A Surprising Way to Handle Difficult People
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Help! The Law Finally Allows Me to Marry My Boyfriend—but He Doesn’t Want To. Slate
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totallygeeked general
Dear Prudence, My boyfriend and I (same-sex relationship) have been together a few years. Last spring he lost his job and decided to go back to school. I added him onto my health insurance, which required an affidavit saying that we were in a long-term, committed relationship and were denied the abil...
Two Words that Can Work Miracles in Any Marriage
totallygeeked general
Two Words that Can Work Miracles in Any Marriagebottomlinepersonal.com/two-words-that-can-work-miracles-in-any-marriage/ Whether a relationship is fantastic, fair-to-middling or foundering, it can almost certainly be improved if couples remember to make frequent use of two simple w...
Things Girls Say to Test Men
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How to Argue with Your Spouse
totallygeeked general
How to Argue with Your Spousebottomlinepersonal.com/how-to-argue-with-your-spouse/You can argue and still have a happy marriage—if your arguments lead to solutions rather than lingering bitterness. Four ways to encourage this…• Alter argument patterns. Many couples have fallen into ar...
my friends and family don't take him seriously
totallygeeked general
DEAR AMY: I have been dating my boyfriend for about a year and a half. Things are going well, except for one major issue: my friends and family don't take him seriously. My friends act like he's not "good enough" for me (they never have a reason why), and my family treats him like some high sch...
Why I'll take a 'dad bod' guy over chiseled abs
totallygeeked general
Adopted grandson
totallygeeked general
DEAR AMY: Please help me with a relationship issue. I adopted my grandson when he was 2 years old. Legally I realize that this makes him my son and my two daughters are now his sisters. Please tell me what is the relationship of his biological father's family to the child? When my daughters fill out forms...
husbands and wives in the exam room
totallygeeked general
What worries me about husbands and wives in the exam roomA Country Doctor, MD | Physician | November 23, 2015 When a wife suddenly comes in for her husband’s appointment, I usually worry a little; when a husband shows up for his wife’s visit, I sometimes worry a lot. I have come to expect that when I enter...
Dear Amy - explosive husband
totallygeeked general
DEAR AMY: I have been married to my husband for two years. We dated for two years before marrying. Somehow, he managed to hide a pornography addiction, excessive alcohol use and a temper that parallels that of a maniac. The pornography and secret drinking (hiding bottles) began emerging eight month...