on this morning, more than seventy years ago, soldiers,sailors,marines and airmen gathered from nations across the globe, stormed the beaches at normandy to stop nazi tyranny and reclaim europe in the name of freedom--an example of courage and sacrifice unequaled in modern times
we owe them a debt of honor that can never be repaid-- may each of us take a moment, in this time, to remember them, to honor their sacrifice and to draw from their example of courage the will to stand ourselves for what is true, what is right, to preserve the freedom they gave so much to secure
em/salute jeff
-- Edited by burns07 on Tuesday 6th of June 2017 07:05:36 AM
" the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. "--edmund burke
Amen. We had a moment of silence this morning with the boys. They remembered their "Uncle" Ford who fought in WWII and passed away last year. (He was really my father's much older cousin but that was too confusing at the time they met him so we just referred to him as their uncle).