So tonight her outfit was well fitting, she didn't look 50 lbs overweight, but as I have said many times, other outfits she is carrying a load. She must have medical device on most of the time that accounts for the shift in size.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
They did a vote of undecideds and trump won! He owned this debate, he put her on the defensive. The news people won't stop talking about the audio. Trump did bring up her husband and his lack of respect for women.
Trump won this one in a landslide. Now if people can just get over the guy chatting with other guy, locker-room type talk that didn't actually mean or prove anything. That's where I see Trump losing voters.
How can people see such bad in him and still think her "stuff" don't stink, even though she's done much worse? I am completely lost for an answer to this question.