I wanted our families to stay home since it's way more comfy than a hospital waiting room. MIL insisted on being at the hospital the whole time. So, I figured, if my family wants to sit in the waiting room as well, they can. Turned out that almost everyone came down. MIL, FIL, my parents, GMIL, and my grandparents were all there. Only ones missing were my uncle, BIL, and SIL. If memory serves, they all arrived somewhere between 1400 and 1500 on the 26th. DS was born at 0032 on the 27th. FIL got super impatient and wanted me to hurry up. Nurse was in the room at the time told him it doesn't work that way and he won't be allowed in my room if he's going to harass me. I ended up having a C-section so I don't if everyone would've camped out all night.
In hindsight, I didn't mind the company as I labored - everyone was in my room unless I was being checked. But, at the time, just thinking about everyone being out there made me feel awkward. My favorite memory of DS' birth is DH running around the room trying to find a place to the scrubs on. The nurse snickered when I told him he's in labor and delivery, they're very aware of how babies are made, so just put the scrubs on.