The recent election results have zero to do with Christianity, has everything to do with people who care about this country and the Constitution and the desire to enforce our laws.
I actually know quite a bit about Christians who didn't lite Trump and non Christians that do.
The main reason the Democrats lost the election is no message , a poorly chosen and flawed candidate ( both local and national) and Obama's policies were destroying the small businesses all over the country. I know it was hurting ours big time to the point that we weren't able to give anyone even ourselves raises and we were going to have to lay off quite a few employees . A lot of our vendors that has been in business for years closed up for this very reason.
The media has tried to portray people who has voted for Trump as right wing bigots not people who has been affected by Obama's policies.
Couldn't they find a Democrat that actually lived in the District?
I think the Democrats could have taken this one. They had the same problem that they had during the 2016 election though, no clue how to run the right candidate. A guy that can't even vote in the District isn't going to be seen as someone that cares about the District. Ossoff came within 6%. that's HUGE for that district when you consider the past 20 or so years it's always been Republican by a margin of 30% or greater.
I don't see this as the good omen that some Republicans see it as. I see it as foreshadowing losses to Democrats in close race districts when the 2018 midterms are here, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I mean: I think the Democrats went too far under Obama, but I also think that the Republicans want to go too far under Trump. Why can't they just bring the government back to center? Did anyone see the original "The Absent-Minded Professor"? Remember how the "flubber" he invented increased bounce a little bit each time? That's what's happening here in our government. It started in the middle, then went a little one way, then corrected a little more the other way, then even more back again, and so on, and so forth - widening the gap with each left-to-right or right-to-left swing.
They also need to understand that people don't like things shoved down their throats. And, when you get celebs coming in telling people how to vote, a lot of people don't like that.
They also need to understand that people don't like things shoved down their throats. And, when you get celebs coming in telling people how to vote, a lot of people don't like that.
- Lady Gaga Snerd.
True. But that's also something that Conservative Republicans need to learn as well. Fact is, no one likes unwanted rules or policies forced upon them. Our government needs to adopt more of a "live and let live" policy base.
They need money because conservatives that don't understand you have less abortions if you give out free birth control and if you teach things other than "Abstinence only" (which doesn't work, it's been proven) keep trying to get their funding yanked. Sadly the only way to protect their funding is to "throw away" money in this manner.
They need money because conservatives that don't understand you have less abortions if you give out free birth control and if you teach things other than "Abstinence only" (which doesn't work, it's been proven) keep trying to get their funding yanked. Sadly the only way to protect their funding is to "throw away" money in this manner.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Republican conservatives want to eliminate funding for them. They only way to stop that elimination of funding is to get liberal Democrats elected instead.
The problem is those same Republican conservatives also want to eliminate free birth-control (a simple and easily predictable result of Planned Parenthood closing it's doors) and want to promote "Abstinence only" education, which has been statistically proven to absolutely be a failure. Every time sex-ed reverts to "don't do it or you're gonna die", the teen and young adult pregnancy rates skyrocket.
Republican conservatives want to eliminate funding for them. They only way to stop that elimination of funding is to get liberal Democrats elected instead.
The problem is those same Republican conservatives also want to eliminate free birth-control (a simple and easily predictable result of Planned Parenthood closing it's doors) and want to promote "Abstinence only" education, which has been statistically proven to absolutely be a failure. Every time sex-ed reverts to "don't do it or you're gonna die", the teen and young adult pregnancy rates skyrocket.
Yes, i do want to eliminate FREE everything. Grow the freak up. When DH and I got married, i was on birth control until we decided to have kids. It was like $4. Sheesh. And, I went to this thing called a DOCTOR, specifically my family practice doctor to get them. Geez.
Free birth control is available at health departments and clinics. Furthermore, you don't need to fund an abortion machine to fund birth control.
- Lawyerlady
In some places you are correct about availability in health departments, it is available. In many places however, it isn't, and in those places, Planned Parenthood is the closest thing that there is to a "clinic" that covers things like BC.
