Forgiveness is not actually about the other person. It's about you. Harboring anger or whatever only hurts you. Not them. It's the old Chinese proverb that says drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die is fruitless. Forgiveness allows you to live free. Now forgetting. You have to forget and let go. That doesn't mean to let people walk all over you. Sometimes you have to change your behavior to make sure you don't get into that situation again. But you can't remind the other person constantly about what they did wrong.
And affairs are something that have to be decided on a case by case basis. If you've been married twenty years and have kids you might not want to throw that away. If you've been married two years and have no kids it might be a different thing. Was it a one night thing or a long term affair? See? Many variables.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Forgiveness is not actually about the other person. It's about you. Harboring anger or whatever only hurts you. Not them. It's the old Chinese proverb that says drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die is fruitless. Forgiveness allows you to live free. Now forgetting. You have to forget and let go. That doesn't mean to let people walk all over you. Sometimes you have to change your behavior to make sure you don't get into that situation again. But you can't remind the other person constantly about what they did wrong.
And affairs are something that have to be decided on a case by case basis. If you've been married twenty years and have kids you might not want to throw that away. If you've been married two years and have no kids it might be a different thing. Was it a one night thing or a long term affair? See? Many variables.
And the wife in the OP is the only one who can make that choice.