Holy schmoly I just pounded down this first season in 3 days. WOW! How did I miss this show when it first came out! All the women in this deserve awards!
2017 HBO Series Starring Shailene Woodley, Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman
It is about a group of women that live in a very posh tight knit town made up mostly of busy body rich ladies. On the surface they all seem beautiful, perfect and everything about them is perfect, and their kids are perfect, and their spouses are perfect, and they are nice, and everyone gets along.
Till, basically... one day they DON'T get along and things kinda snowball from there. You start to see that they are not perfect, some are suffering secrets quietly, and others are hiding something.
Lets put it this way, the first episode you learn someone has died. But you don't find out WHO died or WHO DID IT till the last episode. And it STILL winds up being a shocker.