how much time they spent together before they were married. If he isn't willing to get help, she really should walk away. it will only get worse.
My ex fiance was like this. I was with him for three years before I moved in, and it was almost like my moving in cemented the fact that I was with him so he could go back to being 'himself'. Suddenly he drank a 24-pack of beer that he chased with a bottle of Jack Daniels and became verbally explosive like in the OP. He would also threaten my life in various ways - running me over with a car, leaving my body in the mountains on a camping trip, etc. Of course, all this was under his breath so I was the only person who heard. He also wouldn't let me out of his sight. Because i was in a new area I didn't have a job yet, so he would bring me to work with him in a home-ish setting where he was a caretaker for a group of severely disabled individuals. He had me cook for the staff, do his laundry, etc. while I was there. Once I needed to go grocery shopping so he sent his roommate with me. Then called me fifteen times because he didn't trust me alone with his roommate.
I left before we got married - thank goodness - but almost couldn't because he had also spent all my money. I maxed out three credit cards just getting away from him- took me years to pay off the damage he caused.
Because she took her vows seriously and is determined to honor them.
But he isn't doing his part.
She is constantly climbing uphill with this guy.
She needs to stop caring what anyone else thinks and tell him straight out to shape up or ship out.
Her responsibility is to herself and her marriage.
And if he isn't pulling his weight, then she needs to get out.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
One of those issues would be enough to break a marriage. He has a trifecta of terrible. This is the reason divorce was invented. Yes, I think she should tell him to get help and stay with him as long as he is working on his issues with a professional. But she doesn't need to stick around for the abuse should it continue.
Out of all the lies I have told, "just kidding" is my favorite !
Because she took her vows seriously and is determined to honor them.
But he isn't doing his part.
She is constantly climbing uphill with this guy.
She needs to stop caring what anyone else thinks and tell him straight out to shape up or ship out.
Her responsibility is to herself and her marriage.
And if he isn't pulling his weight, then she needs to get out.
He is addicted to pornography and alcohol and has rage issues. I don't think she should take her vows seriously if he isn't.
I said took.
It's hard to turn away from something you wanted with every fiber of your being. It's hard to give up those dreams.
It truly is like watching a loved one die a slow painful death.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
Because she took her vows seriously and is determined to honor them.
But he isn't doing his part.
She is constantly climbing uphill with this guy.
She needs to stop caring what anyone else thinks and tell him straight out to shape up or ship out.
Her responsibility is to herself and her marriage.
And if he isn't pulling his weight, then she needs to get out.
He is addicted to pornography and alcohol and has rage issues. I don't think she should take her vows seriously if he isn't.
I said took.
It's hard to turn away from something you wanted with every fiber of your being. It's hard to give up those dreams.
It truly is like watching a loved one die a slow painful death.
That bolded is true but when anyone takes a vow with someone hiding such terrible, life altering demons, the vow you take is with a different person, not the one you actually married.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
Because she took her vows seriously and is determined to honor them.
But he isn't doing his part.
She is constantly climbing uphill with this guy.
She needs to stop caring what anyone else thinks and tell him straight out to shape up or ship out.
Her responsibility is to herself and her marriage.
And if he isn't pulling his weight, then she needs to get out.
He is addicted to pornography and alcohol and has rage issues. I don't think she should take her vows seriously if he isn't.
I said took.
It's hard to turn away from something you wanted with every fiber of your being. It's hard to give up those dreams.
It truly is like watching a loved one die a slow painful death.
That bolded is true but when anyone takes a vow with someone hiding such terrible, life altering demons, the vow you take is with a different person, not the one you actually married.
Doesn't change the sincerity of the vow.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
I don't understand these letters. Dear Abby, this man treats me like crap. He drinks, screams at me and is addicted to porn. But, i really, really LURV him. Why? Why would you LURV someone like that?
I don't understand these letters. Dear Abby, this man treats me like crap. He drinks, screams at me and is addicted to porn. But, i really, really LURV him. Why? Why would you LURV someone like that?
Ask my neighbor.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
The thought of starting over is really scary for a lot of people, so sometimes it's easier to remain in your comfort zone of being with the other person (even if they don't make it all that comfortable).
At least you are familiar with them, as opposed to what's waiting for you in the unknown if you leave them.
Was it a bad day?
Or was it a bad five minutes that you milked all day?
Imagine the person you are married to becoming an addict.
You don't just stop loving them.
It's hard to explain and it is really nice to hear that most have no idea how that feels.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
Imagine the person you are married to becoming an addict.
You don't just stop loving them.
It's hard to explain and it is really nice to hear that most have no idea how that feels.
