And, if the bus driver evacuated the bus while leaving the bus on the tracks, the people would be saying, why didn't he just reverse gear and get it off the tracks? Evacuating and leaving the bus sitting on the tracks could have possibly resulted in fatalities on the train. However, i agree there needs to be procedure and protocol for bus drivers. I think trying to drive and avoid all railroad tracks is a bit silly. And, almost impossible where i live. We still have some tracks that have nothing but a railroad crossing sign with not even a blinker light. I usually pull up, open my window and listen for a train, then proceed over the tracks. I still see people driving thru other intersections where the railroad light is blinking. Some have blinking lights but no arm. I have even seen people drive around the arms.
I don't think so. It happened before and that's EXACTLY what the bus driver did.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.