I don't usually go to taekwondo class, that's DH's job. So when they receive new belts, they want me there. So, of course I go. I went today. We took two cars so I could go grocery shopping afterwards and DH could take them to library, pick up his contact lenses, etc. I go to give hugs goodbye and they run away screaming, "don't kiss me!" and making quite a scene in the parking lot right outside the dojang. I know they are only 8, but not only was it embarrassing, but it hurt my feelings. As I drove away I called them and told them they really hurt my feelings, and immediately they started getting defensive, and #2 started crying (which he does to get out of things) and I cut them off and said that was all, I just wanted them to know they hurt me, then I hung up. I'm still pretty pist.
IVY. I'm sorry! {{{hugs}}} Kids can be little butts. And if I ever see you, I'll give you two kisses.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.