Do Cats Like to be Hugged?Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google_plusone_shareShare on pinterest_shareShare on emailMore Sharing ServicesSave to mypetMDby Cheryl Lock If you're anything like me, attempting to hug your cat is an exercise in futility. The panting. The squirming. T...
How to get feral cat on a leashDecember 11, 2015 By Marc Morrone Pets columnist Marc Morrone and his Ragdoll cats, Bubbles and Squeak. (Credit: Bruce Gilbert) Q: We adopted a rescued feral cat and we do not want to allow her outdoors anymore. However, she does want to go outside s...
Declawing debated among cat owners, advocatesJune 2, 2016 By Marc Morrone Pets columnist Marc Morrone weighs in on the declawing debate. (Credit: Bruce Gilbert) Q. I was going to adopt a kitten from a rescue and told them that I was going to have my vet declaw the kitten when it wa...