Roughly 3% of what Planned Parenthood does is "abortion related", so how does that qualify them as an "abortion machine"?
I should probably mention that I'm not saying that I want Liberal Democrats in office, by the way. I'm saying that's what they (Planned Parenthood) need to do (spend money) to get the Liberal Democrats, who will protect their funding, in office. Just like people that want Conservative Republicans need to spend money to get them elected. That was the only point I was making: If they want to keep their funding they have to pay to get people that will protect it into office.
Yes, i do want to eliminate FREE everything. Grow the freak up. When DH and I got married, i was on birth control until we decided to have kids. It was like $4. Sheesh. And, I went to this thing called a DOCTOR, specifically my family practice doctor to get them. Geez.
- Lady Gaga Snerd
I want to eliminate freeLOADERS that squirt out new babies every time you turn around, much more than I want to eliminate free EVERYTHING. That's why I can compartmentalize some things and say "It's better to pay a little for this, than it is to pay a lot for the consequences of not doing so". This is one of those things where I feel that the investment is worth it. Less babies clogging up the welfare rolls and, almost as a bonus, less abortions too. That's some "free giveaway sh*t" I can support.
True. It doesn't currently work that way because Conservatives won't allow it to, and Liberals want to push it too far. There needs to be a middle ground where it can work.
No, it doesn't work that way because it is the nature of human beings to get greedy when they are given things they didnt' EARN. It is the nature of human beings to act increasingly entitled whenever they are given something they didn't EARN.
I'm okay if they get greedy and want more birth control, especially if it keeps down welfare babies and abortion rates.
What world are you living in? There are some people that find themselves pregnant, usually young girls. Many of them need the welfare to get their feet on the ground and get an education that will make them independent of the Gov't. And many are very successful at that, but not the majority.
Most grew up on welfare and know they should have a baby every few years to keep the welfare coming in, they have never had a parent example of being in the work force and don't want to do that. Those girls will not have abortions. Abortions do not cut the welfare rolls.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
I'm okay if they get greedy and want more birth control, especially if it keeps down welfare babies and abortion rates.
What world are you living in? There are some people that find themselves pregnant, usually young girls. Many of them need the welfare to get their feet on the ground and get an education that will make them independent of the Gov't. And many are very successful at that, but not the majority.
Most grew up on welfare and know they should have a baby every few years to keep the welfare coming in, they have never had a parent example of being in the work force and don't want to do that. Those girls will not have abortions. Abortions do not cut the welfare rolls.
Don't waste your breath...the troll is gone. Banned.
I'm okay if they get greedy and want more birth control, especially if it keeps down welfare babies and abortion rates.
What world are you living in? There are some people that find themselves pregnant, usually young girls. Many of them need the welfare to get their feet on the ground and get an education that will make them independent of the Gov't. And many are very successful at that, but not the majority.
Most grew up on welfare and know they should have a baby every few years to keep the welfare coming in, they have never had a parent example of being in the work force and don't want to do that. Those girls will not have abortions. Abortions do not cut the welfare rolls.
Don't waste your breath...the troll is gone. Banned.
Have a great trip!
I will have a great trip, Trolls or no trolls. Thanks
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
I'm surprised it took so long to tell the truth. He wasn't very good as disguising who he was and posting through a proxy server made it hard to get his IPA.
“Until I discovered cooking, I was never really interested in anything.” ― Julia Child ―
I'm surprised it took so long to tell the truth. He wasn't very good as disguising who he was and posting through a proxy server made it hard to get his IPA.
I had my suspicions for a long time, but wasn't positive enough to take action. Then, he was ratted out, and I decided to lay a few discussions traps that he fell right into that confirmed his identity.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Almost from day one I questioned his identity. He would post things almost word for word on another board. I spoke about it at the time but not having any proof I just wanted to make sure someone was aware he might be.
“Until I discovered cooking, I was never really interested in anything.” ― Julia Child ―