I think that is a bit different. Drugs change the personality of the person you love. This person is not a nice person to begin with. It's his core being. So , what is there to love?
had a younger sibling get involved with a guy like the op's--it was not pretty--he put on a good front in public but back at home she saw the real person--went on for a couple of years--as didn't see her that often ( she lived in ca at the time and i was not aware of the extent of his abuse--she was afraid to tell my father or me what was really going on--afraid of what we might do to him--eventually discovered through the wife of a friend ( who ran a dealership in the city where my sibling lived ) what the guy was really like and what he was putting my sister through--flew out there tout suite and went to their home--told him she was leaving with me right then and that if he ever as much as thought about harming her he was a dead man--he started crying like a baby, pleading with her to give him " another chance, to make things right, etc. "--bullchit--we collected her stuff ( excepting some furniture, appliances and other things ) and drove away that evening--she was upset to lose some of that stuff and told her that my father and i would replace every last thing for her but for now she needed to get away--lots of drama indeed
she has since found a good man ( a texan )--solid, loving, caring--the sort of man she deserves--am grateful i got there in time
" the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "--edmund burke
Imagine the person you are married to becoming an addict.
You don't just stop loving them.
It's hard to explain and it is really nice to hear that most have no idea how that feels.
I think that is a bit different. Drugs change the personality of the person you love. This person is not a nice person to begin with. It's his core being. So , what is there to love?
The OP says he changed after they got married.
All I'm saying is, it isnt a matter of just flipping a switch.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
And it's a wonderful thing that you have never experienced it first hand.
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
Well. Of course she needs to open her eyes and really see what is really going on.
And she needs to know if HE wants to change.
It isn't easy. Anything worth saving usually isnt.
But to say "how can she still love him" isnt the question.
The question is, are you willing to do what is best for you even though it's going to rip your heart out?
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
abuse is not some twisted form of love--it's abuse--people that love each other don't abuse one another, don't deliberately hurt one another, don't threaten one another--she's supposed to wait till he physically harms her ? their kids ?
" the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "--edmund burke
I'm not advocating staying in an abusive relationship.
Hence the question, are you willing to do what's best for you?
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
Imagine the person you are married to becoming an addict.
You don't just stop loving them.
It's hard to explain and it is really nice to hear that most have no idea how that feels.
I think that is a bit different. Drugs change the personality of the person you love. This person is not a nice person to begin with. It's his core being. So , what is there to love?
The OP says he changed after they got married.
All I'm saying is, it isnt a matter of just flipping a switch.
Like most abusers do. They are sweet until they trap you in marriage, and then the true colors come out.
Women who continue to love men like this have serious self esteem issues.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Imagine the person you are married to becoming an addict.
You don't just stop loving them.
It's hard to explain and it is really nice to hear that most have no idea how that feels.
I think that is a bit different. Drugs change the personality of the person you love. This person is not a nice person to begin with. It's his core being. So , what is there to love?
The OP says he changed after they got married.
All I'm saying is, it isnt a matter of just flipping a switch.
Like most abusers do. They are sweet until they trap you in marriage, and then the true colors come out.
Women who continue to love men like this have serious self esteem issues.
Actually yes, it IS like flipping a switch. It's called grooming. Like a pedophile does to their targets. Once again, Gaga, I'm glad that you haven't had this experience, but please try to put your blinders aside for a moment and attempt to see something from a perspective that might differ from yours.
Imagine the person you are married to becoming an addict.
You don't just stop loving them.
It's hard to explain and it is really nice to hear that most have no idea how that feels.
I think that is a bit different. Drugs change the personality of the person you love. This person is not a nice person to begin with. It's his core being. So , what is there to love?
The OP says he changed after they got married.
All I'm saying is, it isnt a matter of just flipping a switch.
Like most abusers do. They are sweet until they trap you in marriage, and then the true colors come out.
Women who continue to love men like this have serious self esteem issues.
Actually yes, it IS like flipping a switch. It's called grooming. Like a pedophile does to their targets. Once again, Gaga, I'm glad that you haven't had this experience, but please try to put your blinders aside for a moment and attempt to see something from a perspective that might differ from yours.
Imagine the person you are married to becoming an addict.
You don't just stop loving them.
It's hard to explain and it is really nice to hear that most have no idea how that feels.
I think that is a bit different. Drugs change the personality of the person you love. This person is not a nice person to begin with. It's his core being. So , what is there to love?
The OP says he changed after they got married.
All I'm saying is, it isnt a matter of just flipping a switch.
Like most abusers do. They are sweet until they trap you in marriage, and then the true colors come out.
Women who continue to love men like this have serious self esteem issues.
Actually yes, it IS like flipping a switch. It's called grooming. Like a pedophile does to their targets. Once again, Gaga, I'm glad that you haven't had this experience, but please try to put your blinders aside for a moment and attempt to see something from a perspective that might differ from yours.
There are usually warning signs in grooming. But women ignore them because...well...looooovvvveeeee.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.