This Is What Smoking Pot Does to People’s Respect for Others
Check out the sky-high piles of trash left by revelers in Denver after its 4/20 'cannabis celebration'
In Colorado last week, pot smokers spent so much time getting high that they apparently “forgot” about other people — and left a completely trashed park in their wake, as officials from the city of Denver made clear.
Several thousand marijuana enthusiasts gathered at Denver’s Civic Center park on April 20 to celebrate cannabis smoking. The area the next day was in a “disrespectful state,” said Denver Mayor Michael Han****.
It’s clear this is what smoking pot does to people’s level of respect for themselves, for others — and for their surroundings.
“Our parks and public spaces are held in the public trust … When you leave one of our parks trashed, you violate that trust,” Han****, a Democrat, said on Monday.
When Colorado's legalization of pot came up for a vote in 2012, Han**** opposed the measure, but since then has embraced legalization.
Related: First ‘Cannabis Gym’ to Open, Promises ‘Runner’s High’
“The 4/20 event has evolved over the last decade from an informal protest of marijuana prohibition to an organized festival that exalts in its legalization,” The Denver Post reported.
But beyond the trash left by revelers. “officers cited or arrested 48 event-goers, most of them for public marijuana consumption — a common occurrence in past events,” The Denver Post noted.
Fence-hopping, pot smoking, and delayed trash clean-up allegedly occurred from the 4/20 “weed day” festivities.
For their part, organizers of the event said they left the park in a cleaner state than when they arrived. Mayor Han**** ordered a city review of the situation